Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 803: The idea of ​​the staff

According to punk’s speculation, Aztlan should have obtained the "pale scepter" from the heritage of a small plane. It was precisely because he found the heritage of a strong man that he was able to survive in an extremely poor knowledge. Promoted to Legend on a small plane.

After all, "the inheritance of the strong" is still very common in this multiverse. When the legendary professionals of the kind camp find themselves in danger of possible fall, they all like to be on tens of thousands of inconspicuous planes. Thousands of "remains" were left in advance as a heritage.

   And Aztlan should be a lucky one who has received the inheritance of the unknown Huiyue Mage. The evidence is an ancient Byronic message inscribed on the tail of the "Pale Scepter":

   "Lucky inheritor, don't care about the worldly gaze, go to practice the kindness in your heart, or throw yourself into the evil you admire-a sad and obscure wizard"

   "It seems that the maker of this staff is a "good person" who doesn't know the so-called.

   shook his head indifferently, and punk dismissed the message on the staff.

   He doesn't care about the origin of his magic equipment and what kind of thought inheritance it carries. From the perspective of a pragmatism caster, a tool does not require any extra things besides the various functions available for use.

   and pale pale scepter is undoubtedly a more qualified "tool".

It is a very powerful magic equipment. Although it may not have a lot of fancy and fancy effects, every spell cured on this staff has a certain practical value. As a "robbed" of The loot is already very good with such a function.

Of course, besides its advantages, the Pale Scepter still has some disadvantages. For example, the "Power Pause" spell it solidifies cannot be freely manipulated. A "pause" lasts for a full 16 minutes and 27 seconds. Then it can be automatically released.

In punk’s view, this kind of magic that cannot be controlled at all cannot be used in actual combat. The ten-minute "pause" time is not so much "invincible time" as "imprisoned time", in a legendary battle. , Such a long time is enough for the enemy to set up the magic circle, arrange the traps, prepare the legendary killer and then calmly "guard the corpse", but the spell user who enters the "invincible state" can only be separated like Aztlan. Waiting for death with the energy shield.

As for the other curing spell on the staff-"Curse Spirit Mark", in a sense, it is more practical than "Powerful Suspend". A curse of the moon level is enough to make morning star professionals fear it. Up.

   But unfortunately, this very powerful curse spell is limited to the "evil lawful" camp. As a legendary mage in the "neutral chaos" camp, punk cannot use it...

"With the existence of this "power" suspension, at least I don't have to worry about exploding myself into serious injuries when conducting experimental research on legendary spells. From this aspect, it can also exist as a very useful research auxiliary spell. , But the spell "Spell Spirit Demon Seal" is a bit troublesome. The Spell Alignment limit of Bright Moon Grade is not so easy to change..."

   Watching the simple and unpretentious carving on the top of the staff, rubbing the gray-white Guanghua staff, punk's brows can't help but frown slightly.

After simple thinking, the calm spellcaster found that the "pale scepter" in his hand might not be as powerful as he had previously imagined. The two moon-level spells it solidified had many limitations. Restrictions have seriously affected its role in actual combat.

Although the restrictions on spells on magic equipment are artificially established, theoretically speaking, as long as the caster has sufficient alchemy and enchanting techniques, it is completely achievable to remove these "irrational" restrictions and change certain effects of curing spells. But the punk who was still only an ordinary legendary level was obviously unable to modify a luminous moon-level staff.

   "Wait a minute, modify the staff"?

   stopped abruptly in the starry sky, and the punk's gaze changed slightly as he watched the "Pale Scepter".

   He himself does not have the ability to modify a Lunar Staff, but it does not mean that everyone is unable to modify and improve a Lunar Magic Equipment.

   At this moment, punk’s flexible thinking instantly thought of a mysterious figure he “heard”.

   The Silent Alliance belongs to the only member of the "Forgeers" group and carries the handle-"Peak Hammer"!

From the basic logical speculation, since this "Primary Hammer" can appear in the mouth of the "Chairman" and can support the entire "casters" by himself, his technical level and professional level must be certain It will not be too low, if there is an opportunity for him to help modify the "Pale Scepter"............

Punk feels that it is very possible to lift the faction restrictions of the "Curse Spirit Demon Seal" and change the control effect of the "Power Pause". In that case, the "Pale Scepter" in his hand can really fully exert the Moon-level magic The powerful power of equipment.

   Even if there is a chance, the "Hitzi Tower's Magic Box" that is still being carried by the caster can also be revitalized.

You know, since punk was promoted to the legend, the use of this magic box has been very rare, obviously there are many useful legendary curing spells on but it is because of the **** camp Restrictions, punk can't use one.

   Of course, at present, whether it is the lifting of restrictions on the "Hitzi Tower Magic Box" or the lifting of restrictions on the Pale Scepter, it is just an idealized idea of ​​punk thinking.

  In fact, this kind of revealing wealth in front of the unknown strong is inherently risky. After all, whether the Silent Alliance is trustworthy is still unknown.

   And if punk can't get enough benefits, "Peak Hammer" is not a philanthropist, how can he help others modify magic items for free? If you want to make a deal with a super alchemist like him, who is extremely rare in the entire multiverse, God knows what amazing rewards traders have to pay?

   Therefore, punk's final summary of the wand modification can only be called "hope, but very slim".

   "The road is long and long? It seems that "Pale Scepter" has no chance to exert his powerful power for the time being."

   shook his head secretly, and the punk, whose mood had recovered, put the staff back on his back again.

   Unknowingly, the caster has been flying in the deadly astral space for a long time. At this moment, the plane of Faerun has appeared in front of him again.

   Next, punk will carry the gains of his own adventures back to the magic tower. Thanks to the supplement of magic materials, the research and experiment of "Destroy Whispers" can finally continue.

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