Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 800: fair


   opened his eyes sharply, and the scarlet pupils of "Smile" burned like a campfire in the dark.

   The girl **** who waited for punk and Kane to fight each other, and then her own fisherman's profit was completely unexpected, her "ally" who had been fighting the enemy for a second suddenly lit the fire on her.

Although on another level, Kane’s distribution is somewhat reasonable, punk did spend the most labor in this adventure, and the mad knight himself was on the front line to carry a lot of damage at the moment of the battle, only "Smile" is very inexistent because most of the time because it is kept hidden, the 4:4:2 spoils distribution ratio is still in line with the phrase "more work will get more."

   But for the "smile" who is also hungry for profit, as long as their own interests are damaged, all "fairness" will all become fart.

The girl **** took such a big risk, paid a lot of the price necessary for the real body of the **** to come, and when her wings were far from full, she followed two "monsters" to explore the unknown Netheril ruins in depth. what? Isn't it to get enough legendary resources?

   But now Kane’s distribution method has directly reduced her share of resources to an unremarkable level. How could "smile" not be so angry?

   I have been busy for a long time, two or three times, I almost lost my life. The final gain is only one-fifth! I am afraid that it would be unacceptable to change into a legendary professional who has a good temper, not to mention the temper of the "New Red Sand God".

   So just after Kane’s voice fell, the girl **** who even had two ponytails reddened by the fluctuating divine power of anger immediately retorted loudly:

"The concubine does not agree with this distribution method! Kane-Bissadas, don't forget who discovered the ruins. When Aztlan attacked with all strength just now, who took the huge risk to relieve certain The fatal crisis of man"!

   glared at the mad knight who was perfunctory, the "smiling" pupils even faintly showed fiery flames.

Now in the astral space where there is no temperature, the girl gods are already a little regretful for finding two greedy wolves like Punk and Kane to explore the ruins together, because according to the current situation, she has ten lucky opportunities. Eighty-nine will be the wedding dress of two "teammates" who cannibalize people without spitting out bones. How can the girl gods who desperately need magic materials not worry?

   But whether she is in a hurry, angry or angry, the mad knight who has never possessed the spirit of a gentleman will certainly not "pity and cherish jade" or take care of "allies and justice" at this time.

   The soft pinch of persimmon is Kane’s creed. Now that we have encountered the typical soft persimmon of "smile", how could the legendary knight not take advantage of it?

   So faced the question of the "allies", Kane with a careless expression just shook his head and replied while keeping his gun slightly raised:

"Um..."smile", it would be boring if you said that. Although you did find the ruins, it was a "legendary ruins". What we are exploring now is a "morning star ruins". You can be regarded as providing a "false information" at most. When will you be credited for providing false information?"

   talking unreasonably about his "reason", Kane's mouth slowly showed a sinister smile.

"As for the rescue during the fight with Aztlán just now......that's nothing more. My uncle didn't ask you to "save the hero". What you call "rescue" is just some narcissism. Crazy wishful thinking is nothing but uncle Ben will not admit it anyway."

   After finishing speaking, he shrugged his shoulders indifferently. The smile on the face of the legendary knight at this moment looked absolutely rascal.

Don't feel that a legendary professional who has lived for tens of thousands of years is ashamed of "Lao Lai". Guys like Kane who are full of false things and heresies have long understood the core and key research of "rogues", such as now in order to increase themselves" The success rate of the "persuade (rascal means, after a lot of nonsense, the mad knight has not forgotten to add the words that have the most definitive effect.

   I saw this guy suddenly turned his head and asked punk:

"Sai'an, you can judge, the distribution method of this uncle is very fair, right? 20% of the spoils for the "Her Majesty" who can eat plain rice is enough for justice. If it is not for the existence of the contract, the spoils will not Mention, my uncle has long asked the guy who "lied about the military situation" to compensate for his mental losses."


   "Well, it's fair, I agree with this proposal"!

   After listening to the description of the mad knight, the punk choice who had used the magic filament to carry the "pale scepter" back to his back nodded expressionlessly.

   Although he still didn't understand why the "allies" of the Mad Knight and the Maiden Gods wanted to "sincerely cooperate" while trying their best to entrap each other, these insignificant things did not affect his ability to obtain the spoils.

For example, Kane’s way of exploiting the share of magic resources from the girl gods is really shameless. Even the mad knight pulls the casters into the same camp to put pressure on the "smile", but as long as they can get benefits that match their expectations, Punk doesn't mind helping Kane make a "smile" together.

   After all, no matter what it seems, in the "adventure trio", the girl gods are indeed the best bully............

   In this way, the "New Red Sand God" is undoubtedly doomed.

Perhaps for the "smile", Kane's rogue attitude is actually nothing. After all, with the existence of the Judgment Eye contract, it is impossible for the mad knight to really turn his face with himself. The big deal is to give up the negotiation directly, and then everyone will rely on their ability. Grabbing resources You can use the "smile" of magical magic. I don't think that as a combatant, Kane can collect supplies more easily than himself.

   But now... after punk has also arbitrarily intervened in the conflict of interests, the unabashedly spiteful girl **** in her eyes finally has nothing to say.

The mad knight can’t take action against himself, but punk is not subject to any restrictions. If this distribution agreement that suits the interests of the caster cannot be executed because of anyone messing up, the "smile" can be determined, and punk will definitely take the legend without hesitation. The spell was aimed at herself, and then she directly grabbed the magic resources, and then she could only get nothing.

In the impression of the girl gods, the "Destroy Whispers" of the neutral chaotic camp made this kind of robbery that ignores the rules is simply a "basic operation", not to mention that if punk really suddenly launches an attack, "smile" can't even confirm Kane. Is it time to save herself... She is not crazy enough to gamble with this kind of thing.


After noticing that the caster’s gaze and the mad knight’s spear point were secretly aimed at him, the "New God of Red Sand", whose pink hair was dancing, could only open his lips, and then took a deep breath and made a deep voice. Said:

   "...Very good, fair, it's just fair, it can't be fair anymore, such a fair thing...concubine body will remember it!"


After    said, "Smile" closed his mouth and said nothing.

   She compromised.

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