Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 827: Upcoming meeting

What the punk said was truthfully recorded by Mimibezi, but when the information was finished, Mimibezi's expression looked a little bit dumbfounding.

She curled her lips slightly unhappy, and then said to punk in a somewhat helpless tone:

"Hey, you and that "snap-killing gun" are not enemies, or are they "fate enemies" with more stories? Although people don't doubt the authenticity of your intelligence, but... that kind of description sounds It's always a little weird... Is this blackout? This must be the legendary blackout!"!

"There are no eternal enemies or eternal friends in this world. There are only eternal interests. In the absence of interest interactions, enemies and friends do not exist for me."

Facing the small businessman's ridicule, the "Destroy Whisper" with cold eyes just silently shook his head to express noncommitment.

In fact, punk really thinks so.

From the time when I first embarked on a professional journey and met the mad knight until now, the profit-oriented spellcaster has never regarded Kane as a friend or enemy. In the final analysis, the golden guy who always dressed up is nothing but A simple collaborator, the insidious legendary mage doesn't mind helping him for profit, let alone stabbing him for profit.

In the world of punk-Sean, no one is destined to be his friend or enemy, Kane is like this, "smile" is like this, and those who are killed by him are like this.

After hearing the answer from the legendary mage, the "Candy Merchant"'s reaction became a little weird. She once again made a signature side-to-head movement, and then continued with a tone of admiration:

"There are no eternal enemies, no eternal friends, only eternal benefits? Think carefully about this sentence is really brilliant. Then... If for more benefit, Mr. "Destroy Whisper", would you please Would you like to tell me more information about that mad knight?"

Very abruptly, Mimibezi said such a sentence that sounded a little endless.

And after her words were uttered, the caster's mind, who was still calm on the surface, instantly became alert.

Obviously, this shrewd little businessman is not stupid at all. She knows that all the information she has obtained will not be complete, and she is also very dissatisfied with this situation. If given the opportunity, Mimibezi will definitely Find ways to obtain more and more valuable "commodities."

But it's still a pity that her abacus calculation to punk is destined to fail.

Although the spooky spellcaster and the evil mad knight have not cultivated any friendship after so many journeys together, the basic tacit understanding definitely exists.

For example, at this moment, Punk knows very well that the legendary knight who looks crazy but is actually sober-minded will never sell the information of "old friends". After all, he also has many secrets that he needs to help protect himself.

Correspondingly, punk will naturally not be greedy for temporary gains in this kind of thing, because the same secrets are also a lot of magic casters do not want their "hole cards" to be known to everyone.

In this way, the solid tacit understanding formed by the interests of the two supremacists exists, and Mimibez's vain attempt to destroy this solid long-term "cooperation of interests" relationship through temporary temptation is certainly impossible.

So facing the projection of the petite girl with no expression in front of him, punk's answer is very decisive and clear and concise:

"Sorry, I don't know much about that mysterious guy!"

"Well, I knew it would be like this. You old monsters always have unexplainable interest entanglements. Even if the businessman prepares a very generous reward, he shouldn't expect to hear any shocking secrets... "

"I am very interested in your compensation, but unfortunately, I don't have the value to trade with the corresponding intelligence."

"Okay, okay, I see, I know... But anyway, we are now one of the few collaborators in the legendary professional circle, right, so we are already good friends! Speaking of... …I remember you’re still a master alchemist? People still have a lot of business to communicate with you, but now that time is running out, the meeting is about to begin, so...if you don’t mind, please accept this.”

It can be seen that Mimibezi did not believe a word of punk, but as a qualified businessman, she did not continue to entanglement on things that are destined to be unproductive, but rather like trying to get caught. I have also exposed the previous topic.

At the same time, she did not ignore the fact that punk was a "spellcaster with knowledge of alchemy". After discovering that the meeting was about to begin and her time was running out, the "candy merchants" who knew how to seize customers were simply neat. Sent a coordinate to the "alchemist" in front of him.

It was a precise spatial coordinate marked in a remote corner of the plane of Faerun.

"This is the location of the transaction negotiation point, where I will be a permanent projection waiting for customers, if necessary, you are welcome to come to me at any time~"

After the expressionless caster accepted the coordinates, Mimibezi, who was not waiting for an answer, disappeared in place with a playful smile.

As she said, the meeting is about to begin, and the gray-black sphere projection representing the "chairman" has descended on the high platform in the center of the square. The next confidential meeting of the "executive group" is not an "outsider" qualified to listen to.

"Really an interesting guy, doing business in the circle of legendary powerhouses? If she is not stupid and desperate... then there are really two brushes..."

Silently remembering the space coordinates sent by Mimibezi, the punk mind began to flexibly turn.

Under the "long river of fate", the sword of Damos, the caster originally thought that the legendary professional who carried a few bottles of alchemy potions and planned to pit an old acquaintance like himself was already a very brave type.

But what he didn't expect was that the guy named "Candy Merchant" was even more brave than himself. It was conceivable that if her "business cooperation" was established in large numbers, then she would be on the cusp of the storm. "Commercial Center", Mimibezi is equivalent to provoking the long river of fate all the time.

The question now is...who gave her such courage and confidence?

Is it the unfathomable "chairman" you?


The "Candy Merchant" came and went like those "mysterious merchants" who existed among the knights. After the projection of the "Chairman" came, this guy had disappeared as if he had never appeared before. Since punk arrived at the meeting site not the earliest time, he didn't know how many "potential customers" this little businessman wooed before the meeting began.

Kane counts as one? Count yourself one?

But what the caster can be sure of is...Before Mimibez succeeded in killing herself, her alchemy potion should not have to worry about the market.

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