Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 808: determine

  Punk thinks that his investment in Ganatica is worthwhile, because in all aspects, Ganatica does have a chance to advance to the legend.

  Although things like "willpower" cannot be measured with precise data, the caster believes that the willpower of the teenage Avenger who has gone to extremes and has been in a vortex of hatred for two thousand years will never be too low.

   At the same time, since he pursues the extreme revenge thought and can reach the pinnacle of master level all the way, it can at least prove that as a "pawn of destiny", his luck should not be too bad.

As for comprehension and comprehension... Ganatika is just thinking extreme, not low intelligence, not to mention that this guy was personally guided by punk to teach Pandora when he was a child, so he wanted to get a "general" for his thinking level. The evaluation is at least no problem.

On the whole, the young Avenger at this time is already a good "seed player", at least he has the basic qualifications to attack the legend, what he lacks now is just a "redeemer divine neutralizing potion" That's it.

In punk’s cautious judgment, Ganatika’s success rate after drinking the "Redeemer Divine Neutralization Potion" should reach about 30%. This success rate is for most people in this era. It's already very amazing.

   So after careful consideration, the legendary mage who never missed any opportunity finally made his own decision faintly.


Ganatika lost an eye, but his eyes are still very good. Although this guy's thinking is extreme and crazy, since he still remembers to come here to venture out and seek help from punk, it proves that he is still good at grasping. Live the opportunity.

   So after seeing the punk questioning, she fell into a state of silence, thinking that she was going to be rejected, Ganatika quickly stated seriously:

Mr. "Destroy Whisper", I am willing to give everything to kill the hypocrites in the world. My determination is comparable to fine gold and mithril. If you can give me a chance to become stronger, then I will be the **** of Tyre. Before killing the "righteous gods", I can obey your orders and become your subordinates."

   solemnly made a promise. The young Avengers had already stood up excitedly. It could be seen that he had great expectations for the "help" he could get from punk.

"Oh? I am a neutral chaos mage in the name of destruction. This wilderness is barren because of people's fear of me. In order to avenge the "just running dog", do you even hesitate to cooperate with the "wicked man"" ?

   Hearing Ganatica's sonorous remarks, the corners of Punk's mouth made a smile.

He doesn’t care about the great power of the person Ganatika wants to avenge, because he can be sure that a guy like Ganatika will not survive the day when he has enough power to take revenge. He is more concerned about this being. Is the young man full of hatred and hysteria obedient enough, will he take the initiative to loyalty, after all, punk doesn't want all future orders to be issued through the Eye of Judgment contract.

   And the performance of this crazy avenger still made the legendary mage very satisfied.

   Facing the caster’s playful question, Ganatica did not show any wavering, but he did not hesitate to say firmly:

"Whether it is neutral, evil, lawful, or chaotic, they are all upright. Only those "good" who wear the cloak of hypocrisy, those who call themselves "good" hypocrisy make me sick, make me angry, and make my dear Pandora do it. Pain, so as long as I have a chance to get rid of those hypocrisy, it doesn't matter whether it's chaos or evil"!

The setting sun slowly fell at the end of the horizon, and the crimson clouds set off against the fiery ground. Before "Mira" and "Chicasa" fell into the night, the wanton spread of **** light dyed the entire field of late autumn and swayed with the wind. The wormwood turned into a dancing flame, the red gauze-covered rock turned into a hot soldering iron, the billowing heat wave turned into a swept wind, and the whole world seemed to surge in flames.

   "You are actually crazy, right? The stubbornness of a madman is as incomprehensible as the piety of a mad believer."

   gazed at the boy in front of him with a weird look, and the unknown cold light appeared in punk's eyes.

   "Yes, I was crazy from the moment Pandora died. Anyway, the world itself is crazy. Why should I be alone?"

   touched the bright ruby ​​in his right eye socket with a gentle motion like touching the face of his lover. Ganatika’s words were full of what was already clear for granted, and then, he regained his serious and determined expression and continued:

"I am a madman who indulges and revenges. That's right, because only hatred can wash away the sadness in my heart, but I can still be your help. If you need to fight in the future, please be sure to give me experience in the battle of life and death. opportunity".

The young man stared persistently at the legendary mage who was wearing a hooded robe and couldn't see his face. He didn't know if he had enough value, let alone whether he would be slapped by the strong in front of him in the next second. dead.

   But for this unique opportunity, Ganatika is still willing to stand still and wait for the result of the "trial".

   He needs power and revenge, so much! And in this world, only punk can give him the power he dreams of!

"Very good, since your determination is so firm, then let's see if you have the possibility of being promoted to After staring at Ganatika for a few seconds, punk only used it. A non-emotional voice spoke out his decision, and this decision will also be the content of the next "deal" between him and Ganatika.

"I will give you a very precious potion. Your success rate in the promotion to the Legend will be greatly improved because of the existence of this potion. However, as the price of obtaining this potion, you need to sign a Legendary Trial with me. Eye contract, if you are successfully promoted, you must unconditionally obey any orders from me before you reach the Yaori level. The Judgment Eye, which represents absolute order, will bear witness to the contract"!

The caster’s voice was cold and heavy, and it sounded like darkness whispering softly. Even Ganatika, who had been standing in front of the magic tower for a long time, couldn’t help but fought a cold war, because it was accompanied by the approach of night And punk indifferently declared, the silent wilderness seemed to suddenly have a little bit of cold directly into the soul.

"Sebastian will take you to the guest room of the Magic Tower. Then you just need to wait for me to make the potions and contracts. But even if you have free time, I still hope you can make the most of every moment. Adjust the soul status, because there is always only one chance to advance to the legend."


   "I obey orders"!

   Seeing that Punk had already turned around and stepped into the portal, Ganatika quickly replied in a cautious voice that did not dare to neglect.

   He understood that he finally got this precious "opportunity"!

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