Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 872: wack

The shadow demon likes hunting the Ides worms, because the only defense for these slow-moving big guys is a thick carapace, and these carapace must not be able to withstand the "shadows" of a group of shadow demon whose average warlock level reaches the official level. Bite", so the Shadow Demon can always easily get into the worm's body, and then dig out the passage of blood and flesh.

After the hunt was successful, a plump, juicy, and non-corrupted Ides Worm was enough for the entire Shadow Demon tribe to eat for the first half of the year.

Now, with the death of an Eddess worm, a hunting team composed of hundreds of adult shadow monsters can declare their return full, and saw them traverse black tracks one after another, praising the so-called "Carat". It was the gift of this luxuriant white forest, and then before the worm's soul dissipated, it was gracefully flying in the air and singing an ancient ballad.

It was a prayer word spread with "Shadow Quiet Words". The high and low syllables are like floating leaves in the breeze. The dance of the shadow demons is like ink strands floating and elegant against the white trees...

"Great and lush forest of white trees, you are in the shadows forever.

The dark cloak dances without wind, and the eternal night covers the earth.

The shadowed child was born in the white woods, returned in the dark, and fell asleep in silence.

Every life will step into death in the night

Every soul can gain peace as the shadows fly by..."

Ancient ballads and dances are always important programs that shadow demons must have after hunting. They must use this method to praise the "white tree forest that gave everything", and also to use this method to pay homage to the prey that sacrificed their lives. Companions who died unexpectedly, and even "poor, hateful" enemies.

Traditionally, these little fairies have attached great importance and solemnity to their festivals. As the intelligent creatures at the top of the food chain of the White Tree Forest, they do not need to worry about being attacked by wild beasts. According to the custom of shadow demons, every time The festival is related to their inner peace, so even if there are no hard and fast rules, they don't like to be distracted from doing other things during the sacrifice process.

But in this land of "Andokla", this group of shadow monsters with a number of three or four hundred, all of which have reached the official level, is obviously not as attentive as praying and chanting. Although their dances are still beautiful, but There was a lot of stiffness and acceleration in the movement, and every shadow demon looked around the snow-white grassland from time to time.

It seems that these always lively and happy little guys are secretly watching out for something...

And...their guard is obviously not meaningless.

In fact, about ten seconds after the shadow demon dance began, a blood-red eye gleamed in a thick white fern bush.

It was a terrifying pupil filled with what kind of tyranny, the blood-colored light almost turned into substance in the pupil, and the bloodthirsty desire mixed with a bit of painful struggle was intertwined into a crazy network in the eyes.

And when this eye looked at the beautiful shadow demon flying in the sky, the greed that couldn't help but tremble almost overflowed from the coagulated eye sockets.


"Ah! It's... the weirdo! The weirdo has appeared again"!

Perhaps the extremely evil gaze was too hot and horrified, or perhaps the little breath leaked by the master of the blood pupil shocked the flying goblins. A shadow demon located on the periphery of the festival dance finally discovered the red eyes that were incompatible with the entire black and white world. , The guard, who had not been able to immerse himself in the sacrifice, immediately yelled for warning with a sound almost screaming.

It can be seen that it is not the first time that the shadow monsters in Andokra have seen the so-called "weird".

"Quick...Run, it's weird, weird"!

"No, why is this monster here again? Isn't it enough that it ate so many people last time"?

"Damn fellow, how could such a terrible outsider appear here"?

After hearing the high warning from the guard shadow monsters, a group of little goblins screamed in horror and flew in all directions. In order to deal with the danger of exceeding the specifications, the shadow monsters who have always liked group actions have learned to escape separately. .

But... this alone cannot stop the "weirds" hiding in the ferns,

When seeing the shadow monsters screaming and running around, the "weird" who knew that his hiding was meaningless also roared and sprinted out of the jungle with a hoarse voice.

If you observe carefully at this time, perhaps the shadow monsters will find that this weird man walking upright with his body has only half of his upper body. Through the fine stubble, he can even see the squirming internal organs, and the "its" head is almost Without the human form, with the black-red beard and tattered clothes dyed with blood, the "weird" like a starving beast was like a demon climbing up from the abyss.

However, these heavy injuries, which seemed to be enough for most creatures to die 10,000 times, not only did not affect the combat effectiveness of the "weird", and even his actions could still maintain an extremely fast speed.

After rushing out of the jungle, the "weird" only trampled on the ground with his skinny legs and feet and rushed straight to the first shadow demon who sent an alarm. The speed reached ten times the speed of sound and even caused the shock wave to knock down a large area. The tall and hard white tree, and the figure of the "weird" also rushed through the sonic boom as the color afterimage passed.

At this moment, the poor shadow demon guard had no time to fly his wings and fly, because a bloodstained claw that seemed to have penetrated the space had already scratched her side with lightning speed.

Only after a short moment passed, a petite Shadow Demon was pinched in the palm of his hand by a terrifying dry old hand!



Sad screams resounded through a forest of white trees, filled with desperate soul fluctuations, and with the horror and cry of other running shadow monsters, the shadow of silence was also extremely rare.

But... after the sound of broken bones and the sparse blood flowing, all the noise suddenly stopped...

I saw that the rickety "weird" had put the shadow demon into his mouth and chewed, and white blood flowed from the torn lips and teeth. For a while, the whole piece of woodland where the needle could fall seemed to be only this left. The creepy crunching sound is...not enough...and eat...".

Greedily swallowing the vague flesh and blood in his mouth, the "weird" raised his head again and looked in the direction where the shadow monsters fled with red eyes.

It can be seen that just a little fairy can't satisfy its appetite at all. It needs to eat the point that it doesn't know how much to eat!

However, the hungry "weird" did not step forward again...

I saw that after eating a shadow demon, a violent struggle flashed in the monster's eyes very abruptly, and a trace of indistinguishable reason appeared in the only scarlet eyes of the "weird", and then , The "weird" whose whole bones became deformed unexpectedly pinched his neck and vomited.

He didn't seem to be happy after the "hunting" was successful, but suddenly became extremely painful!

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