Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 844: Asuka Town

Asuka Town is one of a large number of unknown towns on the Kaibordo border. It has the characteristics of most marginal towns, such as poverty and backwardness, such as being infested by monsters, such as not being seen for one or two years An outsider appeared.

And because it is too far away from the central area of ​​the imperial kingdom, it is impossible to even see the iconic core building of Kaibordo in this small town-the legendary magic tower.

Of course, the lives of people living in small towns will not be affected by this. They will still repeat the daily routines of their ancestors for thousands of years, working at sunrise and resting at sunset. Hunters go out hunting with bows and arrows, peasant women prepare clothing to subsidize the family, and nobles spend gold coins to buy spices to maintain "the decent of the first class"............

This is a very inconspicuous and very ordinary town. No one would think that there will be any conspiracy or weirdness in such a small town. The peace brought by poverty is the theme song here, even those who like to squeeze in the imperial kingdom. The tax officers of the poor and the little nobles usually don't bother to come to this place.

But on this day, on this morning that looked the same as usual, the people in the town saw a very different scenery.

At least for the small town residents whose vision and knowledge are limited to the poetry category of the bard, the existence of an uninvited guest is already a "surprise".

It was a "little giant" standing at the gate of the town, wearing a large fluffy cloak, and wearing a bone veil. He was more than four meters tall. When he stood motionless by the wooden doorpost, that kind of huge The body pressure is like a fluffy hill bag. Even if the "hill" didn't say a word or take any action from beginning to end, he just stood there, and the atmosphere in the whole town became heavy. .

The huge "uninvited guest" did not actually release any breath of professional or strong person, but in the most basic power judgment process, the difference in body shape is enough to make ordinary people who are usually just a group of cultivators panicked.

Even some unseen mountain villagers can learn from the bard’s story that it is impossible for a normal human being on the plane of Faerun to reach an astonishing height of four or five meters, even the highland barbarians. The average height of a person is only a little over two meters. The "monster" capable of having such a tall body is either an "abnormal human" or simply a "legendary" magic race.

So after seeing the "hill" at their "door", almost all the residents of the small town chose to walk away and walk away from the door of the town quickly. Even some curious children only dare Hiding behind the adults and peeping at the silent "giant".

After just one morning, the first half of the entire town was abruptly vacated. Except for the two trainee-level fighters who were still resisting the idea of ​​coming forward to ask questions, they gritted their teeth and observed this "guest". Most of the other townspeople returned to their homes and closed their doors.

Therefore, because of the emergence of such a "fluffy hill", the small town that should have been noisy was as quiet as midnight in the morning, and this situation was not noticed by anyone even though it looked more gorgeous and eye-catching. After the portal appeared, it improved.

That's right, today's Asuka Town is destined to hardly have the rare word of calm, because after the appearance of the little giant, another portal that rarely appears in the legend has also opened very generously at the door of the town.

It's just that compared to the "little giant" who didn't know when to appear and remained very eye-catching, this glorious portal did not usher in anyone's attention.

In fact, when the round gate that released the beautiful and colorful brilliance appeared, even the two apprentice-level combatants who were very close to the portal did not turn their eyes. They and all the surrounding creatures were completely I ignored the abnormal scene around him.

Until the last gleam of light that appeared, the two trainee soldiers who were still focusing on the "small mountain bag" were turned into ashes, and the sudden extreme calmness still spread silently to the entire Asuka Town like water waves.

And then, the person who walked out of the portal that exuded strange spiritual fluctuations was undoubtedly the legendary mage "Punk Sai'an" who rushed to Asuka Town for the appointment.

------split line-------

"Mr. "Thick Rock", why don't you use a little spell to disguise yourself? Even if we are now outside the coverage of the magic tower, you can be considered rough to reduce your breath, but if it causes a riot, it will be possible Not conducive to the task"!

Staring at the "fluffy hill bag" in front of him, the punk who had just wiped out the two little fighters couldn't help frowning slightly.

"Whisper of Destruction" has always been a cautious and detail-oriented spellcaster. When preparing for the "secret investigation", he made a lot of meticulous preparations very seriously.

For example, before coming to the door of this small town, Punk carefully added an enhanced version of "group suggestion" to himself, because considering the unreasonable "interference mechanism" and the "guild leader" slightly deep reminders, He believes that it is necessary for him to avoid any behavior that may make the mission target aware of "abnormal" behavior.

However, when he just stepped out of the portal, the unhappy "Whisper of Destruction" saw the biggest anomaly............

The guy standing in front of the goalpost is undoubtedly his teammate "Thick Rock" Babeng-hammer. At the same time, his shape is also a "little giant" who is sure to attract attention and even riots wherever it is placed~www. And the most important thing is that this guy has no other disguise magic blessings except for the simplest "convergence breath"!

This means that even an ordinary person will inevitably find that such a huge "abnormal phenomenon" has appeared in his country.

It is conceivable that if punk did not kill the two secretly watching little warriors, the "news" of "the appearance of a little giant in Asuka Town" would be reported to a certain city in Kaibordo in all likelihood. After various "reasonable" coincidence arrangements derived from the "interference mechanism", the news of the "little giant" will be known to the "inscription sage" Orwen!

Although the possibility of the emergence of this information transmission process is theoretically small and can be ignored, punk knows clearly that his provocation against the "long river of fate" a few days ago has almost reached the state of unbridled, and now he really dare not dare Ignore those subtle "accidental" possibilities.

However, judging from the current results, although the caster himself is full of vigilance, his ogre teammates seem...a little unreliable...

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