Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 824: Candy Merchant

"Candy Merchant" Mimi Beizi is indeed a figure who intends to build a business empire in a legendary circle. When facing his potential customers, at least this guy has a very good service attitude.

Of course, respect is mutual, and since the other party behaves very politely, punk naturally has no reason to look superior.

Therefore, facing the projection of the petite girl's image, the caster also performed a mage with the same standard action and asked seriously:

"Hello, I am the legendary mage "Destroy Whispers". Before asking about the content of commercial cooperation, I think I must take the liberty to ask you an important question-whether your current business behavior has been approved by the "chairman" What?"

Punk didn’t rush to sell his alchemy potions or ask the "Candy Merchant" for any useful legendary resource sales. He knew very well that in this world of supremacy, before anyone engages in any commercial activities, trade In addition to considering the value information of the commodity, a person must also consider whether his "business" has harmed the interests of other powerful players.

This kind of damage to interests may be a bit of "face" contempt, or it may be a monopoly of commercial sales. Although some profit losses may seem insignificant, any simple "insignificant" may make anything normal or abnormal. Normal business behavior is suppressed by the strong.

This suppression usually represents a huge loss or even... even more direct hostility.

For example, now, punk has to ask before starting cooperation with the "Candy Merchant" whether this guy who blatantly advertises at the meeting place is authorized by the "chairman" or because she is just an idiot in a chaotic camp who knows nothing. , After all, how do you think that Mimibezi is now using the "chairman" assembly to promote himself, if this simple "use" is true...

The prudent spellcaster doesn't want to offend the unfathomable "monster" of the Silent Alliance because of such a "small thing".

Fortunately, Mimibezi's answer made punk relieved.

After hearing the question from her "client", she saw that the dark green projection did not show any unexpected or hesitant emotions, and her mental power fluctuations still maintained the calm and agile as they were at the beginning.

Obviously, before starting her own "commercial propaganda", the clever Miss "Candy Merchant" was already fully prepared to answer various questions.

"Please rest assured, my commercial cooperation promotion has greeted Mr. "Chairman" and obtained consent. I think my advertising promotion is completely reasonable, legal and logical."

Seriously pointing to the simple high platform in the middle of the square, Mimibezi continued to speak to punk in a fuzzy projection gesture with no expression.

"And... In fact, I myself did not intend to join the "new" executive group formed by Mr. "Chairman". The reason why I am here now is simply to obtain business opportunities. Mr. "Chairman" allowed me to join him. Before I arrive, I will make publicity at will. When the meeting is officially opened for a while, I will voluntarily exit after the contact coordinates are announced."


Mimibezi, no matter how bold he is, would definitely not dare to use the name of "chairman" to deceive, not to mention these words will be verified in a few seconds, so nine out of ten of her words are true.

But it is precisely because of the "truth" of these words that punk feels even more helpless...

"Well, it looks like the "gathering" this time has become a little shabby again, because apart from a speculative "merchant", there are actually only six brave people who really intend to join the "new executive group"... …"

Looking at the girl in front of him who is still much shorter than him with a high-footed hat-"Candy Merchant", "Destroy Whispers" has almost no thought of teasing in his heart.

Since I have seen the unreasonable guys like "Aztlán", punk knows very well that among the legendary professionals in the era of the legendary island, those who are not enterprising can "not enterprising" to what extent, but he does What I didn't expect was...In the League of Silents who can shout "overthrow the river of fate", most people are still unwilling to take any necessary risks.

Although it is not ruled out that these people are in a cautious wait-and-see state, the meeting held in person by the "chairman" can be deserted to such an extent that it is enough to explain a lot of things.

Of course, the "desolate" situation of the executive team so far has not been the turn of the "new legend" of punk to worry about. In addition to silently expressing his heartfelt feelings, he should now pay more attention to the legendary businessman who is still in front of him. "Mi Mi Bezi".

Since it is a business negotiation called "cooperation," then the mutual trial between two negotiators is the inevitable standard start.

Punk knows very well that the "little girl" in front of him who looks petite, polite and even a little timid is not a fledgling "good little businessman", she is a legendary powerhouse just like herself.

Not to mention anything else, it can be seen from the fact that she dared to publicize cooperation information to many legendary professionals in this terrible era, and was able to obtain authorization from the "chairman"-this "candy merchant" lady is far from her performance It is harmless to humans and animals.

If anyone dares to despise such a mysterious "little businessman" because of a little external confusion, he will definitely end in a very tragic and pathetic end.

Therefore, in the face of Mimibez who called a "dear friend" in front of him, the punk's response was always spiritual information without emotional He neither denied "friends" The relationship between, and did not recognize the existence of friendship, from the beginning to the end, the performance of the caster is just like a simple "inquirer".

"If I remember correctly, your "commercial cooperation" content includes intelligence transactions, then... what valuable intelligence do you have now?"

The first words the legendary mage uttered were not to promote his own alchemy potions, but to coldly ask Mimibezi about intelligence trading.

For the legendary strong, before starting any truly valuable transaction, knowing the gold content of the other party’s commodities is a very important basis for information judgment. After all, due to a serious lack of communication, it is difficult for any legendary professional to determine his own hands. Whether the “commodity” of China has the value in your imagination, if you don’t want to cheat or be scammed, it is very important to infer the degree of difference in value judgments from some “secondary” commodities.

And the value judgment about intelligence is undoubtedly a very good entry point.

So, after asking this question, Punk stood there and didn't speak... He was patiently waiting for Mimibez's answer.

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