Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 804: No need to hesitate

Passing through the crystal walls of the plane of Faerun, sliding down from the atmosphere like a meteorite, accompanied by the brilliance of a meteor shining from the night sky, punk instantly returned to his own kingdom of Khatak. .

The whole process of the legendary mage’s return is silent, like he left here, no one knows, because the caster’s attitude towards the entire Khatak kingdom is now completely laissez-faire, so the entire Khatak has not been for a long time. I saw the figure of the "Legend Protector of the Country" in my own home.

But even so, it’s nothing. As long as the magnificent magic tower stands on the ground, there will be no turmoil in the Kingdom of Khatak. Anyway, it is normal for a legendary mage to conduct an experiment for tens of thousands of years without going out. His life is short. Mortals do not have the luxury of expecting to meet a great legend.

  Punk flew back to his magic tower in the silent night.

The runes on the walls of the towers that entered the sky are still beautiful and shiny, and since the entire city around the magic tower has moved away far away, this area is still extremely quiet even if it is located in the center of the imperial kingdom. After the door in the middle of the magic tower entered the room, the only one who came to greet him was the "housekeeper golem" who was not very intelligent.

   "Welcome back, Mr. "Destroy Whisper", during the time you left the magic tower, the 4,760 working golems were running without any accidents, and all the functions of the magic tower are working well...".

   was reporting various information in a mechanized, rigid voice, and the chattering words of the butler golem were almost the only voice in the quiet night.

   "No need to report, I already know the status of the Magic Tower".

   interrupted the golem report impatiently, Punk opened the portal directly on the spot, and then he stepped into the empty "treasure vault of his mage tower."

  The legendary mage now has to put the magic materials he harvested into different categories, and then seriously think about which research to start next."

"It’s a good habit to put a lot of useless things in the storage ring into the warehouse in time. If a mage wanders around with all his belongings all day long, then even if he has more storage rings. Sooner or later, one day you will get a lot of precious materials but you won’t be able to hold them.”

This is the "famous quote" that Great Orchid Vedrazia himself said that year. This sentence is a good interpretation of why Netheril Great Orchid always fill their magic tower with various precious magic resources. Storage room.

   But in this era, Punk sincerely feels that this sentence is no longer applicable. He puts the materials in the warehouse just for ordering.

In fact, in the eyes of the caster, even if a professional has gone through a very thrilling adventure, "getting too much magic material" is simply an illusion. Look now, punk has gained this after the end of the adventure. Some materials haven't even filled his seven space rings.

   "If I knew this a long time ago, the storage room shouldn't have been built so big back then. Now it makes me the legendary mage poor to put this little property in."

   He poured all the magic materials on the metal floor of the dark gold storage room, and punk looked at the pile of "broken copper and rotten iron" that hadn't even put a tenth of the storage room space down with emotion.

I have to admit that the true legendary life is very different from the imagination of punk when he was very interested in building the magic tower. In the eyes of the previous spellcaster, the legendary life he will experience should be called "working hard to grow his life. ".

   But it is only now that he realizes that his legendary life should be called "the poor ghost's splurge of blood"............

   Just looking at the pitiful amount of these legendary materials, Punk knows very well how long his research will last, because even if he uses it very sparingly, this wealth may not support ten thousand years of high-frequency experiments.

   "............ It is still too poor, and this will form a vicious circle."

   The magician's hands spread out the colorful magical resources like small mountains, and the punk's brows couldn't help but wrinkled into the word "chuan".

   He knows that the legendary professionals of the "Island Age" are difficult to develop, but such a terrifying difficulty is also too difficult.

The current "Destroy Whisper" even faintly feels that he is still a little bit unavoidably sliding into the deep pit of a vicious circle-without resources, you can't improve your strength, if you can't improve your strength, you don't have the confidence to go out for adventure, if you don't have the confidence to risk No way to get resources............

   The most important thing is, even if a "vigorous" adventure is carried out, who can guarantee that the adventurer can get the benefits that meet his expectations?

  In this world, even if you choose an adventurous path forward, the darkness at that intersection is still so deep and gloomy!

   "It's not going to work like this, it seems...The proposal of the president of the Silent League must be considered."

   reached out and rubbed his temples, punk narrowed his eyes slowly involuntarily.

   From the promotion to the legend so far, he has tried two theoretically feasible development methods, one is low-key "farming", and time is exchanged for resources, the other is going out on adventures and using battle to obtain resources.

   But what he did not expect is that these two development paths seem to be difficult to follow.

"Farming" is impossible to "farming". The interference mechanism of the long river of destiny is like a natural disaster. It is impossible to hide and cannot be prevented. No matter how hard you develop, no matter how hard you work, an inexplicable "disaster" is enough to destroy all of yours. The results of hard work.

And going out for adventure seems not ideal This time punk has experienced a near-death situation in the magic tower ruins of Kalyusk, but the magic resources he got are still only enough. Used for less than ten thousand years.

   In summary, the only opportunity for punk to develop and become stronger now seems to be the only option to join the "executive group" of the Silent Alliance.


   Silently put the legendary materials scattered on the ground into different categories, and the expression of the legendary mage began to become a little uncertain.

Throughout the wonderful history of the multiverse, the Silent Alliance is a somewhat "dead" legendary organization. After all, it is not just talking about the enemy of "The Long River of Destiny", and considering the eyes of the "President" Sandy’s character is not allowed. Once such an organization joins, it may not be so easy to withdraw.

   So, before sorting out the rewards of this adventure, the punk mentality has been a little hesitant.

   He was hesitating whether he should join the "Silent Alliance" and whether he should join the "President" executive group.

   But now, looking at the storage warehouse where he was "pushed and impoverished", the caster suddenly felt that he had nothing to hesitate.

  Think about it carefully......The president of this guy... is still pretty reliable, he said, how much is his reward now? three times! People are silly money to find out more quickly.


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