Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1170: The Battle of Lantern Language (2) Latitude

Colored light beams penetrated the sky and the earth, and the mountains and hills that were just formed by the shock of the earth's crust also quickly changed their form in the radiation of this energy halo. I saw the original three-dimensional rock quickly flattened, and the original turbulent energy It also seemed to be compressed and crushed and twisted into a flat strip... Only a moment later, except for the Morning Star Magic Tower still standing in the storm, everything else on the Hatak Wasteland remained unchanged. Almost everything has been transformed into a huge fragmented ink painting by the magic of the "dead writing lantern".

The "Dimensional Shock Ring" is an alchemy spell that changes the environment of the battlefield on a large scale. This morning-star magic method specially invented for combat can instantly transform energy, matter, and material within a diameter of 500,000 kilometers. The laws are all lowered by one latitude. When the trajectory of the magical shock ring crosses the normal space, various things that originally belonged to the three-dimensional category will suddenly lose their third latitude under the cover of the colored ring, and then become like "Mirror in the picture" generally exists in two dimensions.

And in this battlefield that has almost all turned into a "paper" state, the spellcaster who casts the spell can naturally also use the laws and advantages derived from latitude to interfere with the enemy.

Although the magic power required to release a "dimensionality reduction shock ring" is relatively intense, if you consider it from the perspective that it can bring huge benefits to a war of attrition, then step into a two-dimensional world as soon as possible for the casting of alchemy spells There is absolutely no harm to the reader.

For example, in the course of this battle, on the vast Hatak Plains battlefield, the "dead wind lantern" that drastically changed the battlefield environment and even the nature of the battlefield at the beginning of the battle was obviously to engage in a head-to-head battle with punk. Up.

It seems that Walkway, who knows a little bit about "double casting", has fully realized that if punk continues to use this powerful legendary technique, then the "ball of destruction" flying all over the sky will inevitably lead to the consumption of the opponent's magic power. The current "Destroy Whisper" is the one who can't afford to consume more. If an alchemist like him fights well, as long as he withstands the exaggerated firepower that the enemy has exploded in the early stage, then the victory of the battle of the morning star is not dream.

And it is conceivable that in the crazy plan of "Dead Text Lantern", his action to change the battlefield environment is only the first step in launching a counterattack. Then, taking advantage of the punk's attack, there was a short pause within a microsecond, his eyes The ferocious Walkway had actually secretly engraved a slightly reddish mark on an unremarkable fragment of proton.

"Latitude? Alchemy? Can you make up for your lack of mobility by disrupting the normal laws of space? Can't you see that you are so crazy that you still know how to think about tactics? Mr. Zuo Mi"!


The cold spirit wave broke through the limitation of latitude and resounded through the sky again, and the two-dimensional space turned into "paper" could not stop the coercion of the strong from spreading.

Although under the control of the "Dead Wind Lantern", the lethality of the "Dimensionality Reduction Impact Ring" has been quickly concentrated on the location of the punk body, and the powerful morning star spells are clearly trying to pull their enemies in. In the distorted world, even if there are dozens of swirling and condensed two-dimensional law lines that cover the entire area where the Morningstar Mage is located, it seems that the position of a high-bright aperture is convex and concave on the scroll curtain. But still unmoved.

Even at the same time that the cold words of the forest were finished, the endless "rumbling" that shook the sky broke the slender and tough "latitude assimilation lines" one by one.

"Morning Star Conjuration Magic Spell-Hadley's Fury"!

"Legendary Skill-Double Casting"!

"Morning Star Alchemy Spell-Zero-dimensional Shrinking Ray"!

Walkway is a spellcaster who specializes in alchemy Hadley spells. He can also master the use of the law of latitude. In this respect, even punk has to admit the strength of this guy.

But don't forget, "Whisper of Destruction" is good at using magic spells, but also very good at alchemy spells! The major of dual-line magic and the minor of other dual-line magic not only brought him a lot of knowledge and skills, but also gave him a variety of enemy methods!

Now since I don’t know what kind of weird “dead text lanterns” are planning to drastically change the environment of a whole battlefield to facilitate dodge and attack, can’t punk overwrite the enemy’s magic with his own “modification”?

So when Walkway’s "Dimensional Reduction Shock Ring" was confined to his side, the punk who used the "Hadley's Fury" to create a close explosion shredded the surrounding space and aimed at the "paper-like" sky above his head. Released the morning star spell in his hand!


At the moment when the “zero-dimensional collapse and shrinking ray” that bloomed with white brilliance penetrated the sky, all latitude structures centered on the caster began a magnificent process of collapse.

If normal three-dimensional matter is a three-dimensional existence in the traditional sense, then the “plane” in the simple sense is a two-dimensional creation. If one-dimensional is a line without width and height, then zero-dimensional is an intermediate The "point" between being and not being.

At this moment, what punk has to do is to collapse all the surrounding two-dimensional space, matter, and laws into the illusory origin, and then lose the latitude of the natural environment as a support, and Walkway will also There is no way to continue to use the change of latitude to interfere with punk’s attacks. Even in the course of the next battle, the "dead script" will insist on using the "four-dimensional transition" for self-enhancement. He is destined to be in a zero-dimensional world. It's just a conspicuous target.

So far, the lunatic mage, who cannot use "Teleportation" and has been countered by the "Dimensionality Reduction Shock Ring", has lost the last high-quality displacement method!


" Damn it! Double cast or something is fine, alchemy spells are still acceptable, but you monster can even use latitude spells such unpopular things? Damn it, aren’t all my preparations to deal with you wasted?"

A little unnaturally, he quickly clenched his fists, bathed in a patch of zero-dimensional afterimages, and watched that his two-dimensional battlefield was torn to pieces by the enemy before it had time to play any role...Can't help jumping The cursed "dead writing lantern" seemed to have become more mad and excited than usual.

But... What if Walkerwei's hideous face is shining white with light projected from the zero-dimensional origin? The "Whisper of Destruction" who is concentrating on searching for opportunities to kill the enemy will not stop his offensive for any reason.

In fact, this time before the "Dead Text Lantern" had finished all the meaningless complaints in his mouth, the new and ruthless offensive from punk had already arrived in no time.

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