Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 873: A state of despair

There is no doubt that the "weird" who is kneeling on the ground desperately pinching his neck and retching is the unlucky legendary mage Owen, but the current "inscription sage" is no longer as personable as before, because he is already here. I lived in the white woods of this shadow plane for more than two years.

After such a long life of beasts, almost all of the old mage's body is covered with crusted blood and stains, and the beard and hair that once shone with silver have also become dirty rags that are now condensed into a ball— —Even Owen himself must admit that his appearance now is not just described as dirty, the two words disgusting are more suitable for this tattered body.

It's just that the old mage at this time obviously didn't have the mood and qualifications to care about the impact of his appearance, because the injury to his soul was much more serious than the incompleteness of his body.

The lethality of the morning star spell is undoubtedly very powerful. Although Owen has superimposed several layers of magic protection on himself before being hit by the heavy hammer of Babun, the attack that is completely higher by one level still makes "Inscription Sage" "He was hit **** the spot, and the power of the law integrated into his flesh and soul expanded the wound like a maggot attached to bones, preventing the recovery of the injury.

After being traumatized like this, he actually supported the potential of squeezing the soul and released a legendary spell that can only be described by a miracle even if the cast succeeded. He even forcibly endured "Mioni's super "Long-distance Random Teleportation" brings huge legal pressure.

As a result... this terrifying damage stack of severe injuries and "self-mutilation" finally exceeded the tolerance of a 27th-level legendary professional. When it came to the plane of shadow with a large body damaged during the teleportation process, The soul of the old mage has entered a crisis state on the verge of collapse.

In such a state of soul, Owen, let alone using legendary spells or using magical powers, he can’t even maintain basic sanity and thinking, at least in the recent two years of wandering in the Andokla Forest. Fortunately, the time that the person can awaken his sanity in a day is not even more than a minute. In most of the time, this old mage with a tattered soul just acts on instinct like an unwise beast.

Even if it was a rare waking time, Owen, who had been pampering him since childhood, had to endure the stench on his body. This uncomfortable feeling even made the old mage with some cleanliness and chaos thinking about it for a while.

Owen, who has been a "super genius" + "the eldest son of a great nobleman" since his birth, has never suffered such a crime in his life...

Fortunately, looking for shortcomings is after all his thoughts when his mind is muddled. Although Owen is now equivalent to being "stunned", but most of the time, his desire to survive is still very strong, and he is still looking forward to it. With his boss "Meswuer" rescued himself from this hell.


"Oh! Bah! Bah? This...what a disgusting and dirty thing, how long will it take for the old man to die like this"!

Taking advantage of the time when my wisdom finally came to mind, I quickly spit out the chewed Shadow Demon corpse on the deep black grass, savoring the blood of the shadow creature full of mouth and taste strange, Owen even tore it painfully The cracked nail buckled into the palm of his hand.

He preyed on the poor shadow monsters only by the pure instinct without wisdom at all. After all, the beasts always tend to prey on those seemingly weak animals when injured to help speed up the recovery of the body, even if a legendary strong man eats No amount of "little animals" can recover the wounds caused by morning star spells, but the "instinct" without wisdom does not understand this truth...

And this ignorant "instinct" is also the most painful place for the old mage.

You know, the body of the shadow demon is not delicious at all. The flesh and blood of these little goblins contains a lot of official-level poison, and their hearts can also breed seeds carrying the "Shadow Thorns" fungus. In the “cursed” creatures, although these “little tricks” that are only formal level are far from hurting the “inscription sage” as a legendary professional, the disgusting taste of eating raw meat still makes most humans unable to resist. Produce a feeling of nausea.

Owen was now disgusted by the mass of raw meat in his mouth.

"Oh! God! How long has it been? A month? A year? Or a hundred years?, why... Why doesn't Messoul come to save me? How dare he not come to save me? He is not afraid of me being caught Do you tell everything after you catch it? He didn't dare... He must not dare"!

Listening to the crunch of the rubbing of bones all over his body, the "Inscription Sage" whose pupils began to dilate again staggered up on the black grass.

Due to the intermittent thinking, Owen could not accurately judge the time. In his soul perception, which had lost many functions, time seemed to be in a chaotic state of random changes at any time.

Although he knows that his enemies will never let go, and he also knows that whenever possible, Messoul will definitely find a way to rescue himself, a precious legendary force who knows a lot of inside information, but now Owen is still unable to rest assured. , Because he doesn't know how long he has been on the run, nor can he judge whether his enemy or "reinforcement" has just set off or is halfway...

This feeling of ups and downs between anticipation, fear, and worry almost drives the fugitive who was already delirious someone will come to rescue me... it will definitely... me But the ruler of the Kayboldo Empire is an "inscription sage" with a magic tower, I...I can't just fall like this... absolutely impossible! That's right... I have to find a hiding place before Messure arrives. It's too conspicuous to hunt intelligent creatures indiscriminately. The whispering mage might come after him. I...I... ah ah Ahhhhh"!

Although thinking at a speed that is not as good as that of ordinary people, Owen's rationality has not been maintained.

Before he could put his rare and prudent thought into action, a sudden and sharp pain pierced through the depths of his soul.

At the same time, the distorted old mage's body also fell to the ground uncoordinated, his mouth burst out like a beast of pain, and the light of wisdom in the blood-red eyes quickly became crazy. Disappeared without a trace in the tide.

Unfortunately, Owen’s sanity still did not last more than a minute today............

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