Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 1239: Confrontation

The forest under the night is too quiet. The original sound of wind and beasts disappeared with the aftermath of the legendary battle. In this fragmented woodland, only in the empty, smoke-filled air, it spreads from time to time. A few bursts of fireworks, the thick smoke screen covered all the three moons, the gloomy atmosphere was carrying out the final brewing under the dead silence package, in the depths of the entire blindness of darkness, the original evil of the woods was also saturated A piece of death and cold light.

But this rare silence is destined to not last long, is it?

In fact, when the light of the portal flickered and dissipated in the wind after a short flash, there were only two terrifying existences, "Whisper of Destruction" and "Pious One" on the fragmented ground, still bathed in clean starlight faces. I got a glimpse, and for the Huiyue professional who seems to be in a hostile state, it will inevitably require a little communication whether it is preparing for battle or "clarifying misunderstanding".

The application of violence must be cautious, and abused violence is always the most stupid thing.

So instead of waiting for Punk to ask questions, Pastor Huiyue, who pretended to be friendly and spread his hands, said directly and frankly:

"Anyway, those two little guys who ran away will also tell you what happened in the Eternal Forest, so in order to avoid unnecessary violence, I will explain to you here. First of all, we are not enemies, and we do not need to. Hostile, in fact, we may become very tacit partners, after all, our interests never conflict."

Speaking indifferently and quite sincerely, the smiling Aikar has actually been carefully watching the "destruction cone" in the hands of punk.

As a very clever priest, the high priest who can control the entire elf royal court in the morning star is absolutely sensible. He knows how to deal with the variables in the planning process, and he also knows how to be punk. This kind of gloomy personality communicates with the strong.

So, taking advantage of the fact that the chain of suspicion between himself and the "enemy" has not been finalized, Aikar, who "showed the enemy's weakness" first, began to explain in a posture that seemed to have no willingness to fight:

"Um... Actually, I still have a little bit of apology deep in my heart. After all, I did use your subordinates a little bit, and I must admit that the efficiency of your two subordinates is really good. They helped me spread a plague of the Moonlight level among the many cities in the Elf King's Court. Presumably by now, except for the few elves of the Moonlight Capital that I have specially protected, all the other cities should have become complete. It’s a dead city...Well, my plans and actions are perfect, and it’s not wasted that I waited so long for an outsider who came to the Eternal Forest.”

With a gentle smile, Aikar said that when he slaughtered almost the entire elven race of the Faerun plane, it was like a fruit farmer discussing the effectiveness of insecticides in killing insects. On the expression of this priest, no one can see anything other than the signature sacred stick attitude, and to the true "pious person", what he calls "elves" is no longer It's self-evident.

Of course, since the chief priest of the Cult of Life doesn’t care about the lives of the tens of billions of elves, the more cold-blooded punk will certainly not care about the life and death of these intelligent creatures that theoretically share a certain bloodline with him. In fact, Ai Carl's behavioral motive is the most worthy of "Destroy Whisper" analysis of intelligence, even if he has fully realized that he is actually being planted by a sinister Pastor Huiyue.

But the motivation of a "loyal to the faith" pastor is not difficult to analyze, is it?

After just a little thought, the caster has already seen through most of the "Pious" plan.

"The goddess of life, Psycheona, is a very old god. She is very good at controlling the number of believers reasonably to ensure the survival of her emotions. Especially in the recent tens of millions of years, this great **** of power has almost She never passed on the beliefs of the **** of life to the intelligent creatures outside the Eternal Forest. She firmly controlled the number and scope of believers on tens of billions of elves.

Ninety percent of the elves are believers of the goddess of life. Apart from these pious elves, Serge has no other source of believers. So when the elf king's court is on the verge of destruction, the most painful deity is Is that goddess? So I guess your purpose of slaughtering a large number of elves is to weaken Psychia? And the purpose of keeping a small number of believers and putting aside their crimes and maintaining the pious image of the chief priest is to ensure that the goddess of life can continue to survive? Continuing to drive two ordinary legends who have no brains because of hatred can be regarded as a benefit for them."?

Aikar's purpose and thoughts were pointed out sharply. Punk's dark golden eyes never looked away from Pastor Huiyue's face.

As a veteran magic stick, Aikar is very good at concealing his expression. Even the "Destroy Whisper" cannot see any useful information through his "mask" that smiles all the time.

However, the caster still has reason to believe that his guess is correct, because no matter how he thinks, the "crazy behavior" of the "piety" can only have this kind of explanation.

What's more, just after the words of Master Huiyue died, the indifferent voice of the chief priest of the life **** sect unabashedly admitted everything in front of him.

"Yes, your guess is correct, Mr. Sai'an, the age of the woman of Sergeyona has long passed away, and she is just a cowardly little girl who has no power to control her. I will take it slowly. All her wealth, devouring her flesh and blood, chewing her bones, enslaving her believers as a "piety", and fulfilling my ambitions, even if everything I have now is actually given by her personally... It doesn’t sound like what a "righteous elf" should say is right, but it doesn’t matter. Even if you record all my actions today and publicize it, people cannot believe in the slander of an "evil archmage" "Speaking of words, from this point, I must thank you for sending your subordinates to my territory, because in today's multiverse, the wonderful crime of "destroying the elf court" is really no one more than you. It's suitable to bear."

While speaking "friendly words", he performed an aristocratic courtesy perfectly. Aikal, who was full of pride and pride in his words, seemed very happy-it is not difficult to see that this cold-blooded guy is very satisfied with the completion of his plan, so The joy and excitement of accomplishment have made the proud priests not hesitate to describe their "great success" in provocative terms.

. Nine Heavens God Emperor

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