Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 802: Pale Scepter

   After reflection, the punk who was still on the way began to routinely summarize the gains and losses.

  The financial loss he lost during this adventure is strictly speaking only four legendary magic potions, and compared to the harvest obtained by the caster, these four potions are obviously not worth mentioning.

  Punk’s first check was the 40% of the legendary magic resources he allocated.

Regrettably at this point, the magical resources that punk got were actually not more than the resources he got from the treasures of the God of Red Sands. Of course, this does not mean that there are scarce magical materials in the magical ruins, just Refers to the scarcity of "usable" magical materials in this ruin that has been abandoned for 1.6 billion years.

I have to admit that even though the great austrian Kalyusk is a morning star mage, his magic tower storage room does have a lot of legendary materials as punk expected, but even from a legendary perspective, A full 1.6 billion years of time is still too long. Such a time flow is enough to destroy most of the magic materials. In most cases, the legendary elemental crystals, alchemy metals, and the flesh and blood of monsters can't survive such a long time. .

   So when Punk and Kane opened the warehouse together, the sight they saw really could only be described as “horrible”.

Obviously, before Kalyusk left the magic tower, he certainly did not think that he would fall down the battlefield and cannot return. He also never thought that the materials of his magic tower could be used for experimental research, but also in the Netheril civilization. Six hundred million years later, "benefit the younger generation", so...

   Of course, he didn't equip his "magic collection" with effective measures to maintain long-term preservation.

The various magical materials piled up in his warehouse have already been "condensed" due to the interaction of energy and molecules, and piles of alchemical metals have almost "melted" into a pool of liquid state and melted into the wall. , Various elements are crystallized, and the solidified body of the law has become powder mixed with a torrent of energy flying everywhere. As for the flesh and blood of monsters, legendary medicinal materials are not to mention, 1.6 billion years are enough for them to volatilize all their magic The effect is a hundred times.

Even for a knowledgeable punk, it’s not easy to find useful things in such a miserable “time trash dump”. He had to use legendary spells to scavenge the pile a little bit by using thousands of magic materials. "Legendary garbage" is merged into", and then a little bit of magic is used to cut out those magical substances that at least seem to be usable on the "garbage cake". In the end, the caster even went all over with the "smile" In the storm of impurity energy fragments, some valuable law solidified bodies were screened out.

   Anyway, after a full months of busy work, the three legendary powerhouses were exhausted and left the ruins with their share of magic materials.

   After more careful inspection along the way, at least one-fifth of the corners and corners that are only legendary materials have to be removed...

   Not reconciled?

   Of course not reconciled!

A legendary adventure of nine deaths and a lifetime is not as large as a master treasure hunt. No one will feel unhappy in his heart. Even if punk’s harvest is richer, after he inspects the pile of “waste” he pulls out. "Bronze rotten iron" also frowned.

   Is such a gain really reasonable?

   is too reasonable!

The real "Legendary Adventure" is like this. The first opportunity to take risks is almost impossible to meet. Even if you have an opportunity and find a ruin, the magical ruins of other people's homes will not give a group of "tomb thieves" "Prepare the tribute. For the vast majority of legends who embark on the "treasure hunt", as long as they don’t lose their money, they are already considered as successful adventures. They can get some magical materials like punk, Kane, and Smile. Deserving of "great success".

   In this "Legendary Island Era" where the fate is eagerly watched, who has the right to ask for more?

In a sense, this huge risk and low income is also the key to the birth of many reclusive legends... Although theoretically, those reclusive legendary professionals who do not take risks should never want to contact for a lifetime. These magical resources possessed by punk, but the scarce harvest is always chilling.

   "Forget it, it would be nice to have such a harvest"!

   sighed calmly, punk said helplessly to himself.

"You can’t always compare the treasures of the God of Red Sand that hit the Grand Luck. What's more, the most valuable harvest in this adventure is not the magical materials, but the "Pale Power" grabbed from Aztlan. Stick" Yeah.

   Untied the staff from behind, and punk comforted himself while holding the beautifully-shaped pale-white staff in his hand and looking at it.

   After careful inspection, he has habitually listed a relatively concise function table for this "most precious trophy".

   Equipment Name: Pale Scepter

   Equipment Type: Staff

  Equipment level: Huiyue level

   Equipment origin: "Pale Ghost" Aztlan left behind after his death.

  Equipment material: The main material is suspected to be the magic metal "Steve Alloy" of Lunar Grade. This legendary material is a kind of artificially made alchemical metal, which has the firmness of Lunar level and good enchanting adaptability of Lunar Grade.

   Other auxiliary materials for the staff are temporarily unknown.

   curing spell

  1. Legendary enchantment spells-energy boost: increase the spell power or spell defense effect of the caster by 3%. This increase can only be effective for one legendary spell at the same time.

2. Morning Star Prophecy Spells-Mischuk's Law Hidden: The law energy revealed on the staff is Even if it is the case of the powerful person at the Huiyue level without the use of magic detection It is also difficult to see whether this gray-white staff is a powerful magic equipment or a simple wooden stick.

3. Morning Star Mind Spells-Spell Model Stabilization Position: Generate a position for the soul of the professional, which can help the caster stabilize the spell model to a certain extent and resist the interference effects of hostile spells. This effect can only work at the same time For one "morning star spell" or two "legendary spells".

4. Bright Moon Grade Plastic Energy Spell-Powerful Suspend: By tampering with the energy law, the energy around the caster is directly "paused" as a whole for defense, and the "paused" energy will be completely isolated from other energies Interactions.

   Note: This "suspended" "interaction" includes both the enemy's attack and the protected spellcaster's own spell methods.

   can be used three times when it is fully charged, and the automatic charging cycle is 300 hours.

5. Bright Moon-level Summoning Spell-Cursed Spirit Mark: Release a magic mark to curse your enemy. The marked enemy will reveal its position, and at the same time, it will continue to leak its own energy, and its soul will follow the magic. The duration of the curse of India grew and became weaker.

   Note: This spell has an array

Faction restriction, only professionals in the "evil lawful" camp can use it.

   can be used once after being fully charged, and the charging cycle is 700 hours.

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