Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 806: Comer

In the multiverse, any piece of legendary magic equipment that can be used in actual combat is very precious. You don’t see punk. Fortunately to this day, he only has the "Magic Box of Hatzita", "Red Ruby Necklace" and "Pale Scepter" these three legendary equipment.

No way, after all, the path of alchemy is too expensive and difficult to follow, especially in the multiverse of this "legendary island" era, there are only a handful of spellcasters who can advance to the legend and major in alchemy spells, even though Punk himself only minored in alchemy spells.

   What's more, even if you have alchemy technology, the production of a legendary equipment is still not an easy process.

Magic materials are consumables, and they are also disposable consumables that are difficult to reuse as long as they are scrapped. The alchemy tool itself is also a legendary magic tool. Although it is not a "combat equipment", a set of " "Usable" legendary tools still require a large amount of legendary metals as raw materials.

   Not to mention the preciousness and scarcity of alchemy knowledge is simply self-evident. Under normal circumstances, a legendary spellcaster may not get the simplest legendary potion formula until he is promoted to Morningstar.

And on the other hand, the difficulty of alchemy spells is absolutely extremely complicated. Even if a legendary powerhouse makes magic equipment by himself, someone who accidentally makes precious materials into master-level golems like the magic crow vector Inferior goods.

Moreover... in the multiverse, there is a rumor that is very difficult to judge whether it is true or false. It is forcing every mage who tries to make a legendary creation to be vigilant. This rumor means that making a legendary creation is also a "too high profile." "" behavior, this behavior may also be recorded by the "long river of fate"!

   It is precisely because of so many restrictions that magic equipment has become so scarce and difficult to find. The legendary golem, which should have become the strongest barrier to the caster, has remained in the legend...

  Punk needs to admit that the alchemy experiment seems to be quieter, more complicated and troublesome than other studies, but... it is precisely because of the mystery and loneliness in this silent realm that he feels more pleasant.

When the caster stood in front of the experiment table and picked up the alchemy knife, the feeling of total unknown, mysterious, silent, dangerous and elegant that seemed to overflow from the design drawings of magic equipment was even refreshing. He did not feel fear or tension. At this moment, the emotions in the heart of the legendary mage are only the tranquility of the ancient well and the passion of undercurrents.

   What if the rumors are true, even if the production of a legendary equipment is really possible to attract the eyes of fate? There is nothing in the world that can prevent a Netheril successor from pursuing the magic of magic, even "destiny" is no exception.

   staring at the legendary leather tiled on the metal tabletop, recalling the extremely detailed alchemy design in his mind, punk took a serious breath.

   Next... he will start to make the first legendary magic equipment in his life!


   "Ding Ding Ding"!


Accompanied by the sudden ringing of the crisp bell in the laboratory, the sharp blade that cut the space and the law suddenly stopped right above the leather. At this time, the tip of the blade was less than one micron away from the beautiful leather like the starry sky. It's just that under the control of the magical force of the caster, the sharp blade still didn't really cut.

   "Why bother me, Sebastian"!

   "Sebastian" is the evil name that punk gave to his golem butler. Now the caster is using the communication circle to contact his magic tower butler with an impatient expression.

In order to ensure that he is not disturbed in the process of making magic equipment, Punk’s laboratory is now completely closed. Except for his golem butler who can open special contacts, any energy, matter, laws, and information in the outer space are all It is impossible to invade this closed room.

  According to the caster's previous thoughts, as long as he starts to use the knife on the only piece of legendary leather, unless someone outside attacks his magic tower, he will not go out and take a look even if the kingdom of Khatak is destroyed.

   But now...Strictly speaking, the blade of punk hasn't cut the leather of the knife, so after receiving the communication reminder from the build housekeeper, the caster still contacted him with patience.

  Sebastian’s settings have an excellent "customer identification function". If the people who visit the Magic Tower are just some scholars who do not know the so-called, the Golem Butler will start the killing program to clean up the "bugs".

   And now that Sebastian chooses to send the notification in the first place, it proves that what happened outside the magic tower exceeds its decision authority.

   For such a situation, punk thinks he needs to pay attention to it.

Although the legendary mage faintly felt that this kind of "emergency" interrupted the production of magic equipment a bit too "appropriate benefit", this "appropriate benefit" is almost like... "it" is warning himself. !

   "Sebastian, report the situation."

   put down the blade blankly, and the punk pupils shrank slightly and commanded in a low voice.

"Yes, the great Mr. "Destroy Whisper"... After the recognition system judges, the creature standing in front of the entrance of Magic Tower 6 is the human warrior you have marked-Ganatika. He is now asking to see you ".


   frowned slightly, and punk repeated the name playfully.

Now the spellcaster has temporarily lifted the closed state of the laboratory, and the information from the outside world has been received by the legendary mage once again. Because once left a legendary prophecy spell in the soul of this young warrior-the magic pupil of the soul, UU read so now punk can easily judge that Ganatica is indeed outside his magic tower at this time.

   And after a simple perception, he was slightly surprised to find that the combat rank of this young Avenger had reached the nineteenth peak.

"It's really a **** of fate, but it has reached level nineteen in a mere two thousand years. I am afraid that this kind of outstanding combatant talent is even better than that of Kane." ?

   raised his brows calmly, and Punk gave a positive evaluation of Ganatika's talent.

   By this time, punk certainly knew that Ganatica had come to find what he was doing. The spellcaster who had laid the groundwork foreshadowed him still remembered what he said to the young avenger:

"...When you reach the nineteenth level and plan to be legendary, come to the magic tower of the Kingdom of Khatak to find me. If you are willing to sign a contract at that time, I might consider giving you some help …………"

When saying this, the legendary mage’s investment in Ganatica was just a random release of a legendary surveillance spell. In fact, he did not feel that he was so stunned, impulsive, and acting like the young Avengers. How long can a guy with a particularly deadly style live in the master stage.

   But now it seems............

   It's that punk underestimated the vitality of the "fate pawn".

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