Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 807: investment

Punk saw Ganatica at the exit 6 of the Mage Tower. Since there were no creatures around the Magic Tower, the tower at this time was actually like standing on a rocky ground, waiting at the door. Ganatika can only find a stone to sit down.

For most professionals, two thousand years is undoubtedly a very long time. After all, this time is close to half of the life course of a master-level professional, and Ganatika, who has experienced the baptism of two thousand years of time, has also emerged. A lot of changes have taken place. Although his appearance has been fixed to look like he was about eighteen years old, compared to the hot-blooded young man who was full of anger, he looks much silent and gloomy at this time.

   It’s just that in the remaining pupil, there is hatred, anger, and the flames of madness have not yet subsided, and these flames have even burned more and more over time.

The memory of professionals is so strong that neither happiness nor hatred will be forgotten. To this day, Ganatika’s right eye frame is still inlaid with the red gem containing Pandora’s remnant soul and the flesh and blood that grows. It has been wrapped into a new "eyeball", and it can be seen that the long period of two thousand years has not caused Ganatika to forget his lover, let alone let him let go of the hatred in his heart.

   Time cannot calm the anger of professionals, it will only make the crazy flames burn more and more hot!

   "Two thousand years have passed, and you seem to have experienced a lot of things, do you remember who you are"?

   took a step from the portal, and the punk who watched the young Avengers for a long time asked calmly.

He did not care too much about the interruption of his research on the production of magic equipment. No matter whether the interruption of "appropriate benefits" was related to "fate", punk could not give up his alchemy experiment, but now, he plans to deal with it first. Finish the affairs of Ganatica.

   After all, this former "braveman" is a "fate pawn" who is qualified to attack the legend. Punk feels that this guy still has the value of being paid attention to.

   "I am Ganatika, a crazy avenger".

   raised his head to answer punk's question, Ganatika's expression looked hollow.

   Obviously, the two thousand years of "crazy revenge" did not give Ganatika any happiness, and the whirlpool of hatred had already drawn him into the abyss of darkness.

"I have destroyed all the countries around Scott, and I have also discovered more hypocrisy and horror. I have seen the nobles enjoying the luxurious life while exploiting the poor at the bottom and calling themselves "the benevolent." Those who claim to be kind gods sit back and watch their believers be tortured and are indifferent... I hate the existence of these hypocrites, and their hypocrisy makes my anger unquenched, just thinking of these shameful guys and me and Pandora. Living in the same world, I feel that every cell is burning violently"!

   suddenly raised his head, several scars on Ganatica's face began to become more and more distorted along with the emotions of the teenager, and the scarlet ruby ​​gleamed with blood under the flesh and blood of the right eye frame.

"I can't tolerate coexistence with those hypocrites in the world. I hate them and want to kill them, especially those gods... Especially the **** who claims to be "just" but protects evil nobles-"Tyr", I And Pandora hates the existence of these hypocrites! But... I have no power, I can't kill a great divine power, so I hope to get a chance to gain power, a chance to continue on this road of revenge."

Ganatika gnashed his teeth and cursed the **** of justice "Tir", while seeking punk's help very sincerely. It can be seen that everything this guy said is true. He is a warrior who is not a master. He really hated a great god, and even threatened to kill him anyway.

It is conceivable that if Ganatika’s words were spoken elsewhere, everyone would laugh at him for his whimsical and uncontrollable nature, and even if there were other devotees of the kind-hearted deities present, the youth at this time would have revenge. The person might have been besieged by a group of fanatics.

   But in the Kingdom of Khatak, under the magic tower of punk, Ganatica’s "dream" will not be ridiculed.

   Because in the eyes of punk, the dream of "killing the great power" is far from being upscale.

   In the multiverse, there are even lunatics who challenge the "long river of fate". Even if this sad group of gods achieves "great power", they are just running dogs of "destiny". The mere "god of justice" is really nothing.

   What's more, this world is a world with infinite possibilities. Who knows what height a small person will reach in the future?

   So, facing the firm eyes of the young Avengers, the punk, whose face was mostly hidden under the hood, just reminded him expressionlessly:

   "I have seen a lot of guys who fall into madness because of stubbornness, and now, I think you have begun to wander on the edge of madness, then when the "opportunity" comes, which path will you go to?"

   quietly waiting for the answer from the young Avengers, punk kept enough patience from beginning to end.

When talking to Ganatica for the first time two thousand years ago, the idea of ​​"training a legendary fighter as a subordinate" appeared in the heart of the caster, and as long as the "eye of judgment contract" was signed in advance, punk Don't worry about betrayal.

   Although this kind of behavior will definitely be marked by the "long river of fate", if it succeeds, punk believes that the benefits he can get are completely worth the risk.

But even with such an idea, it is not so easy to cultivate a legendary powerhouse. Even if punk still has two "divines" in his hands, he can also make two "redeemer divine neutralizing potions". No exception.

   After all, there are many master-level professionals who can reach the nineteenth level in the world, but the "19th-level master-level professionals" who meet the requirements for promotion to the legend are too rare.

   Do you still remember the conditions for a professional to be promoted to the legend and the extremely low probability of those cheating people?

  Inhuman skill control, understanding of the law, and...very good luck...

  Who knows whether a seemingly good master-level professional really has such things as "inhuman will, super understanding ability, very good luck"? It is impossible for a legendary powerhouse to detect and confirm through magic.

   So in theory, even if someone is willing to take the risk of being targeted by the "long river of fate" to cultivate a legend, the degree of difficulty he faces is absolutely beyond imagination.

   After all......Any professional who has the qualification to advance to the legend can be met but not sought, and it is impossible to determine whether it is truly qualified after the "seeking", not to mention that this kind of thing is sometimes very lucky.

If you are unlucky and the investment target is not successfully promoted, then all the costs that the caster has to pay, such as the "Divine Neutralization Potion", the "Eye of Judgment Contract" that is targeted by "Fate", and even the "Eye of Judgment Contract" consumed in advance Now, these prices are precious resources! Put

Taking out a piece of "divine nature" or something is a "squandering" behavior that even Morningstar professionals hurt!

So for punk, if he decides to "give Ganatika" a chance, then this idea must be very extravagant, because this is not a bit of bread crumbs thrown by the legendary power to the ants, but a "poor man" "I am using my few assets to make a real big investment!

   So the question is... Is such a "legendary investment" really worth it?

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