Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 845: Babon

Punk’s question is not euphemistic, and the same is true of Babin’s answer.

Now due to the existence of the "group suggestion technique", the townspeople who have resumed their daily lives have completely ignored the uninvited guests at the entrance of the town, so the two legendary wizards have also been able to talk in a relaxed and "frank" state.

Although............ The content and atmosphere of the conversation between the two parties cannot be described as "friendly".

For example, now, when punk sends the mental power message "Why not make a more detailed disguise" carrying obvious unpleasant emotions, "Thick Rock" replied in a very straightforward and straightforward tone:

"Babun will not"!


very good, very powerful!

The reason "no" sounds like a fair word, right? After all, not all legendary spellcasters can have a lot of legendary spells in the "new legend" stage. Don't you know how many legendary powerhouses have to find ways to "create" legendary spells. Use it? It is not surprising that Ba Beng, as a legendary mage who has just reached the twenty-seventh level, is not sufficiently knowledgeable...

Not strange! Who fooled! No legendary spells, nor master spells?

Only in a flash, punk discovered the logical loopholes in Babeng's discourse, and for this apparently perfunctory answer, the simple "Destroy Whisper" naturally did not pretend to be ignorant of fooling the past.

Before carrying out the mission, Punk thought he needed to know what kind of guy his team member was, what kind of camp he was in, and what attitude he had towards the dominant identity of the "team leader".

So on this seemingly inconspicuous "little thing", the gaze gradually began to gloomily, the caster had no intention of giving way.

He directly faced the "little giant" who was almost three times taller and asked coldly:

"As a legendary mage, don't you even know how to use some basic master-level spells? Don't tell me that you can be promoted to the legend by only learning the spell knowledge of one faction"!

"If you ask this... Then Ba Beng will tell you that Ba Beng hates those tricks that play with people's hearts. Ba Beng’s "convergence breath" is enough. Ba Beng doesn’t need others to point his fingers. What Ba Beng wants to do How to do".

Accompanied by the roar that shook the entire space and the tremors of the cracked earth, the ogre magician in the fluffy cloak stepped forward to punk in one step.

Until this time, the face of the "thick rock layer" completely covered by the bone mask showed its hideousness. I saw that the orange eyes looked almost the size of a human head, and the painting decorations all over the face had been Covering the color of the skin itself, a fang carved with magic runes is also a little looming at the bottom of the mask.

It is not difficult to see that this honest-sounding ogre is actually not good at all. Although it has reached the legendary level, it, like many of its kind, never shrinks and evades, even when facing a higher caster level. At his own two levels, his identity is the powerhouse of his nominal immediate boss, Ba Beng still wants to show his fierce side brazenly.

Perhaps in the heart of this big ogre, it was also full of resentment for the "guild leader" forcibly adding a "group leader" to itself.

But punk didn’t care what emotions were brewing in Ba Beng’s mind. When the ugly head approached him, the expressionless caster didn’t take a step back. He chose to speak to his team members very sharply to Maimang:

"You should feel lucky! Because in accordance with the rules of the "chairman", members of the silent are not allowed to fight inwardly, otherwise you have already begun the process of falling."

As the magical light in his pupils faintly shone, the star robe worn by punk began to flutter without wind.

In the words just now, the threat of "Destroying Whispers" is not exaggerated in the slightest. Now the reckless Babun is so close to the legendary mage, if punk wants to, he only needs to take out the "pale scepter" and quickly go to cannibals. A stabbing the magician, and then activating the "Power Pause" at zero distance, can forcibly lock this guy for more than ten minutes.

For a spellcaster who has a lot of legendary magic resources with him, ten minutes is enough for him to calmly arrange the magic circle on the spot and then easily "guard the body".

Of course, punk can’t really do that. On the one hand, it’s because the rules of the “guildmaster” cannot be ignored. On the other hand, it’s because the mission has already begun and the enemy needs to deal with it by themselves. It's a joke.

So after confronting the panting ogre for a long time, Punk did not make any aggressive movements. He just stared into Babin's eyes coldly and said harshly:

"If you are dissatisfied with my order, then you can go back to the "chairman" and cry at any time now. I believe that his old man's judgment will be fair and just. Otherwise, you'd better listen to my opinion carefully and pay attention. Good every detail around you"!

After speaking, Punk didn't mean to fight with the ogre in front of him anymore, he began to quickly turn around and walked towards the inside of the town.

Which guy who has the courage to join the executive group is not a rebellious, bold desperado? Punk had already expected Babun’s defensive and unconvincing attitude a long time ago.

And behind the caster, the ogre mage, who helped his head with the bone mask, did not continue to find fault with reluctance.

After all, the purpose of the "executors" cooperation is to get paid, and there is no difference between the compensation of the "group leader" and the "group member", even if Babin is not satisfied with his "group member" status Comparable to the mad knight Kane, his anger couldn't change the decision of the "chairman".

Therefore, under the surface "impulse" of "thick rock" just now, the more meaning is actually just to show its "impossible to be manipulated" attitude and mood, if it is really let it risk being chased by the "guild leader" Risks start for the struggle of spirit............ The ogre who can reach the legendary level is not low enough to be so incurable.

However, the confrontation that started and ended quickly finally added a lot of negative emotions to the first meeting of the two "collaborators". After smashing the two pillars at the gate of Asuka Town, it did not reduce the arrogant tone of food. The human demon still unsatisfied and shouted in a low voice:

"Babeng hates to play with people's hearts. Babeng is an ogre in the "Neutral Lawful" camp. Babeng never uses those despicable spells, and he doesn't believe it or not..."

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