Netheril’s Brilliance

: Subject 2 You are not allowed to bring your mobile phone when you enter the examination room, so a

Oh my god, it was bad enough to practice driving for a day yesterday (〃′o`). Today, I was not allowed to bring my mobile phone when I entered the exam room for the second subject (?_?), and my exam was still in the afternoon _(:з」∠)_, I have to honestly stare in the examination room for five or six hours (?˙ー˙?), I can't write a word (?°3°?). . . .

So... I'm sorry to take a day off ( ̄ε(# ̄), this holiday is really busy learning to drive, forgive me~(?°з°)-?

The subject of "The Glory of Netheril" is not allowed to bring mobile phones while waiting in the examination room, so ask for leave~ is hitting, please wait a moment,

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