Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 826: transaction

Mimibezi naturally knew nothing about the idea that Punk and Kane had reached a consensus within a distance of one hundred and eight thousand miles. Now this savvy businessman is still trying to avoid paying any benefits.

Faced with the punk questioning, the "Candy Merchant" said cheerfully without a red face and a heartbeat:

"Of course, dear friend, I can infer from the basic logic that you must know a lot of top-secret information about the "Golden Glitter Knight". Just as venting yourself or helping, you can tell others a little bit of information. Among the six people who attended the meeting this time, the knight with an abnormal head was the only one who didn't leak any information."

After receiving the mental power communication from the caster, Mimibezi asked directly as if she hadn’t heard anything in the punk language. Although she pretended to be stupid and seemed as immature as a child acting like a baby, in her sentence The technique of stealing the concept is really good at using it.

In just a few words, the greedy "candy merchant" turned the concept of good "transaction" into a pure "revenge" idea, and changed his identity from a "merchant" to a "revenge tool"

Based on this logic, punk told her that the information about Kane was not only not trading commodities, but also using cheap "tools" to avenge the mad knight.

Therefore, to become a qualified "black-hearted businessman", shame and strong words are indispensable skills.

But it's a pity.........Mimibez's idea of ​​taking advantage of punk was completely overdone.

The caster simply ignored her request. After taking a deep look at the petite dark green projection, the somber legendary caster just replied with very clear sentences:

"Do you think I'm easy to be used? If I need to retaliate against that idiot knight, maybe it's a good choice to find a chance to fight him in private, but expect me to send information for free... You too look down on it. A legendary mage’s intelligence level is up, and I want to get news from me, yes! Please come up with a reasonable reward, otherwise we don’t need to continue talking and waste each other’s time"!

For punk, interest is the highest standard that determines his choice. Intelligence can be sold, but it is absolutely unacceptable to give it away. The behavior of the "candy merchant" eating the king's meal has already touched his bottom line.

Seeing his "client" rejected the proposal of "revenge", Mimibez did not continue to insist on whimsical.

What she said just now was actually just a little test. After discovering that something could not be done, the shrewd little businessman immediately changed his rhetoric:

"Oh, oh, I'm a foolish wizard again. It would be great if everyone could have a little human touch when doing business...... Forget it, in that case, I will give my price."

Pretending to shook his head deeply, the "Candy Merchant" was full of a helpless tone of "letting you take advantage".

"Well, considering that we are working together for the first time, so as a generous business man, I can tell you a piece of information about this meeting for free-until the "chairman" announces the start of the meeting a few seconds, the first One of the issues raised will be the "group" actions of the performers. Every two "executors" will become a group to complete the task together, and the information about your future teammates will be my reward."

Cocked his head, Mimibez's serious words sounded extremely light.

"That is to say... As long as I tell you about Kane now, when I team up with another "executor" in the future, you will send the information of my "teammate", right".

"Bingo~ I will collect all the intelligence of the six people who participated in the meeting. No matter who you team up with, you can get a "extremely detailed" "personal introduction"... Yes, that's right. Mr. "Instant Kill Cavalry" made it clear that he would never agree to team up with you anyway, so you don't have to worry about your reward being lost."

While answering punk's question, the little businessman walked lightly around the place.

It can be seen that she is very skillful and routine in promoting the intelligence she has obtained. This kind of intelligence exchange for intelligence can easily set prices for certain ambiguous "commodities".

And after the transaction, as an "intelligence dealer" Mimibez can also obtain the greatest benefit, because she can collect all the information by means of the circulation of intelligence.

So... the question now is-will punk accept such transactions as rewards?

The answer is yes.

The never arrogant spellcaster knows the value of the intelligence in his hand. If Kane’s truly confidential information is not leaked out, some basic intelligence is actually not valuable at all, and it is estimated that no one will throw it on the street for free. Willing to waste time listening, now it’s worth it to be able to exchange for some benefits

In addition, punk is not worried that Mimibezi will give himself a little perfunctory information on this kind of thing or simply ruin the account. "It's crazy to smash the signs and offend people for such a small profit.

So after hearing Mimibez's suggestion, the caster nodded and replied:


In this way As the last "mysterious man" among the six attendees, the mad knight's information was finally sold very cheaply by punk.

And because of some nasty factors, Punk’s summary of the Mad Knight’s information is exactly the same as Kane’s summary of his information:

"Legendary knight" instant kill gun", evil chaos camp, real name is Kane-Bissadas, race is pure human, before promotion to legend, he was once a strong protector of a small kingdom, cast a spell ten thousand years ago Reached the twenty-fourth level, able to skillfully use a legendary fighting technique with fairly good lethality, majoring in the rule of rejection, superb level of chattering, and "seems" very rich in actual combat experience. I don't know where I live now, but I can confirm the record. To... crush a master fighter".


This kind of thing in the dark is to "do not do small things for good, and do not do small things for evil." There is not a single sentence of intelligence that punk says now, but after such a simple language processing, it shines as a knight." Didn't the "force frame" come down all at once?

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