Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1204: Preliminary planning

"President" is gone, how can this shocking news be covered up?

It doesn't take much time to think, punk actually has the answer in his heart.

The way to hide the news is very simple-that is to let the entire "executors" act naturally and as usual when the throne of the sun exists, do not hide in a fight, and there must be no less revenge. The Pantheon has If you have the courage to fight, you will fight back bravely. When you need to cooperate with the Santarin Club, you can come with confidence...

All in all, the confidence and temper must not be lacking, and the power and means must not be slowed down. The policy of “rule by doing nothing” with eight legendary professionals standing as statues on the Khatak Plain must not continue, otherwise others will do it. To guess that something went wrong inside the Silent Alliance, the next "Destroying Whispers" must take on the responsibility of "provisional reviewers" and lead their temporary "subordinates" to launch revenge against the Pantheon.

Well, this is not destined to be an easy job, but punk, who has been perfunctory for nearly 60,000 years, really needs to pay attention to his work.

"Oh, I know that the "chairman" is never easy to get paid. The idea that you can enjoy the rewards by just mixing it up may not be realistic from the beginning. Now the advance "salary" has been spent. , The really difficult subject has also emerged, so should I lead these ordinary legends to cause the Pantheon to suffer heavy losses?"

While sighing helplessly, he drank the boiled water in the teacup in his hand. In the end, the "murmur of destruction" fell into contemplation and felt that his work was troublesome and laborious.

Now Kane is nowhere to be seen, the "Eternal Sleeping Eye" cannot fight, and the hapless Huiyue Mage can't find a helper... Except for so many horrible annoyances, he doesn't know the attackers of the Pantheon. What's the plan for one step............

You know, intelligence is the most important information in a war. The team that loses intelligence support will only be like a giant without eye pupils, with brute force but nowhere to play, so at this time, the team is blind and deaf. The status quo, "Destroying Whispers" is completely unbearable, and he urgently needs to obtain some information...Even the simplest and most vague information is 10,000 times stronger than no information.

So under the lingering support of such thoughts, Master Huiyue, who had never had experience in commanding legendary warfare, made a decisive decision-he wanted to send eight ordinary legends of "executors" to collect intelligence from the gods, especially It is the information of the subordinate gods of the great divine power divine system that must be understood!

Although in punk’s judgment, the combat abilities possessed by both the "Plague Box" and the "Candy Merchant" are below his pass line, the actual combat level of several other ordinary legendary professionals, including Babun, is also basic. It's half a catastrophe, but collecting intelligence is not a fight, right?

Perhaps the members of the "executors" are not professional spies who are good at sneaking into the enemy’s back and stealing secrets, but they fly around the border of the enemy’s territory and make sure which **** is staying in their own kingdom and that It’s okay if the gods disappear for some reason, right?

With this level of intelligence acquisition, "Destroy Whispers" will at least be able to judge the degree of unity of the Pantheon, the degree of enthusiasm of the gods, the general hands of the gods and the unused hands of the gods. Now, and only after roughly estimating this information, punk will begin to carefully formulate a retaliation plan belonging to the Silent Alliance as a "temporary reviewer".

As for some "trivial" security questions you want to ask?

Even if an inadvertent guy is accidentally discovered by someone else...Can you still run if you can't beat it? It's always okay to run but clenched your teeth and stick to the plane of Faerun, right?

Anyway, from the perspective of the caster, there is really nothing insecure about such a simple and easy task. He can't even figure out how weak the legendary professional will be in this "small action". .

After all, compared to the "Break Bone Die" task that "Whisper of Destruction" first joined the "Executors", "Gathering Information" sounds like the cheapest appetizer. The same is not worth mentioning.

In fact, in order to ensure the smoothness and stability of this revenge war, the punk who already possessed Huiyue's ultimate move and the Huiyue Golem did not intend to send the extremely rare and valuable "executor" ordinary legendary members to the real On the battlefield, because he always feels that he is the most reliable way to fight or go on the field himself, and at the same time he does not want to shield the "cumbersome kid" while fighting the enemy.

And in this way, if the battle damage of the legendary professionals left by the "guildmaster" is extremely low or even zero altogether, Mage Huiyue can just send a perfect answer to the returned crown of the throne... ………

Isn’t it an excellent plan? Simple, clear and efficient!

"Well, it's pretty good, so I decided to do it like that. I just have some common Legendary resources and Morningstar level metals that I don't use anymore. I can take them out as rewards and throw them to the gang of waste legends, so they won't have a reason Any complaints are raised... It seems that planning a war is not so difficult, does it? The next thing I need to do is to arrange my "wise plan".

After quickly affirming his thoughts the punk expression also returned to a calm and indifferent state in an instant.

Next, draw up a calm and composed speech in the "Whisper of Destruction" and go out of the Magic Tower to talk about this plan to the "statues" on the Hatak Plain. He needs to do everything A legendary member arranges an intelligence gathering path that suits them, and this kind of work is destined to inevitably lead to serious and rational discussions.

And after assigning missions to the ordinary legends, Master Huiyue also planned to personally go to Kane's Golden Palace to visit the knight who didn't know what he was doing.

Maybe his punk-sai'an is a serious and responsible legendary "employee" model in a sense, but this does not mean that he is willing to really "hold the power" to do the work of others.

Didn’t the “guild leader” explicitly say that the Knights of the Morning Star would also help participate in the war against the Pantheon? "Whisper of Destroy" doesn't want to be taken advantage of. If "Instant Kill Gun" can't give him a reasonable enough argument, then this matter is absolutely endless!

. Nine Heavens God Emperor

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