Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 843: Mission start

After all, the professional level is not so easy to improve. When the "guildmaster" command came, punk felt that he was still a little short of the 30th level threshold, but it was this threshold that he did not have time to break through.

When the three moons above the plane of Faerun did not know how many times they rose, the four characters "Start Mission" written in ancient Byronic language suddenly appeared on the black crystal card.

Four months and three days after the first collective meeting of the "executors" ended in 1925, the task of assaulting the Mage Guild has finally officially begun!

In order to prevent unauthorized actions such as information investigations, the "guild leader" did not accurately mark the positions of the three legendary members of the Mage Guild as the target of the mission. The original "group leader and group leader" on the crystal card The "personnel contact function" has not been opened.

Until now the mission officially began, each team leader got the detailed location of the mission target in the blink of an eye, and also got the authority to communicate with the crystal card held by his team members.

Yes, it is a unilateral contact authority. The group leader can send instructions to the group members, but the group members cannot send messages to the group leader!

This is undoubtedly a weird contact method.

Punk can only guess that the "guild leader" gave the group leader the right to order group members to gather at a designated location to help certain "group leaders" establish a bit of mission leader majesty, and at the same time, if the group members died or disappeared at the assembly location …………The "chairman" can also identify the murderer more conveniently.

Therefore, for "team members" who are mostly inferior to the "team leader", this kind of unilateral notification contact is a safety guarantee to prevent the most terrible conspiracy of "ambush"...

Punk thought he might have seen the cryptic meaning of this contact rule, but he was not dissatisfied with it.

Without this rule, the caster himself would not dare to go to an unfamiliar place designated by others casually, even if the "location" that two people "discuss" or "dispute" together may be manipulated.

And if the attitude of one of the team members is too strong, then a dispute about the assembly location will easily become the fuse of the contradiction between the "dominance" of the two legendary professionals. For example, guys like Kane are likely to Fight for real dominance and have a big fight with your own "group leader".

In this case, it is better to let the "chairman" act as a "villain" and attribute the source of dominance brought by the identity of the "group leader" to himself, so as to avoid recurring untimely quarrels.

Being able to consider so much, punk obviously felt that the "chairman" was still very serious about the "executors", and he had already considered all aspects of resolving various incoordinations in a group.

Of course, this may also be just punk thinking too much, and the "guildmaster" may also do this because the function of the crystal card is inherently very single, or... is to beware of some slight "emergency"... ………

But no matter how you look at it, it’s in punk’s interest to have location designation rights and implicit dominance. He can avoid discussing with a legendary teammate in various locations that he doesn’t know much about. The current caster only needs Enter a location coordinate into the crystal card, and then go to the appointment on time.

Therefore, after using a simple prophecy spell, "Whisper of Destruction" easily and freely entered a detailed location information in the one-way communication channel that connects "Thick Rock" Babeng.

This location cannot be the punk "laod" of the Kingdom of Khatak. In fact, the location of the meeting point is actually at the gate of a small town called "Bird Town".

According to the information given by the "guildmaster", Owen, the "inscription sage", is a legendary mage living in the northwestern part of the central area of ​​the Faerun plane. He is also a strong protector of the emperor named "Kybordo".

When punk chose the meeting place, he also used the Emperor Kaibordo as the target to predict. The small town "Bird Town" he found was actually located on the border of the Emperor Kaibordo.

The caster clearly remembered that the guild leader had reminded himself that Owen-Rililti owns a magic tower, and the existence of a magic tower undoubtedly represents an extremely powerful reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance force.

However, when using "Legendary Prophecy Spells-Positioning Exploration", all kinds of information in "Asuka Town" were clearly unearthed by punk's prophecy spells. This is enough to prove that this town is not in legendary magic. Within the scope of the inherent effect of the tower, gathered here, the legendary mage and his team members "thick rock formation" will be more difficult to be found by Owen's magic tower.

If nothing else, Little Asuka Town is just a border town with no character and reputation. This kind of place is usually the least visible and unattended place in the emperor, even if it is hungry monsters and greedy ones. The bandits would not have the idea of ​​hitting such a poor town. They chose this location to gather and use it as a breakthrough point to sneak into the kingdom of Kayboldo. Punks who have no sneaking experience think it is still appropriate.

In this way, "Destroy Whispers" has simply chosen a set position, and considering that his teammate may be a more reckless ogre, he also cautiously reminded the "thick rock formation" sentence:

"In addition to the legendary concealment, don't forget to make some appearances, otherwise, the appearance of an ogre in the town will definitely cause riots."


"In this case, the pre-steps of the task should have been completed."

Punk put away the magic crystal card blankly, and then opened a portal neatly beside him.

He planned to go to a random location in the star realm first, then randomly teleport around for some fuzzy teleportation paths, and finally go to the gate of Asuka Town where the assembly location was located.

Although punk has never been followed by anyone so far, the good habit that Great Osher Vedrasha had learned during the war years has been carefully followed by him.

Of course, when entering the portal, the legendary mage also heard the mechanized farewell message passed by his build I wish you a smooth journey, sir, I will take care of the magic tower. Various facilities and detailed maintenance data are recorded. At present, the No. 3 energy loop of the element pool is operating normally, the operation load of the outer circle is in a stable state, and the energy structure of the third area..."


Sebastian’s system settings are really monotonous. The caster didn’t even bother to construct a butler. This pile of reports that can’t be said to be nonsense, but also useless, was less than a ten thousandth of a second after leaving the magic tower. , The light received by his visual organs has been filled with chaotic colors like a muddy palette.

At this moment, punk had already started hundreds of continuous teleportation and trace clean-up work for a second. His figure appeared and disappeared rapidly in many remote locations in the astral space along with the portals.

At the same time, almost all location information has been erased by all kinds of clean-up traces spells.

It was not until such an anti-tracking step lasted for at least two or three hours that the cautious legendary mage officially set off to the meeting place he had positioned himself!

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