Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 817: Investment and new thinking

Although Ganatika has been promoted, he is still in a deep sleep, and as a profit-oriented "boss", punk has already begun to plan the future for his important subordinate.

First of all, the caster must first clarify the fact that for a long time, Ganatika can neither venture out to obtain resources, nor join the Silent Alliance to become a punk aid, because he must honestly hide Spend the most dangerous "rebirth phase" in the magic tower.

You know, with the exception of "monsters" like punk, which cannot be measured by common sense, most true-new legends who have just reached the legendary level are completely ineligible to participate in legendary battles, because such as Ganatika. The typical legendary rookie has neither legendary combat experience nor the legendary fighting skills that can contend with various legendary methods, and he does not have any legendary equipment on him as a hole card.

So even though the young Avengers at this time possessed twenty combat ranks, he was still just a legendary "whiteboard". Sending such a whiteboard to the battlefield would undoubtedly send him to death in vain. This kind of letting the legendary subordinates Punk can't do things for nothing.

It is not easy for the four Azhe to get Ganatika as a subordinate, and the investment is huge. What he needs is the young revenge to continue to create benefits for himself in the future, rather than being easily "harvested" by others as combat experience. kill.

From a short-term plan, Ganatika is a free labor and a "living legendary golem". From a long-term development perspective, this subordinate who can almost guarantee 100% loyalty and will not violate any orders can even Said to be the first group of punk forces.

Therefore, whether it is for short-term or long-term interests, punk must ensure that Ganatika has sufficient self-preservation power before leaving the protection of the magic tower. It is also at that time that the gasp mage’s investment has received a lot of investment. Stage of earnings.


"It is not easy to cultivate a loyal and useful subordinate at the level of a legend, and it is even more difficult to cultivate a force team. If you really want to form your own force in the future, God knows how much resources are needed to support it."

When I think that I will continue to invest in Ganatika, the rookie, the punk standing in front of the experimental platform feels a headache.

Just thinking about the caster will understand that if a legendary professional wants to have the strength to fight other legendary powerhouses, then he must have at least a few covering "defense, attack, support, life-saving, and displacement" Legendary level means, especially for fighters like Ganatika, he must learn at least a few legendary level fighting skills if he wants to possess such means.

Then a troublesome question arises-where does Ganatika need to learn the legendary fighting skills, and even where does the legendary ultimate move come from?

Don’t think that a legendary fighter can take master-level combat skills and use them directly, although the apprentice-level combat skill "charge", the master-level combat skill "charge", and the legendary combat skill "charge" They are all called Charges, but that's just because the Huiyue Warrior "Crash Castle" Haute, who invented the entire series of fighting skills "Charge", was too lazy to name it. This is just a historical factor. In fact, these different levels of fighting skills "Charge" is not a thing at all.

Perhaps the apprentice-level fighting skill "charge" is a bit bad in nature. Any fighter can easily get the practice method and easily learn it. Even punk, the spellcaster, can use it for fun (punk has Two ranger professional levels), but if you change to the legendary fighting skill "Charge"............

Anyway, punk has never heard of any legendary level skills that are bad. Any new and uninherited legendary professional must find a way to obtain legendary skills by himself, and in this island where there is no communication between legends and legends Needless to say, the difficulty of acquiring a legendary skill in the age is naturally unnecessary.

Not everyone can lavishly choose legendary means to learn, or even choose legendary killer moves, like the punk or mysterious Kane who has acquired the Netheril inheritance. Among the embarrassing group of newly promoted legends, one There are a lot of guys who don’t know how to use legendary methods, fights by manual throwing rules, or they randomly "invent" skills. The reason why punk has never seen these "whiteboard rookies" is just because they are very self-aware and find a horn. It's just hiding.

In the past, as a "lucky person", punk naturally never needed to think about what his legendary means were not enough to do. The magic knowledge in the memory of "Far Space Scholar" Grand Orc Vedraxia was enough for him to use it to the level of Huiyue. Up.

But now, because of the existence of Ganatika, the trouble of punk has been made up.

If he wants to use the legendary combat power of the Junior Avenger as soon as possible, he must first find a way to bring out some legendary fighting skills suitable for combatants to give Ganatica.

It is a pity that due to the discrimination of the Great Austrian Division against the fighters in the era of Netheril, and the 90% combat skills of the fighters were invented after the demise of Netheril civilization, the memory of Vedraxia There is no legendary fighting skill that can be used by Ganatica in China. In terms of "skill investment", punk can only find a way on its own.


"The difficulty of advancing to the legend is just the The difficulties after advancing to the legend will follow. If the whole world maintains the status quo of an "island" and a stagnant pool, how can those legends that have no inheritance stand up? There are many dreamers like "pale ghosts" Aztlan in the legend of the hermit school, are there many helpless people who are helpless?"

With the help of the association of Aztlán. Punk's divergent thinking quickly expanded to a broader level.

If his idea is true, then the knowledge he possesses might play an amazing role in the future, in the Silent Alliance, mixing up the water, and after he becomes stronger.........

Of course, the executive team of the "chairman" has not been established yet, and the age of stagnant water still does not know how long it will last. Punk's own strength is far from strong. Now he has a subordinate and starts thinking. These things are a bit taken for granted.

Looking at it right now, the top priority of "Destroy Whispers" is to continue to make his own magic equipment, so that Ganatika can be used quickly.

And the problem of acquiring legendary fighting skills... Punk felt that he still had to fall on the Silent Alliance.

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