Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1238: Survived

"Huiyue level divine art-the silence of distance"!


Like a night flower in full bloom in the deep night, the emerald green spots of light also burst into bloom among the circulation of the air, and a dark black cone that shreds space and laws suddenly pierced the head of the legendary ranger who looked surprised. At that moment, the green light that suddenly burst out bright light and shadow also enveloped the "fog and morning breeze" that was too late to react at almost the same time.

So with the change of the law and the overflow of divine power, all the scenery illuminated by the green light instantly changed position and distance, and the powerful and rapid power directly pulled the bewildered ranger with the ground under his feet. In the clearing hundreds of meters away, the violent vibrations and fragmentation traces of the entire terrain when the terrain was changed strongly caused a large area of ​​forest clearings to appear large chunks of crust collapse.

After the targeted target changed its position in an instant, the moon-level spell released by "Destroy Whispers" naturally failed to hit the target. It just flew to the far horizon in a straight straight line, until it collided. It was only after reaching a towering mountain peak that was thousands of meters high that the "cone of destruction" with amazing lethality broke and collapsed with that unfortunate mountain.


The momentum created when a mountain collapses is very great, the deafening roar is as continuous as the drumbeat of thunder, the distant surging smoke in the night of the fire and the light shook the world like a behemoth awakened, one after another. The gust of wind caused by the shock wave even formed a howling tornado that swept trees and gravel into the clouds.

However, it is obvious that from the moment Likhos was rescued and survived, neither the collapse of a distant mountain peak nor the vibration of a nearby stratum collapsed would be ignored by the deep-eyed Mage Huiyue, because he He knew very well what the divine art of saving people under his hand just now meant, and he also knew what kind of "uninvited guest" came to this "silent" jungle.

Yes, there is no need to wait for the "silence of distance" to fall on "Morning Fog", and the eyes of "Whisper of Destruction" have already turned to the tall and leafy bush next to it.

To be honest, Punk did not expect that he would encounter an enemy at the level of the Moon in the Eternal Forest, but judging from the current results......this world will never lack a genius enough to be called a "monster", right?

His punk himself is an example, and the guy who appears in front of him at this moment is undoubtedly an example.

"Pious" Aikar-Call of Life... You actually advanced to "Huiyue"? But do you know? I am in a very bad mood now, and people who dare to provoke me when I am in a bad mood have never had a good end. How do you think you will end up? The chief priest of the life god"?

In a cold tone, he said his threat, and the expressionless caster had already pinched the second high-speed spinning "death cone" in his hand.

He doesn’t know what Aikar’s attitude represents, and he doesn’t know what Mimibez and Okris have experienced in this strange forest, but these do not prevent "Destroy Whisper" from conniving one The subordinates attacked his own subordinates with strong vigilance and hostility.

Although the legendary twins who cannot stay away from the battlefield in time if they fight against the "Pious" here will definitely lose their lives due to the aftermath of the battle between the two Lunar Professionals, since the enemy is a powerful existence at the same level as himself, So even punk can't take into account more details.

Even if the current situation is still unclear, the cautious Master Huiyue still must be fully prepared for battle!

But fortunately, it seems like "Destroy Whispers" hurriedly felt that Pastor Huiyue at the scene seemed less willing to use violence to solve problems than punk, so even if the threat of the indifferent spellcaster sounded very shameless, Ai smiled. Carl still pretended to be relaxed and said calmly:

"This is the second time we have met. Why is Mr. Sai'an still so grumpy? Speaking of you, you are also part of the blood of the elves, shouldn't you be more friendly when you face your compatriots? No kidding, I think there may be some small misunderstandings between our subordinates, and these "small misunderstandings" obviously shouldn’t affect the friendship between the Cult of Life and the Silent Alliance, right? And I think next You don’t need the juniors to participate in the conversation, no matter what the problem is, let a few young people leave first.”

Show the enemy to be weak? Show friendly?

Even if he reached the realm of Huiyue, the "piety" was still so handsome and mysterious as an excellent **** stick. Standing in the shadow of the bushes, he was neither anxious to clarify the so-called "misunderstanding", nor was he in a hurry to talk Punk discusses anything. It seems to the priest that it is the most important thing to let the "irrelevant young people" leave the battlefield first, and the degree to which he values ​​his two men is obviously very unusual.

Of course, Rodati, whose anger in his chest cannot be calmed down, must be emotionally difficult to accept the order of his chief priest, but under the silent gaze of Akal, the female druid who was grabbed by Rickhors's arm can only be recognized by gritted teeth. Realistic and did not issue any questions.

Perhaps in her consciousness, the "faithful" "helpless" compromise with the enemy is to protect the safety of herself and the legendary ranger, so she just glared viciously at the "Candy Merchant" and the Devil Grand Duke behind the punk, UU Reading www. didn't lose his sense of "Quenching Bite" and then transformed into a fire eagle and flew into the sky with Likhos.

It didn't take long before the figures of these two legendary professionals disappeared under the shroud of silent night.

Master Huiyue watched indifferently as the two "little guys" who could be regarded as "enemies" left his sight. He didn't take any action against the "irrelevant young people".

Because just now, the fast-moving spellcaster also opened a portal for his subordinates. Now the legendary twin sisters and brothers who dare not come out of the atmosphere are actually stepping into the "Destroy Whispering" magic under the silent gaze of Pastor Huiyue. The tower is.

It must be admitted that in a sense, both punk and Aikar at this moment have maintained a rare tolerance and tacit understanding, because they both need to take into account the survival of their precious subordinates, so they will not be in the "little guy" We" attacked each other before fleeing the battlefield.

But don’t forget that the action of the legendary professional is very fast. In fact, it only took less than a second. Rodati, Rickhorse, Mimibezi, and Oakley have all been far away from this dignified forest. Space...

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