Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 870: Scroll of Bright Moon

"Is this the Huiyue-level magic scroll? Sure enough, this level of knowledge has completely exceeded my knowledge."

Floating in the quiet and empty space of the star, bathed in deep and dead darkness, wearing a shining star robe, the indifferent punk slowly stretched out his hands and grabbed the two in front of him about 20 centimeters long and five meters wide. Centimeter of magic scroll.

Undoubtedly, these two scrolls are the scrolls of "Glory Moon-level Prophecy Spells" and the ordinary legendary-level "Shadow Transmission" scrolls mentioned in the message conveyed by the "guildmaster".

The scroll of "Shadow Teleportation" is nothing special. The method it stores is just a teleportation spell that can connect the plane of shadows more efficiently. This simple spell punk can be released on its own. This batch of scrolls was specially made to take care of guys like Kane and Babun who don't transfer legendary spells. The reason why the last manpower is only to ensure the so-called "fairness".

Now for the "Whisper of Destruction" that uses "shadow teleportation" by itself, a rare magic scroll can naturally be saved as a "extravagant".

Putting the "Shadow Teleportation" scroll into the storage ring, Punk quickly set his sights on another scroll that was more subtle and mysterious.

That is the most precious thing.

Because that is a genuine luminous moon-level prophecy scroll!

Cautiously holding the scroll in his hand, Punk couldn't help but immediately use his mental power to carefully examine this out-and-out Glory Moon-level creation.

Since the scroll is not blessed with too many concealment methods like magic equipment like "Pale Scepter", even ordinary legendary professionals like punk can feel the flood of magic items made with the knowledge of enchanting system. The magical power fluctuated with the mysterious.

I saw patches of golden runes painted on the surface of the scroll into beautiful and dazzling pictures. I don’t know what material the paper made showed a soft and smooth touch. Just perceiving at close range, it is hidden in the scroll. The magical law can shake the minds of the legendary powerhouse. In the process of perceiving higher-level laws, the caster can even feel that the bottleneck leading to the thirty-first level is loose.

However, when punk intends to further release the soul perception for in-depth exploration, the "power of the moon" that adds a little self-understanding to the "law" that should be rigidly imitated has made the caster's soul feel the illusion of dizziness. …………

No way, the unknown of the "Huiyue" level is a bit too high-end for today's punk. Even the Great Orchestra Vedraxia hasn't aspired to that realm. Now it is only a 30th level spellcaster punk who even senses some of them The bright mystery is difficult to achieve.

"It's an incredible miracle. Compared to the "pale scepter" that hides itself like an ordinary wooden stick, the touch of this naked display of power can be more intuitive, perhaps for ordinary legendary professionals. In terms of "close contact with the power of Huiyue level", the matter itself is already an untapped opportunity, even Vedrasia of the year has only watched the aftermath of Huiyue's magic from a distance. , He and the luminous moon powerhouse in the era of Netheril are no more than one hand."

Cautiously putting the scroll next to his body into the pocket of the robe, punk silently sighed in his heart with a blank expression about the powerful power he had not had the opportunity to touch.

The caster did not know the prophecy spells sealed on this Moon-level scroll. After all, even Vedraxia, who has the title of "Scholar", would not have too many opportunities to come into contact with Moon-level spells. What the Serel Inheritor can do is to recognize some of the more common moon-level spells, and the knowledge on this scroll is rarely seen and naturally exceeds the scope of the legendary mage's knowledge.

But it is precisely because of this that punk is very interested in this extremely rare scroll. The caster standing under the shining light of the stars actually wants to try to save this scroll. You know, the scroll is The particularity is completely different from the Lunar Staff in his hand, because it is a good thing that can be vaguely understood by the caster.

Of course, the premise for punk to do this is that he can use ordinary legendary prophecy spells to find Owen's trace, after all, the mission of the "guildmaster" can't be casually perfunctory.

"If you have a chance...just save the scrolls. In this era, the poor must learn to be thrifty."

Talking to himself in his heart, the determined "Destroy Whisper" nodded secretly.


After collecting the items distributed by the "guildmaster", punk began to release the legendary conjuration magic system-"shadow teleportation". After all, the task of hunting down the "inscription sage" is a race of time. Easy to get the first place.

And in order to ensure the accuracy of the landing position after casting, he also carefully took out a piece of "shadow demon" tail feathers as the casting material.

The caster is very aware of the "weird" characteristics of the halo and the shadow plane that he must have now, and the cautious "Destroy Whisper" thinks he must be cautious from now on.

"Unless it is a legendary stalker who is good at the law of "shadows", it is not easy for any creature to enter and exit the shadows. The stronger the strength, the more the shadows will be repelled. This is also one of the "five weirds" of the shadow plane. One, um... Maybe I should use the spell too."

The premise of saving scrolls is to have the capital to save" may allow his subordinates to "greet ink" for a scroll, but he would not agree that mercenaries may not be able to perform their tasks well after taking the money, so the caster does not When using the scrolls, you must ensure that the position where you descend on the plane of shadow will not be too deviated, at least not to affect the "simple encirclement" plan that the "executors" have decided.

So, secretly recalling the knowledge about the "shadow world", a large amount of magic power began to be released in the punk soul, and the mysterious spell chanted in the language of the ancient elves was clearly spit out between the lips and teeth of the caster, the shadow demon The tail feathers turned into dark black energy threads wrapped around the caster's body. With the magic of the legendary mage seriously turned into azure blue velvet and the law of shadow entangled, a sudden birth of darkness also instantly swallowed this unremarkable star界空间.

Soon, a spherical "hole" completely wrapped the legendary mage in it.

The next moment, with a large amount of shadows scattered around like a horror, the "Destroying Whispering" figure disappeared into the visible stars in the blink of an eye...

At this moment, the caster has successfully reached the world of shadows!

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