Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 818: Newcomers

"Mr. Destroy Whisper, I have completed the promotion below, and now I have become a legendary fighter of the 20th level."

Still in the room as wide as a large square, still under the magic light that has never dimmed for a long time, still facing the ghastly figure with most of its face hidden under the shadow of the hood, standing in front of the caster Aztlán’s voice was almost deafening, and his speed of speech surpassed the speed of voice transmission.

It can be seen that this teenager who has just finished promotion and awakened from a deep sleep has not completely controlled his new powerful power. His control of the details of the body muscles is also not perfect, and at the same time, he has not adapted to the use of mental power. A super-light-speed communication method for transmitting information.

Just as the body of the caster is the most convenient staff for the caster, the body of the combatant is also the strongest armor of the combatant! However, since the body of the legendary combatant far exceeds the legendary casters of the same level in strength and physique, when a legendary combatant has just completed the promotion, his physical control is often not easily handy.

Punk understands the awkward situation of Ganatika. Although the promotion of the young Avengers has lasted for nearly a thousand years, for those who have been in a state of sleep, the time of nearly a thousand years has passed in the blink of an eye. , That powerful new force always takes two or three days to adapt. Even the punk of the year relied on the experience in the memory of Great Oman Vedrasha to "release spells as soon as he was promoted."

Therefore, even if the Ganatica who came in front of him roared, the floor rumbling against the wall when he walked, and the shock wave ran back and forth in the corridor of the magic tower, punk could only sigh helplessly in his heart, and then He said solemnly to the determined boy:

"Remember the first experience of the legend-only the power that is perfectly controlled in your own hands is your own power. It is necessary for you to spend some time earnestly feeling every cell of yourself with your soul... in this "island" In this era, legendary professionals do not often conflict with each other. If you have been accustomed to using battle to familiarize yourself with your own power before, then you must learn to learn quietly."

The face of the legendary mage was still hidden under his hood, and he also remained as expressionless as ever.

Although punk doesn’t know how Ganatika likes to get acquainted with power, considering that ninety-nine percent of the fighters on the plane of Faerun are accustomed to “training the soul with the battle of blood and fire”, the caster thinks he is very It is necessary to remind subordinates whose heads are missing a string.

He didn't want Ganatikar to develop into a fighting freak and make trouble everywhere.

After getting punk's advice, the performance of the teenage Avengers is naturally very submissive.

He nodded earnestly to indicate that he had remembered, and then said his purpose of coming to meet the caster.

"Mr. Destroy Whisper, during the previous travels, Xia did not collect any fighting skills or tricks that can be used in legendary battles. So, Xia wants to ask if you can give Xia some useful knowledge. ...And I have no clue about the major and minor laws..."

After solemnly raising his own question, Ganatika stood there and said nothing.

It can be seen that after thousands of years of tempering, this guy is no longer the stunned little devil back then. Even if he successfully promoted to the legend, he did not want to leave the magic tower to wantonly use the new powerful power.

Ganatika clearly understands that his own priority is to quickly acquire the means and skills that can protect himself, because as a "new legend", he currently has neither legendary fighting skills nor legendary magic equipment, and even Even the major and minor rules have not been determined. Going out with this "whiteboard state" to take risks is completely death.

At the same time, just as punk had expected before-when Ganatika realized that all the fighting skills he had learned at the master level could no longer be used in legendary battles, he was the first to think of "new skills" "How to obtain" is to ask your own "boss" directly.

Don't get me wrong, he is not being lazy, he just made a choice that is most likely to quickly obtain a means to save his life.

After all, in the eyes of young avengers who have never seen anything in the world, his boss "Destroy Whispers" is already an out-and-out "old legendary powerhouse", and a veteran legendary powerhouse possesses a sea of ​​knowledge and knowledge. Isn’t inexhaustible wealth a matter of course?

In this way, thinking about whether he should learn ten ordinary legendary fighting skills first, or first learn a legendary fighting skill as a killer move, Ganatika strode through the corridor with a meteor. , And then knocked on the door of the laboratory.

Of course, after his idea of ​​"living in a dream" was hit by the cruel reality, there was only silence and embarrassment left in the air...

"Now...Ghanatika, the second legendary experience you need to remember has been presented, and that is-the value of legendary knowledge is often far beyond your imagination."


Punk has always believed that the communication between legendary powerhouses does not require too many twists and turns, so when confronted with Ganatika's subordinate's doubts, he did not conceal the sloppy meaning.

Anyway, it is a common phenomenon that legendary professionals of this era have difficulty acquiring knowledge, and it is not a shameful thing, not to mention the expressionless caster never cared about the so-called "face".

Therefore, even if you tell the truth straightforwardly, you may lose the majesty of the boss and the excellent image of the "all-knowing master", but the punk still speaks plainly to the "white board" boy:

"As you can see, I am a legendary mage, and I have not collected legendary fighting skills as a hobby, is a pity that in a short period of time, you have no chance to learn effective combat methods... …At the same time, the wealth I have is also very scarce. The acquisition of Legendary equipment is also destined to be a luxury for you...

Of course, it is precisely for this reason, so in the "short time", you must stay quietly in the magic tower and wait. If nothing happens, after about 10,000 to 20,000 years, you may get some basic The legendary level of combat methods, then is your time to come in handy."

Speaking of his commands in a monotonous and cold tone, Punk has finalized the life plan of Ganatika for the next 20,000 years.

It is true that the "new legendary life" formulated by the caster for his subordinates is like storing a tool or weapon that is temporarily unusable. The so-called humanity and respect do not exist, but for the legendary mage whose interests are paramount , The identity of the young avenger is indeed just a "living golem", his handling method is completely in line with the best choice for his own interests.

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