Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 798: Get it

   Strictly speaking, Kane’s plan is very good, and its execution is in line with his usual decisive style.

   But... Considering that the mad knight's competitor is the cautious legendary wizard Punk Sai'an...

   Will his plan really have a chance of success?

   Obviously, not!

   Now that punk has decided to take the Huiyue Staff in his hand, how could he not think of sufficient plans in advance.

So when he found that Kane, who was smashing straight like a meteor, rushed towards him, the expressionless caster did not put down the arm that stretched towards the staff at all. He just released an already ready in front of him in a very appropriate way. , And very suitable for the spells of the current situation.

   "Legendary Conjuration Spell-Time Imprisonment"!


   In the next instant, the mad knight with a ferocious look unavoidably crashed into the magical area formed by "time imprisonment"...

Fighting energy is second only to abyssal energy in terms of lethality and destructiveness, so after Kane launches his "charge", the energy level he carries is very high, even "time imprisonment" can only make his figure appear briefly It's just a pause.

   But in the legendary level of speed confrontation, a short pause is enough to determine the outcome of many things.

For example, taking advantage of this moment of safety, punk used the hand of the wizard to fiercely fish the staff in his hand, and then, when the angry and savage mad knight broke the "time constraint" and rushed out again, he was extremely calm from beginning to end. "Destroy Whispers" have once again activated the "Crimson Ruby Necklace" flashing away.

As a result, in a flash of brilliance, the caster and the moon in his hand disappeared in place at the same time, and Kane’s sharp lance could only pierce an overflow in the empty astral space. The big hole of the shock wave,

   The empty cave entrance is full of violent storms with amazing lethality, and the fragmented fragments of the law are enough to prove how sharp and fierce Kane's attack is.

   But it's a pity that there are no targets on the scene to attack these raging law blades.

Disputes will inevitably bring victory and defeat, and a staff can only belong to one person. Although the mad knight has exploded at full speed in order to obtain his own benefits, his result is still the exquisite luminous staff in the end. Passing by...

  Some people may say that the reason why punk can successfully obtain the wand depends on the powerful effect of the red ruby ​​necklace, but...on the battlefield of life and death, isn't magic equipment also part of the professional's strength?

   Of course, even though he said that, Kane would never be reconciled to such a result.

   So the gloomy mad knight turned the gun body immediately after bypassing the storm of the rules he had created, and then continued to point at the caster in the distance with the refilled spear tip:

"Punk, you **** is too much! Do you really think this uncle is good for bullying? Don't forget that there are two people on this uncle's side. You can't get cheap in real fight, you better be careful not to step Aztlán In the footsteps"!

   If you get the benefits, you will brag, if you don't get the benefits, you will call the street. This is the characteristic of Kane.

Now that the face-to-face snatching was not successful, the unwilling mad knight immediately began to threaten unscrupulously. At the same time, in order to show his advantage of being "multiple and powerful", Kane quickly moved closer to the "smile" standing aside watching the show. .

   But for the threat of the legendary knight, the punk who was checking the staff was completely indifferent.

"Do you think two-on-one is safe? Then let's try it, but I have to warn an idiot in advance, if you are sure to use battle to determine the ownership of the spoils... Then I am afraid that only one person can live today Leaving this battlefield"!

Staring coldly at the mad knight with burning eyes, the caster’s voice is as cold as the cold wind of winter. Under the embellishment formed by the starlight background, the punk expression at this time is only profoundly calm and indifferent, just like him. The "unending duel" that I just mentioned was just a chat about the weather.

   But in terms of the spirit contained in the words, anyone can feel that-punk is serious, this "Destroy Whisper" who has already had the record of killing two legendary powerhouses is not joking at all!

In fact, punk is really not afraid to fight Kane and "Smile". He knows that the legendary magic of the girl **** is limited to the number of times, and after spending so long with each other, he has already figured out the trick to restrain the girl god. The magical way.

   As for Kane...

   Although the legendary knight is obviously stronger and more tricky, as a spellcaster with very rich methods, punk still won't be afraid of a fighter who has exposed most of his cards in front of him.

In the final analysis, although the legendary fighting skill of "Instant Killing Spear" "Instant Flash Sting" is indeed very powerful, but the legendary spell of "Destroy Whisper", "Singularity of Destruction" is not at least Punk really didn't believe that Kane had the ability to force himself a legendary spell and continue to fight.

Looking at it this way, even if the crazy knight and "Smile" really join forces to attack him in the next second, the legendary spellcaster who has begun to think about the battle strategy secretly will have the confidence to play a 50-50 situation, and at least not retreat without help. The problem is that the possibility of losing the battle basically does not exist.

  With such confidence, how can punk give up the benefits of getting it? He has sufficient strength as a bargaining chip! When the "crisis" of the battle was in front of us, the legendary mage, who never liked showing the enemy's weakness, immediately put on the spirit of "you dare to come, I dare to fight", and then vetoed any "negotiation" in the first place. may!

   Facing such arrogant rhetoric of punk, Kane, who was a bit unable to get off the stage for a while, didn't have time to say anything, but... the "smile" that was somehow pulled to the "station" by him was the first step to express his attitude.

   Obviously, the girl **** didn't want to be "represented" at all, and she couldn't accept Kane, a mad knight, to "represent" herself.

   So when Kane’s voice just fell, he quickly increased his speed and moved away from the center of the battlefield. The "smile" put on a clear and irrelevant attitude:

"I declare in advance that the concubine body does not intend to participate in any battles, Kane, you are looking for trouble by yourself, and the concubine body is not planning to drip into this muddy water. Speaking of which... Negotiations, you are really ashamed than Saddas!"

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