Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 823: Executive meeting

It is still the same pure white room as the last meeting, or the foggy air, or the projection movement speed and attack ability are strictly limited as before... In the meeting place designated by the president, such a dull environment is already a standard configuration. .

At the same time, in order to ensure absolute confidentiality and the safety of participants, the silent meeting has always been opened at a designated location using projection.

In the process of using the projection, what people in the meeting want to keep secret is not just their own identity or location coordinates. Most people choose to keep it secret along with their race information and even camp information, so even if everyone is using it My own territory is full of legendary powerhouses, and the projections made by a group of spellcasters and combatants are all mysterious and even strangely dim forms.

For example, punk, his own projection is a fuzzy image with a hood, with his own silent character that never speaks much, no one can even think that this spellcaster is a half-elf of a neutral chaotic camp. It is really easy to disguise a simple projection.

However, the caster's projection image is still normal. You have to admit that even in such a formal gathering of legendary powerhouses, there will still be some unreasonable guys who have to pinch their projections into weird shapes.

In fact, when the caster came to the meeting place using the projected body, the first thing he noticed was the two embarrassing "weird things" in the venue.

It was indeed a projection of two legendary professionals, but one of them was a golden knight image all over his body, where the grudge image standing like a light source was as bright as being attacked by a spotlight.

The other is simply a dark green square panel, on which a very contradictory crimson old Byron note is still being looped "playing":

"All kinds of high-quality goods, legendary resources, war wastes are sincerely recycled, soul magic crystals are sold in large sums, intelligence trading information consultation, middlemen contact knowledge sales, friendly transactions are fair and honest, integrity is hidden, safe and convenient... Legendary Warlock "Candy Merchant" "Mimibezi-Cles-Broan Lakat looks forward to working with anyone to start business cooperation"


The scale of the rally held by the "chairman" in person was not only small, but also extremely small. As punk guessed at the beginning, not many people participated in the "first meeting of the new executive group" at all, and it was casually scanned. After a lap, the caster clearly knows the specific number of participants who are standing here waiting for the arrival of the "guild leader"............

Counting himself, there are only seven people!

The Silencer Alliance is undoubtedly one of the most powerful legendary organizations in the multiverse. As a result, only a few people responded when the nominally supreme leader of the Silencer called the "President". I have to say that this situation is really shabby and embarrassing. .

However, it is precisely because there are too few people and the venue is too big, so the two conspicuous projections are so eye-catching.

The first shiny golden knight image projection is undoubtedly Kane's "performance art masterpiece", and only the crazy knight who likes the shiny golden color will turn his projection into a little sun and use it to sway the market.

And the second projection...punk doesn't know much about it.

The title of "Candy Merchant" also appeared in the last Silent Alliance meeting, but at that time it was just an ordinary dark green cloud group. As a result, this guy actually turned the projection into a full Billboard for weird entries?

Is she... to become a real businessman in the world of legendary professionals?

"It's really interesting, I didn't expect someone to go with me."

Staring at the very eye-catching billboard from a distance, punk's eyes flickered with a deep gleam.

Punk did not feel very unexpected about the behavior of "Candy Merchant" Mimibezi.

The vast majority of legendary professionals in the Legendary Island era are indeed unwilling to communicate or even trade with other legendary powerhouses, but this is not because they don't want to, but simply because they "do not dare" because of the threat of "fate."

However, in the executive group of the "chairman", this "island" era characteristic has been greatly weakened.

Although the guys who dare to join the "executive group" can't be said to be lawless and unscrupulous crazy people, at least they are unlikely to give up becoming stronger and stagnate because of the existence of the "interference mechanism" and even the "punishment mechanism". So here , The exchanges or transactions between legendary professionals are very likely to exist.

Punk can think of this fact, and other people who have the ability to carry out legendary commercial operations can naturally think that Mimibezi is just the most ostentatious guy.

As for the success of her "business plan"... it depends on whether such a guy who has the courage to advertise at the rally of legendary powerhouses has his own uniqueness.

Thinking like this, the expressionless punk slowly moved his projection towards the location of Mimibezi.

Even if a weird merchant advertises, the caster still doesn’t worry that his alchemy potion sales plan will be ruined. After all, in this era when all legendary resources are very scarce, the legendary alchemy potion can be called "unusable It’s a precious magical creation of "God". Punk just wanted to see what kind of "commercial ability" this "brave man" he saw, the first courageous man to do business with other legendary professionals, had.

And if you can cooperate with the other party...the legendary mage's own medicine sales don't have to worry about the market...

In the "square" created by the "chairman" any professional projection movement has a strict movement speed limit, basically everyone here can only use no more than 100 per second Mi moved slowly, so it took more than ten seconds for Punk to walk towards the "Candy Merchant".

In the process of the caster moving, the huge "projection billboard" also clearly saw the "potential customers" who were walking towards her, so when punk reached her side, the weird projection had slowly changed My own "billboard" image.

I saw that she turned into a petite girl in a dress and a top hat, but without her face and race.

Next, after performing a very standard sorcerer etiquette to the legendary mage who was higher than himself, Mimi Beizi released his mental power in a very friendly and brisk tone:

"Hello, dear friend, I am "Candy Merchant" Mimibez-Clais-Boroanlakat. May I help you."

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