Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 842: End of transaction

The sales plan of alchemy potions has not even begun, and it is almost the same as annihilation. For such helpless status quo, even punk is a little disappointed, but even so, the patient legendary mage still lists the potions he is good at. A list was sent to Mimibezi.

Although he already knew that these medicines would not be able to usher in buyers after tens of thousands of years, the chance of selling them a little bit is better than not having them at all.

But at the moment... If you want to make a fortune, you should do the task and take risks.

"It's really amazing. You can actually make so many legendary alchemy potions! With such talent, if you join the "Forgers" team of "Peak Hammer", you will definitely get good treatment. "People" currently there is only one member left, and the reward it can give is definitely not comparable to the triple reward of the "chairman"."...

After receiving the mental power information from punk, Mimibez's emotions were obviously more surprised than he could hide.

It seems that in the beginning, the unprofitable "candy merchant" only regarded punk as a "secondary alchemy legendary mage" with one or two simple formulas, although in this era of poor knowledge, only a kind of legend will be produced. The "master" of the first-class alchemy potion is also worthy of dealing with, but of course a "true-master" like punk will surprise a legendary businessman!

Even if this does not change the fact that Legendary materials cannot be sold............

"In this dark age, I also have such a wealth of knowledge. I really don't know what a monster like you would achieve if it was born in the Netheril period."

Mimibezi tilted her head and expressed her feelings to the caster. Her emotions were not only astonished and punk knowledgeable, but also as lamenting the despair of the legendary powerhouse in this era. Only her little girl was playful. The appearance dispelled a little heavy atmosphere.

But punk's answer remained cold without emotional fluctuations:

"There is not much to be sighed about. After all, the Netheril civilization is still destroyed. Where are the gods and powers that crossed the multiverse at the time? Isn't the miraculous floating city turned into ruins? Looking at luck and misfortune unilaterally, it is better to think about what you need to deal with right now. For example, I care more now...Do you have any information about the legendary member of the Mage Guild "Inscription Sage" Owen- Lilierty's intelligence".

Punk didn’t want to discuss his views on the magnificent word “time” with Mimibezi, nor did he think he was really “knowledgeable” just because he learned a few more legendary alchemy potions. The caster completely ignored the praise of the "Candy Merchant", and then took the time to discuss intelligence transactions.

The time is now a thousand years after the meeting ended, and that dangerous task may begin at any time. The "wealth" that punk needs most at this time is the information about the target he wants to deal with-the "inscription sage" Orwen.

But it is a pity that even Mimibezi is not the kind of intelligence merchant with hands and eyes.

The legendary spellcasters of this year have stayed at home for hundreds of thousands of years. The members of the legendary organization will pay more attention to keeping their intelligence information secret. Even the "chairman" has only obtained a list through unknown means. That's it, how much information can a small businessman like "Candy Merchant" get?

Therefore, in the face of the legendary mage’s question, Mimibezi reluctantly shook his head, and then replied straightforwardly:

"Sorry, I don’t live on the plane of Faerun, so I don’t know anything about this spellcaster named Owen. If you are willing to pay some generous rewards, I don’t mind asking someone to ask about it, but I can’t guarantee any useful news in the end. After all, it’s difficult enough to investigate an unknown legendary mage. If the legendary mage is still a member of the "Mage Guild"..."

The little businessman tilted her head and shrugged, and the top hat she turned out moved slightly.

"...You know, the guys in the Mage Guild are always low-key and mysterious. Even the legendary organization that knows them best-the Santarin Society can't guess what the hypocritical opponents are thinking."


"It is not difficult to see that the organizational structure of the Mage Guild is far from loose as they have shown. This time the operation can only collect intelligence on the spot."

Hearing Mimibezi couldn't give himself any useful information, and there was no emotional reaction in the punk's calm thoughts.

"Chairman" attaches great importance to his only team. If he can get more information and don't rush, the "Chairman" will not be stingy with the information he can give.

And now that there is no news, it can only prove that the secret methods of the Mage Guild are indeed excellent. It is completely normal that Mimi Beizi, a half-hearted merchant, has no information to sell.

And punk’s previous question was just a dead horse as a living doctor...

"The gain from this transaction is really average. If there is nothing else, I will leave first."

Now that all the deals that can be negotiated are over, punk naturally does not leave the idea of ​​chatting with the projection of the "Candy Merchant". The command of the "chairman" may come at any time, and it is good to go back and make more preparations when there is time.

You know, it's almost three thousand years since the legendary mage reaches the twenty-ninth level. Punk really wants to try if he can advance to the thirty-level before starting the mission!

Punk has finished speaking. There was nothing to talk about at Mimibezi, but in the last thousand years, she has come up with a new way to "hold customers", so she is seeing the legendary mage When the projections of " Merchant" did not forget to convey the last mental power message as soon as they began to slowly overflow.

"I almost forgot to say, I put a few large boxes of magic crystal cards in the position of the star boundary below. Yes, I am imitating the "President" Silent Crystal Card. Although it is not that advanced, it is a one-way notification. The information is still okay, if you have time, you can get one, so that I can contact you as soon as I find the buyer of the alchemy potion"!

Along with the emergence of this piece of mental power information, a very precise coordinate was also sent by Mimibezi, and it seemed that this guy had already made up his mind to switch to "the middleman of the price difference".

Punk naturally has no reason to refuse the coordinates of the position of this star. Anyway, the caster has the magical equipment "Hitzita's Magic Box" in the hand of the caster, even if the "Candy Merchant" can get a card from him Send a message, and don’t even want to locate her position.

So, finally carrying this new spatial coordinate, the punk projection dissipated in the night sky silently and quickly as it arrived.

This time an anticlimactic trade...This is over!

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