Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 828: rule

The arrival of the "guild leader" remained silent, as if the gray projection sphere already existed on the high platform when everyone hadn't noticed.

Moreover, there is a solemn and solemn characteristic in this projection. When the "chairman" did not arrive in the square, the six scattered projections seemed to be casual and thoughtful.

But when the shadow that couldn't detect the depth appeared, all the ramblings were swept away in an instant, and the six "executors" projections who could not see the expression and form all looked at the center position together. high tower.

Although such a scene of a group of "dark swaying shadows surrounding a gray-black sphere" looks a bit gloomy no matter how you look at it, but in such an unprecedented conference that may even be a history-breaking conference. , The weird atmosphere is nothing.

"Today, the "executors" organization of the Silent Alliance has been established again."

As if not caring about the number of embarrassing people and the atmosphere of silence, the first sentence the "chairman" said was to announce the establishment of the "new executive team" in a plain tone.

It seems to him that only this organization that is integrated with the Silent Alliance and a little independent is the most important to exist as soon as possible. It doesn't matter if anyone joins or how many people join.

After the short "declaration of establishment" was uttered, the "chairman" who didn't care about the silence continued to say in a deep tone:

The actions of the "executors" are based on "tasks". Once a task is added, no exit is allowed. Otherwise, it will be treated as a betrayal organization. If anyone in the room wants to change their attention, you can get three seconds to leave the venue. ".

The time passed quickly in three seconds, and no one in the square chose to leave.

The first rule of the "chairman" is probably not surprising to everyone. After all, for a legendary organization with huge operational risks and secretive methods, it is normal to have such strict rules and regulations, otherwise everyone will do it. After half of the task is completed, if you find all kinds of reasons or excuses to suddenly choose, then this organization will not succeed in any action.

In fact, even if such rules and regulations are not spoken out, everyone will silently remember them as well-known unspoken rules.

After discovering that no one had chosen to leave the field or contradict, and waited for the result, the "chairman" did not show joy or other obvious emotions. He just continued to explain the second basic rule of "executors".

All "executors" are strictly prohibited from murdering each other when performing their tasks, and any conspiracy against friends will be handled as betrayal! Any contradiction can be reported to me for arbitration, and I can guarantee a fair judgment in the name of "chairman""…………

While talking, the "guild leader"'s mental power fluctuations still noticeably paused slightly.

And just at that moment of pause, a kind of pressure that seemed to be natural, was released centered on the plain-looking gray projection and swept the entire venue.

That is a feeling of pressure called "seriousness", and it is also a kind of obscure language called "warning"!

"... Only absolute order can bring absolute victory! In the group of "executors", everyone including myself must abide by absolute order. If you don't want to ignite a bright sun If the throne is angry, then please follow the above two rules that are not difficult to do"!


The "chairman" is indeed an unpredictable existence in the entire multiverse. Even if he is only releasing his breath on the projections of legendary powerhouses through his own projection, the feeling of extreme suppression can still be used by anyone. His soul clearly received, and only with such a simple method, the "guild leader" showed his terrifying strength without bottoming out.

At least for now, punk's body in the magic tower position can clearly appreciate the existence of this "repressive force".

Of course, this kind of warning-type mental suppression only appeared for a short time. With the completion of the second paragraph, all the invisible pressure disappeared like a retreating tide.

However, by this time, the six people who joined the "executive group" had already kept the two most basic "rules" in mind.

Everyone can now intuitively feel that the "order" established by the "chairman" is definitely a very serious and serious existence. His solemn warning has been revealed enough and straightforward, and his strength is enough to maintain such a situation. The rules keep running!

From then on, when any member who joins the executive team is greedy for the wealth of his "teammate", he must take into account the anger of a "throne of the sun"!

"It seems that I have to choose to converge. After all, it is not a wise choice to stabbing a teammate under the nose of a shining powerhouse... But this is also good. "Cannot murder a friend" as a rigid Deterrence can greatly increase the success rate of cooperation in two-person missions."

After earnestly remembering the basic rules set by the "chairman", punk narrowed his eyes involuntarily.

For him, a greedy mage who is unscrupulous for his own benefit, the rule of "not allowed to murder teammates" is both a restraint and a help.

Its constraints are obvious. In the process of participating in the mission of the performer, punk may no longer think of his teammate as a "mobile extravagant" looking for opportunities to harvest. For a professional like him who has the strength and has no conscience, This is undoubtedly a loss of potential benefits.

And the rules help him no less.

For example, in this case, punk doesn’t need to be ready to fight against his teammates at any and the people who will team up with him in the future have no trust in a sinister mage who looks bad at all. Because of the "chairman" rules, the other party should also be able to accept a certain degree of cooperation and "mutual help."

In the course of risk-destined risks, such a trust relationship obstructed by "rules" means that "two people fighting alone" may finally become "a cooperative alliance of two people". This change of nature brings about In fact, it is difficult to describe the security guarantee in terms of specific benefit value.

"Well, it seems that the advantages may outweigh the disadvantages. Anyway, the legends of this year are worse than the other. Even without this rule, robbing your teammates will not be worthwhile in most cases, and considering the "executive team" The mission is bound to be dangerous and difficult, and if two people can maintain a certain degree of cooperation, it will certainly be beneficial to respond to various emergencies."

Thinking rationally, punk quickly figured out the true nature of this "rule against murdering friends."

Its restraint ability is actually a secondary function. In fact, this kind of rule is more like a cooperative element that promotes two legendary powerhouses who do not trust each other. After all, the rewards given by the "chairman" are already generous enough. "Successful completion of the task" should be a more advantageous idea than "always thinking about killing my teammates".

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