Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1205: Disappeared palace

The process of punk arranging tasks is still very easy. After all, in order to dispose of the waste resources that he no longer needs, the rewards he gives are relatively generous even if they are not as good as the "guild leader", and he is far from sure that the enemy is It’s not difficult to think about things like not at home, right? It should be known that in order to further ensure the personal safety of the precious legends, the prudent Master Huiyue even learned how the "guild leader" arranged for him to plan a two-by-two action mode for the eight "executors".

Therefore, with the dual support of "simple tasks" and "reliable rewards", many executors accepted the arrangement of "Destroy Whispers" without thinking for too long, even the "Plague Boxes" that seemed a little hesitant. "After being watched by the caster indifferently for a second, he finally did not muster the courage to say anything against it.

So far, a group of "statues" who have been standing on the Hatak Plain for more than 20,000 years finally have the opportunity or the necessary activities.

However, as the saying goes, "the moon is cloudy and sunny, and the sky is unpredictable", the task of "intelligence collection" is indeed arranged very smoothly, but other than that, punk's visit to the star realm can only use "very "Unsuccessful" was described.

And this "not going well" is not because of the small things like Baron Besadas, who is addicted to pleasure, shut out his "old friends", but because...

The golden palace of "Instant Kill Gun" is gone!

Yes, it's gone! That big golden palace is gone!

Although the small plane that Kane ruled is still quietly floating in the dead and empty space of the star, the punk's perception is enough to tell him very clearly... that plane is no longer magnificent and gorgeous. The golden palace, I don’t know if the so-called mad knight is not there.

There is only a huge basin that is almost filled by wind and dust and a small kingdom that does not seem to be developing very well.

"What the **** is going on? Kane this guy not only did not respond to the contact of the magic crystal card, but also moved his lair away. Is this a defect? ​​This is a defect! But why does he want that one to be nothing more than Take away the palace made of ordinary gold? What is the value of that broken thing?"

Bathed in the torrent of the turbulent star realm, and gloomily staring at the "former Morning Star Knight Residence" that had been reduced to an ordinary small plane in the distance, punk didn't even know what words to use to describe his feelings.

Surprised? doubt? anger? fling in teeth?

Maybe all of them, or maybe none of them.

"Whisper of Destruction" does feel that the departure of the Mad Knight is very difficult to understand, and he does feel that it is disappointing that he has lost an available helper. This kind of uncomfortable feeling lingers in his heart is naturally inevitable, but now he is entangled in this kind of thing. Destined to be meaningless.

So after only a little thought, the deep-eyed Mage Huiyue adjusted his flight direction, and then rushed directly to the crystal wall of that small plane.

He wanted to see what secrets were still hidden in this place that had witnessed the many legendary experiences of a Morning Star powerhouse!


Like a knife cutting cloth, like a flame burning ice crystals, the way the caster brutally penetrates the crystal wall of the plane instantly left a huge tear-shaped gap in the sky of the small plane, and it fell like a meteorite. The "Destroy Whispers" that entered the atmosphere also came to the basin where the Golden Palace once stood in an instant.

It must be admitted that even in an inconspicuous little plane, the changes brought about by the changes of time are rapid and intense. Punk clearly remembers that the last time he was invited by the mad knight to come here, the vast basin was still a magnificent one. The magnificent grand hall, and the golden statue pointing to the cloud is still shining with dazzling light.

But in a blink of an eye, after 200,000 years have passed, the old palace has disappeared. Now there is only a lush green old tree in this magnificent basin...

It is worth mentioning that the country that was once ruled by the "Instant Kill Gun" seems to have continued to prosper, and now this small kingdom has established on this unowned plane enough to be called a "dense According to the mental power scan of the caster, five or six prosperous kingdom cities even completely surrounded the huge basin that once housed the golden palace.

Punk can also tell from this that Kane shouldn't have left here recently, and that inconspicuous guy might have taken his "property" away long ago.

"It really leaves me with a problem, isn't it? My "old friend"? Your golden gate has not yet been opened to the outside world. You are running fast enough now."

Quite displeased, the caster squinted his eyes and calmly walked out of Yunkeng. Only a moment later, he obtained a lot of information about this plane, especially during the careful scanning of the site of this "Golden Palace". The "Destroy Whisper", who had reached the level of Huiyue, discovered some details that could be called "extraordinary".

Facts have proved that Kane is not the caster after all. His method of cleaning up traces is not proportional to the method used by Master Huiyue to search for traces. Therefore, even if there is basically no remaining "evidence" on the small plane at this time, he only needs Using the morningstar level of prophecy spells to scan repeatedly several times, punk still has the ability to find a tiny clue hidden in the latitude gap.

Those are the shadow laws that have almost disappeared, and these shadow laws still have extremely strong divine power!

"Whisper of Destruction" recognizes these remaining divine powers, that is the divine power of the fallen "Hurricane God" Atdylan...or to be more precise that is the fallen "Hurricane God" Ah The supernatural power of Tedylon's Kingdom of God!

So with the emergence of "physical evidence" like a flash of fire, now two new and puzzling questions have appeared again-why does Kane, the place where the out-and-out warrior once lived, will remain What about such a pure shadow law? Why is Atdylan's supernatural power mixed in the debris of the Law of Shadows?

It's really weird.

"Baron Besadas, what is hidden behind the gate of your golden palace? What does your disappearance represent?"

Putting the only two or three shades of the law into a black-red gem, only a meaningful gaze flickered in punk's pupils.


However, at the same moment when "Destroy Whispers" fell into thinking, a whole team rode flying horses from the sky to the basin. The gorgeous team also reached the top of the crater. It seems that Mage Huiyue has brought damage to this small plane. Finally, they still alarmed the tiny kingdom enjoying peace, and now they should have sent someone to check it out.

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