Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 871: Shadow Demon

The shadow plane is the shadow common to all the planes of the entire multiverse. Because of the characteristics of the shadow, although this world is equally rich in species and resources, it is not as colorful as the main material world.

There will always be only two colors in this magical place-black and white!

Black is pure black without reflection, and white is pure white without any flaws.

In this world, the boundaries between black and white are extremely clear and precise, and only outsiders can have a variety of brilliant colors.

And these colors are also destined to make all outsiders look out of place in the world of shadows.

"Billions of years have passed, and the world of shadows still retains the black-and-white appearance in Vedraxia's memory. It seems that nothing has changed here."

I tried my best to hide my legendary aura, stepped on the ground under my feet with my boots, watching the dark dust rise in the dead space and then simply fall because there is not even a slight breeze blowing, punk has determined that he has entered the shadow position In the face.

However, although it is the first time to come to this place known for its weirdness, the legendary mage is no stranger to this world of only black and white colors.

In the time of Netheril, even this shadow of the eternal night was part of the "expanding" of the Great Austrian Masters, and even the "old scholar" of Vedraxia built a magic tower here to supervise some resources. Mining and collecting, so punk has reason to think that his understanding of the plane of shadow will not be inferior to an ordinary legendary stalker.

For example, when he was at the official level, he once captured a group of "shadow maggots" from the plane of shadow for experimentation, and now, the caster of the white fern plant growing next to the black soil can recognize its name at a glance, even he still I know that the giant crustacean, which is black and white, is chewing plant leaves with its head down, and is similar in size to a small wild boar, is a juvenile Edes worm...

Therefore, although the endless shadows always hide countless mysteries and gloom, the caster is still confident in his actions in this "familiar" world.

"Shadow hides secrets and knows secrets, Owen, how long can you, a seriously injured and dying fellow, remain silent in this darkness"?

There was a cold look in his eyes, and the punk expression calmly took out a piece of Shadow Demon tail feathers from the storage ring.

Next, he was ready to try to predict the location of the "Inscription Sage".

Although the entire shadow world is almost infinite, and an ordinary legendary professional looking for a target here is almost like finding a needle in a haystack, but the careful "guildmaster" has already delineated an area that is easier to track down for the five hunters— -"Andokla".

The name of this place is a place name transliterated from "Dark Shadow Quiet Language". If it is literally translated into lingua franca, it means "the sixth forest of white trees".

Although "Andokla" is not a well-known area, it is just a small corner of the vast "Sea of ​​White Trees" in the plane of shadow, but with the existence of a place name, the legendary spellcaster uses prophecy spells to find out the location But it's much easier.

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At this moment, in a white forest in the Andokla area of ​​Eternal Night............


"Carat, carat, thank carat, thank carat"~

Accompanied by many happy cheers with a high-pitched voice and a dense voice and a deep and painful roar, I saw a huge creature five meters high, three meters wide, and six meters long, which fell heavily in a forest with lush white trees. Go down.

It was a huge adult "Edes Worm", but it looked miserable and crippled. At this time, a large thick black and white carapace had been excavated from the thick, dense, thumb-sized carapace on its back. In the deep hole, a large amount of white blood oozes from the edge of the hole, and the pitch-black fern under the worm's body is stained white by the blood.

From the holes that clearly penetrated into the worm's body, humanoid little fairies with thin arms and legs, but the size of fingers, were flying out quickly one after another.

Each of them is a beautiful girl, but there is no gender feature on the pure white body that is not covered by clothing. The back is dark wings, the corners of the mouth show a little bit of sharp tiger teeth, and the pair of watery The **** eyes prove that they are not ordinary fairies.

And... the most conspicuous part of these little guys is the black "tail" that is as long as the body and is like a bird's feather behind them.

In this perennially silent forest, the cheers of "Thank Carat" like the singing of larks are undoubtedly the singing of these little fairies.

If punk was here, he would definitely recognize it at a glance. These somewhat special black and white goblins are one of the rare species unique to the plane of shadow-"shadow demon"!

Shadow demon is a very magical creature. They look like a beautiful girl but do not have a gender in the usual sense. The soul does not exist in the mind but resides on the feather-like tail, and they like to rely on a kind of The spell-like talent group named "Shadow Bite" hunts large prey. After the prey is found, these guys who are no more than finger-sized will get into the prey in groups and destroy them. The large prey that is killed usually becomes An entire "feast place" of the shadow demon race was eaten into empty shells. This terrifying hunting method also gave the shadow demon a slander called "demon goblin".

But in fact, these little guys who live in the shadow plane are basically kind-hearted intelligent creatures. They even like to rescue those hapless travelers who are lost in the forest of white trees. They can only hunt or face. When facing the enemy, the shadow demon will show their fangs and teeth that coexist with the shadow.

Of course, for most legendary spellcasters, only valuable creatures are worth studying, and since the shadow demons can be studied a long time ago in such detail, it is enough to prove their value~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Although it is not a precious resource, the soul of the shadow demon is indeed the same as the soul of ordinary intelligent creatures, which can be processed into the basic "raw material" of legendary materials, and because of the almost perfect affinity for shadow energy, Legendary alchemists with savvy methods can also make the shadow demon's tail feathers into legendary casting materials. For example, the tail feathers used by punk before are refined by the crystallization of many shadow demon tails and the law of shadow.

Only because the number of "smart alchemists" in this era is too small and too small, the shadow demon's tail feathers have gradually lost their relatively good value, and even eventually become "ordinary official magic materials", and this number Since ancient times, a race of magic creatures, which has been quite rare, has been able to enjoy a rare silence in the world of shadows.

However... it is gold that cannot avoid shining, and valuable things will one day be seen again.

For example, now, the poor little fairies who have been living peacefully in the Andokla Forest for so many years have unfortunately encountered an "old mage" who was in a hurry to go to the hospital!

Their "intrinsic" value has once again brought the evil around.

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