Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 838: remuneration

The guild leader’s task assignment has finally begun. It is conceivable that this time the "executors" action "Break Bone Die" will bring much storms to the plane of Faerun, because this group of lawless desperados will not only want To attack the Mage Guild, you must also attack the legendary members of the enemy forces.

Even the "guildmaster" not only has to attack the enemy's legendary members, he also has to capture at least one, at most three legendary mages!

This amazing move is no longer a little mess or simple provocation, it is a direct declaration of war by a legendary organization against another legendary organization!

I have to admit that in this era of legendary islands, even if the "guild leader" idea is not whimsical, it is definitely audacious.

"Next I will assign specific tasks, and each group will get its own task goals."

The "chairman" who has made an amazing decision still maintains his usual steady and seriousness. It can be seen that he neither regards this incident as a miracle unparalleled in the world, nor does he deliberately act too casually, from beginning to end. , The tone of the gray-black projection can only be described as "pure seriousness".

In this respect, the "chairman" has a very sufficient leadership style.

"We have a total of four teams. In order to ensure the safety as much as possible, we will act in groups of two. The mission of the zeroth group composed of "Eternal Sleeping Eyes" and I is to stare at "Archmage" Mess Ul and "Sky". Splinters" Bellein, and stop them in time when they move.

The first group of "Destroy Whispers" and "Thick Rock Formation" is responsible for dealing with the "Inscription Sage" Owen. Note that this mage is not only good at using various enchanting spells, but also has his own magic tower, so he is often in the Mage Guild Among the resident personnel, his capture difficulty is second only to "Burner" Ankazan-Yanmei.

The second group "Instant Kill Gun" and "Phantom Mirror" are responsible for dealing with "Floating Light and Glimpse" Dina Saya.

The third group of "Thunderstorms" and "Plague Boxes" is responsible for dealing with "Reloaded Giant Soldiers" Horal.

"Burner" Ankazan-Yanmei is not on our raid target. After all, his own strength is relatively strong, and the "Grey Rain Nation" he is in is far away from our three targets. As long as the battle is not delayed too much After a long time, he will not have time to rush to any target location for support."

After the task was assigned neatly and neatly, the mental power of the "guild leader" became more calm and deep.

"The specific location of the mission target and some of the information collected will be sent to your crystal card after the meeting, but in order to further ensure confidentiality, the precise execution time of the mission will not be announced in advance. In the next three thousand years," The command "Task Start" may appear on your crystal card at any time. Please adjust your schedule."

So far, the assignment of performers of the relevant tasks is officially completed.

From beginning to end, the six people present quietly listened to the "guild leader" describing the status of the wizard guild and the content of the assignment. Finally, until now the specific matters of the mission have been described in detail, and everyone still said nothing. The person stood motionless.

Everyone is waiting for the "chairman" to continue speaking, even though this "long speech" has reached the final and most critical stage, no one has spoken to continue.

I have to admit that the name of the Silent Alliance is indeed very vivid. In this kind of very high-employment meeting, silence is the norm for everyone.

As the so-called "silence is golden", the casters do not need to remind the "guildmaster" of something that cannot be forgotten-things about rewards.

That's three times the reward! By now, it is time to meet everyone with this generous reward.


"Next we can discuss the issue of compensation."

Seeing that even though they had finished talking about the goal of the mission, the six legendary professionals still looked at them silently like a group of statues. How could the "guild leader" not know what his "subordinates" thought?

He didn't sell more lawsuits, but said directly and frankly:

"Teachers, legendary magic materials, legendary kills, and even legendary equipment... These can all be used as rewards for tasks, but since there is nothing at the current legendary level that can be used as a general currency to specifically measure the value, so, For the time being, let’s take the commonly used alchemical material "Star Core Financing" as the unit of measurement."

The "chairman" quickly said what he had booked. It seems that in terms of remuneration, this "order" throne does not intend to perfuse his subordinates. After having a more reasonable weight and measure , Everyone will be able to know their own gains when facing "clearly priced" products.

Moreover, the welfare treatment given by the "chairman" is more than that, I saw that he continued to announce the generous treatment calmly:

"This time the remuneration distribution will be paid after the task is completed. However, in order to provide the security and remuneration required to perform the task, everyone can receive one-third of the remuneration during the preparation of the task. Even if the task fails, these three One part of the prepaid remuneration will not be recovered."

Perhaps it was because it was clear that the task was very difficult and dangerous, or it was to win people's hearts and encourage everyone to work hard. The "executors" are quite humane in formulating the payment method.

Guaranteed compensation is an expression of sincerity.

With this opportunity, the "chairman" demonstrated his ability to pay, and also demonstrated his importance to this group of strong men who have the courage to fight against the "long river of destiny".

Of course, at the same time, the payment received in advance is also an implicit constraint.

As the so-called "cannibalism, short hands", anyone who takes this advance payment is equivalent to admitting that he is a member of the performer and is willing to work hard to perform the task, even if he encounters Certain difficulties or accidents, the "executors" have no reason to interrupt the task or passively sabotage their Although this cryptic hint was not directly spoken by the "chairman", which of the legendary professionals present is not "Smart people" who have lived for tens of thousands of years, this subtext would be boring if you can't hear them.

So just after the projection on the round table finished a few words, everyone understood this new "hidden rule."

But... if you can get paid in advance and further improve your strength before starting the task, then even if you accept this encouragement from the "chairman", what can you care about?

Don’t forget, most of the legendary powerhouses in this era will not use any legendary killer moves. Even if the members who have the courage to join the "executors", it is estimated that a half of them do not have a truly powerful assassin, the "guild leader" proposal For them, it is the best opportunity to immediately obtain a strong hole card and greatly increase their strength before the battle. Even for punks who do not lack knowledge, being able to make a potion with more legendary resources can also increase the risk of inevitable risk. Some guarantees.

So, even if you agree to a small rule of "performing the task more seriously," who would have reason to reject this "early reward" from the "chairman"?

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