Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1171: The Battle of Lantern Language (3)

Walkway failed to successfully change the environment of the battlefield. In a zero-dimensional world, even his four-dimensional jumps lost most of their effects.

And before this crazy guy made any further moves, punk attacks had swept non-stop.

The attack of "Destroy Whisper" is divided into two aspects. On the one hand, it is from his own spell attack. Morningstar's ultimate move "Trace of Light" may indeed be difficult to hit the "Dead Text Lantern" that uses "Teleportation" to move continuously, but Today's mad mage cannot use "tele teleportation" in order to win the Blade of Setis, so in this terrifying battlefield, the threat of the attack of the morning star mage to the enemy has been greatly improved.

And besides that............The Morning Star Golem hiding in the shadows has also successfully stepped into the battlefield and quickly approached the enemy. It is conceivable that Xvia’s sharp blade will definitely be once again during the next battle. Leave a very deep impression on Walkway!

"Morning Star Spell of Conjuration System-Tide of Tracer"!

"Be careful, Mr. Zuo Mi, if you are killed inadvertently, then my spell model will be lost"!

There was a gloomy warning in the words, but the offensive in the hands of the caster did not have any room for relaxation. Against the background of hundreds of dots of light and dust in the sky, clenched the "Pale Scepter"'s "Destroy Whisper". Without mercy, he released the Morning Star spell in his hand.

Suddenly, the surging dark black liquid dissociation law even formed a fan-shaped wave and the tsunami rushed to the "dead writing lantern" that had just returned to normal latitude from the four-dimensional state. In the sweep of this huge wave, Countless zero-dimensional light spots along the way were swallowed by the deepest darkness...

"It's so interesting, so exciting, so wonderful. Only this kind of battle can give this sad world a little bit of meaning! But... my old enemy, you think your attack is really like you imagined. Is that powerful like that in the middle? Do you think that you are the only one who can use Morningstar's ultimate move, come on, take a look, the power I possess is not to be glimpsed!"

Facing the huge waves without evasiveness, the corners of his mouth were raised sharply, and his eyes were full of crazy "death lanterns". Not only did he show no panic because of the punk attack, he also acted as if he had found a friend to play with. The child was just as excited.

And while expressing his joyful mood with a blatant laugh, the amazing "dead writing lantern" really used extremely fast speed to target the "trace of light" that was bombarding him. A powerful trump card killer,

"Shaping Energy System Morning Star Spell-The Hate of the Skybreaker"!

"Kacha, Kacha".

The zero-dimensional light and dust shattered one after another, and the law of space no longer existed at this moment. A large number of shreds of the law with bright silver brilliance gathered in Walkway’s palm like the leaves of a guarding flower. The dazzling energy beam spewed out in the next instant without any suspense, and blasted into the dark wave that covered the sky and sun in the form of a cone.

Thanks to the concept of distance in the zero-dimensional world, the concept of distance has been greatly distorted, so even if the action is one step behind, Walkway succeeded in rushing to complete this before the dissociation law of "trace of light" engulfed him. The powerful Morningstar spell was released, and I saw the "Hate of the Skybreaker" with the palm of the crazy mage as the origin and the damage diameter rapidly expanding to three thousand meters. Even if it succeeded in hitting the turbulent frontally in this dark world The liquid dissociation law of attack.

For a time, even the most deafening roar turned into a distorted and expanded shock wave spreading towards the sky of the plane of Faerun, and the crystal walls of the plane that did not have the defensive power of the gray rock layer were instantly flooded by hot energy. A huge gap was torn open, and the thunderous laws and tides were extinguished at the junction of the two morning stars' ultimate moves. The two black and white disaster lights on the left and the right are like splitting the world in half. Don't give in!

At this moment, two powerful spellcasters who are immersed in battle in pursuit of victory do not even need to use other means to attack each other's defensive spells, because even if they rely solely on the "Ultimate Collision" of two Morningstar kills at mid-range, The damage that the aftermath of the scattered waves can create is no less than the average morning star spell attack.


"A mage who specializes in alchemy usually uses a spell of the mind system as the main combat method. Now, what is this Morningstar's ultimate move of the plastic energy system? It seems that the old Mr. Eman has not taught you a lot. Isn't it?

The second wave of full control of the "trace of light" slammed into the arrogant "dead text lantern", and listened to the crisp sound when the two-layer magic shield was shattered, the "murmur of destruction" was revealed in the words But his mocking attitude didn't give any face to this morning star member from the Red Robe Mage Guild.

That's right, Punk is trying to find other opportunities to attract the attention of the happy Walkway, because he needs to create opportunities for Xvia's attack on the front battlefield.

However, when facing the cynicism in the enemy's mouth, will the neuropathic mage who is still gritting his teeth and holding on to Morningstar's ultimate move and refuses to give up the "contrast wave"?

This is a thing that is difficult to be defined and judged, but at least when I heard the name of the highest leader of Santarin, the "Scarlet Scepter", the last second was still a serious "dead writing lantern". In an instant, he changed into a slightly gloomy tone and replied:

"Shut up, you **** who knows nothing! Old Mr. Eman will always be my most respected mentor. The knowledge he taught me is beyond your imagination. Would I tell you that In addition to this "Hate of the Skybreaker", is there another more powerful alchemy Morningstar spell? It doesn't doesn't matter! You will soon feel the wealth that Elder Eman gave me... ………"

While speaking viciously the so-called weird words, Walkway's body began to slowly show dark green lines like dragons and phoenixes. It is hard to imagine this crazy guy trying to maintain a Morningstar killer move. At the same time, he began to pave the way for another "more powerful" Morningstar ultimate move.

And according to such a posture, it seems that at the same moment when "Hate of the Skybreaker" is released, the second morning star killer move from "Death Lantern" is probably about to follow without interruption!


The dangerous battlefield with the ever-changing situation is not the private laboratory of any mage. There is no legendary professional in the world who would foolishly watch the opponent prepare for a big move without stopping it. Now don’t look at the confident "death lantern". He has barely delayed the attacking pace of Whispers of Destruction, but in fact, the shadow behind him is absolutely unimpeded.

Or at least on the surface it is "unobstructed"............

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