Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 799: Pit who?

   "Smile" took herself out of the fight between Kane and Punk in the first place. The reason she did this was not because of anything else, but she was simply self-aware.

   The reason why the caster and the mad knight are incomparable is because they have the strength, and they are the kind of powerful strength that is not afraid of fighting, but the most lacking thing in the girl gods is strength.

   In the legendary battle, only strength is the only "reason" that determines everything, and the behavior of going to the battlefield without strength is really being used as a gun.

Therefore, the "smile", who is very aware of the power gap, has maintained a clear attitude of "sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight" from the beginning. She did not see that when Kane and Punk rushed to the staff of Bright Moon at the same time, she was always calm. Are you standing aside and turning a blind eye?

  Because the girl **** understands very well, anyway, at her speed, it is impossible to compete with two "monsters" for loot anyway, and being a transparent talent is the most correct choice to avoid getting burnt.

But... Kane, who expects to use his "smile" to pose a threat to punk, is very upset about it. Now the biggest bargaining capital of the Crazy Knight facing a spellcaster is "I have many people". If "Smile" sits on the sidelines , Doesn't it mean that his favorite staff is drifting away?

   So after hearing the words of the girl god, Kane, who looked extremely unhappy, immediately turned his head, and complained loudly in a tone that was neither exaggerated nor warned:

   "Hey, hey, "Smile"! Who are you with? It would be too unjust to dismantle the stage or something? Wouldn't it be unfair to watch the punk take away the staff?"

   "...I don't think that, anyway, that staff can't belong to the concubine, why should the concubine fight for justice for something that does not belong to the concubine"?

   The girl god’s answer is very plain

   Kane’s hint is obvious, but unfortunately, it is useless.

"Smile" has now made up her mind not to get involved in disputes, so of course her answer is only a simple negative, especially when the girl **** has established a gesture of "no oil and salt" in just two sentences. After that, even the chattering mad knight couldn't say much for a while.

   Then, the silent astral space fell into awkward silence again.

Kane, who was still looking at the magic wand in punk's hand, didn’t say anything more. He could see that this guy was thinking about new ghost ideas, but the idea of ​​threatening punk’s profit has probably been dispelled in the mind of the mad knight. Up.

And the girl gods who "it’s nothing to do with yourself" are even more calm, "smiling" knows that at this time, you must never show any greed, even admiration or appreciation is best. All eyes should be converged.

   So in this quiet atmosphere, he hummed the small song "New Red Sand God" and even pretended to casually close his eyes.

   As for punk with vested interests...

While carefully checking whether the staff he was holding was trapped, he was vigilantly guarding against the silent mad knight and "smile", although he judged according to the "Whisper of Destruction"'s understanding of Kane, 80% of the mad knights who have lost the advantage of being “many and powerful” will no longer want to take the staff from their hands, but facing a combatant whose strength cannot be underestimated, his vigilance will not relax anymore.

In this way, the atmosphere of silence seems to have been quiet, the stars that are slowly extinguishing as the background are still dotted with a little bit of brilliance in the dark starry sky, and the fluttering star breeze blows the crystal dust and flies through, empty and silent. The confrontation between the three legendary professionals has continued.


   The legendary knight who is best at destroying the quiet atmosphere once again jumped out and opened a new topic of discussion.

"Well, if that's the case... let's put the question of the ownership of the staff aside, after all, there is still half of the magic tower left for us to divide up. The most important thing is-that half is hidden in the magic The magic tower behind the lock is obviously Kaleusk’s storage room and laboratory. My uncle thinks that the wealth inside must be very exciting... Although this kind of heartbeat may not be comparable to a staff..."

   reluctantly took his gaze away from the "pale scepter", Kane almost "forcibly exposed" the scepter with a bitter voice.

After all, the precious magic equipment has fallen into the hands of punk. With the "smile" completely out of the way, the mad knight has sensibly realized that he has no hope of regaining his "self-interest", and now he can only hope The subsequent sharing of magic materials to recover the loss, at least not to make this adventure more than worth the loss.

But this time, Kane, who intended to get enough benefit from the half magic tower, did not keep his eyes on punk. On the contrary, his lance actually volleyed through a semicircle, and then pointed directly at the "closed" The "smile" of "eye-resting".

   "...This uncle believes that it is fairest to divide the proportions based on the type of material. First of all, this uncle himself has no credit or hard work in this adventure, so this uncle took 40% of the spoils."

   Kane, who patted his chest brazenly and grinned, was not humble at all when he spoke with a mouthful of white teeth.

Then immediately afterwards, the mad knight’s sunny smile quickly changed When he continued to announce his distribution method, the sincere smile of the "boy next door" had changed in an instant. Become a sinister sneer.

"Next, we are our knowledgeable caster-Punk-Sean. His contribution in this adventure is basically equal to my uncle, so to be fair, punk is also eligible for 40% of the spoils. !

   And in the end, the remaining 20% ​​of the trophy............ I will leave it to the "smile" who has made the least contribution and basically has nothing to do the whole process, as comfort! How about, the distribution of this uncle is fair, right?"

The insidious smile on the face of the legendary knight looked extremely cold, just a word of effort, Kane retorted with a "smile", his "4:4:2" distribution method took care of When it comes to their own interests, even the interests of punk are taken into account, but these interests are all exploited from the most vulnerable girl gods.

  If the spoils are divided according to the distribution method specified by Kane, then the "smile" will become the biggest "catcher" in this adventure!

   Although on the surface it seems that the girl **** and herself are in an alliance, although she was still seeking the other's help to "support the scene" a few seconds ago, once there was a chance to gain benefits, the crazy knight turned his face much faster than turning a book.

   So in a sense, it makes sense for Kane to be able to get his current strength-his kung fu of hiding a knife in a smile, stabbing a knife in the back, suddenly drawing a knife, and turning his face when he turns his face is really fast and punk!

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