Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 801: Reflection

Astral space is still as silent and empty as always. Here, it is very common that there is no matter within one or two light-years. The endless stellar wind is always able to flow past with sparkling light white energy. Every wisp of dead space finally quietly took away all the scattered matter and energy.

   In this way, the silence of the entire astral space has become a matter of course, and it is precisely because of this extreme silence and emptiness that there are very few wizards who are willing to seek knowledge as "astral travelers".

After all, it would be too lonely to fly in the boundless sea of ​​stars for tens of thousands of years to encounter a creature. The "travel" is too lonely. When you are in the vacuum of darkness, there is only a colorful starry sky slowly rotating in front of you. , Even a powerful legendary professional will recognize his insignificance from the bottom of his heart............

  Yes, in this era of legendary islands, what is even the "legendary" legendary powerhouse? In the face of the dark and unknown starry sky, even a legendary professional would take hundreds of years to travel a long distance without the help of space jumping. In the face of the battle that would suddenly break out at an unknown time, even if the soul of the legendary professional is crushed, it will inevitably die completely.

   What's more, because of the existence of "destiny", every legendary professional has to endure the absurd things of "people sitting at home and disasters come from heaven".

   Whenever I think of this, the legendary spellcaster who has never been willing to relax will inevitably feel sincerely. Even with the strength of the legend level, it is still an extremely difficult thing to "live" in this dangerous universe!

  ...In other words, it is extremely difficult to keep going "to live".


At the end of the adventure, and on the way back to the plane of Faerun after harvesting the spoils, Punk did not directly open a portal to enter his magic tower, but chose the more time-consuming "traffic" of "spent several years to fly back". the way".

   The reason why he did this is not only to avoid "smile" tracking and space law tracing, but also because... the legendary mage felt that he had to reflect on his adventure before checking the spoils and reaping a lot of joy.

   For spellcasters who are not afraid of loneliness, the quiet starry sky can be regarded as a very good place to think, especially the magnificent stars in the multiverse are also very helpful for the strong to calm down from the joy of success.

   Such as Punk-Sean at this time.

   When he was in tranquility, thinking carefully about every action detail of this adventure, the mage who was good at introspection was keenly aware of his own huge shortcoming.


Yes, looking at his various actions, punk found that his character was indeed a bit arrogant, maybe he hadn’t noticed it—he successfully promoted to the legend, learned the legendary spells, and defeated the legendary red dragon Emoda. -After Yanclaw, entered the ruins and advanced to the twenty-sixth level, a kind of "arrogant" mood has slowly spread in his heart.

   At first, punk still believed that he was just confident of his own strength, because his mind was still as calm as ever, and his actions were still as cautious as ever.

   But... If you take into account the forward-looking and profit ratio of some plans, punk feels that he is indeed a bit "inflated."

Let’s leave it alone, let’s just talk about the most recent thing-when the punk, who is no longer tempted by profit, thinks of his confrontation with Kane and "Smile" "in the starry sky", his heart becomes clear. Can not help feeling a slight lingering palpitations.

   Is Kane's current strength really all his hole cards? Is the cooperation between "Smile" and the Mad Knight really so unwilling? Do these two guys with "mysteries" written all over their bodies possess secrets that are not known to anyone? In case they really join forces to attack themselves, relying on their own cast level of only 26th level and a legendary spell that has already exposed its efficacy-"Singularity of Destruction" can really ensure a five-fifth battle?

After thinking about it this way, Punk felt that his so-called "strong" response at the time was really a bit too big. The most sufficient source of confidence he had was just "fighting the big deal", but once Kane or "smiles" If you have any hole cards, then this so-called "five-five open" may become four-six open or even three-seven open at any time. At that time, the arrogant caster will have to give up all the loot and turn around and run. It exists.

   Although the outcome of this adventure is undoubtedly successful, punk still believes that his mentality needs reflection.

In the memory of Great Oman Vedrasha, he has seen too many legendary professionals lose their lives because of their arrogance. One enemy and two has never been as simple as people think. The illusion of hitting ten, then Aztlán, who was beaten up by the group, is the best example.

   What about the life-saving spells of the Bright Moon? The result of being "guarded by the corpse" by the three legendary killer moves is still dead, and it is still the kind of "instant scum" that can't even say a word!

   What would happen if I changed to punk and faced such a situation?

   Anyway, "Destroy Whispers" is self-aware. He knows that he doesn't even have to carry three legendary ultimate moves. As long as he is hit by two legendary spells at close range, he will be killed instantly.

   To put it bluntly-if Smile and Kane join forces to make a surprise attack... then these two seemingly inconsistent guys are really capable of killing themselves!

   "The arrogant mentality must be The battle between legends will only be more dangerous than the fight between ordinary people, because professionals who can become legends are not weak"!

   stretched out her white fingers, and a mirror slowly condensed with water elements appeared in front of punk.

   took off his hood and stared at the pale, handsome, pointed-eared half-elf face in the mirror. The serious caster said to himself very seriously while continuing to fly:

   "You are just a new legend, where do you have the capital to single out two enemies of the same level? Be careful, be careful, your strength is far from strong."


   smashed the mirror in his hand, put on his hood again and restored the expressionless "Destroy Whisper" and continued to fly forward.

   As a legendary mage with the goal of resisting the "long river of destiny", punk can have only two life states-is taking an adventure, and... is preparing for an adventure!

Anything that can be called a risk is the first thing to consider is "risk" rather than return, but even if the legendary strong wants to make sure that the judgment is correct enough when facing "risk" and "return," he must Have a sufficiently complete mentality, and reflection and summary are undoubtedly the most necessary steps to adjust the mentality. Therefore, thinking after taking risks, correcting shortcomings, and summarizing gains and losses is always a behavior that a professional must perform.

   For example, now, the reflected punk has once again a qualified "adventure" mentality

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