Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 909: Merchant's message

The reason why Punk stopped practicing legendary spells was because a dark green magic crystal card sent him a message without warning, and that dark green magic crystal card was the communication card of the "Candy Merchant".

After finishing the private transaction with Mimibez last time, out of the idea that "a little more contact will never hurt", the punk took a dark green crystal card in the space designated by the other party, while still The box containing a large number of collars strongly marked which card he took.

Later, after inspection, a legendary wizard who is good at alchemy spells can also determine that the technical content contained in this crystal card is far inferior to the black card distributed by the "guild leader". It does only have basic one-way information transmission capabilities, and it is not impossible to see through it. For the sake of convenience, he simply carried this card along with the black crystal card.

And now, a remarkable fact quickly proved the truth of "one more friend, one more business route"-just when punk had just practiced the "twisted world of the muse" to the point where it could barely be used, the dark green crystal The card actually passed a message from the "Candy Merchant".

And this piece of information actually has a direct relationship with the transaction of alchemy potions.

I saw the above written in the playful tone commonly used by Mimibezi:

"It’s been a long time since I saw my good friend. I’m the cute little businessman Mi Mibezi. I’m telling you the good news. Your stuck alchemy potions are finally available. If you plan to sell them, we will come. Let's talk about this business at the meeting place, although it may not make much...It is better to sell it than to keep it in your hands, right?".

"...Is it troublesome to sell anything at the legendary level? Or is the practical value of my alchemy potion too low? It is really helpless to find a buyer for two thousand years."

Looking at the delicate lingua franca on the crystal card, punk frowned helplessly.

In fact, he is not very cold with such "rare buyers", because precious medicines can only be sold at a very profitable price when there is no market. If the buyer only has one or two... ...Maybe it will be difficult to return to the original cost. As a producer of a commodity, punk wants more than just "not losing money", but making money.

But anyway, in this "Legendary Island Era", an alchemy created as a "commodity" can be sold better than smashed in your hands. Now that the candy merchant has found the buyer, ask him There is always no loss in bids.

Thinking in this way, punk still condensed the projection seriously, and then let this hazy image come to the "Astral Shop" of the "Candy Merchant".

Those five "bright life" potions have been backlogged in punk for two thousand years, and these things that are almost completely useless to the caster themselves will expire in five thousand years.


The place where Mimibez traded was still as empty and quiet as ever. In this dark astral space, the meeting between the caster and the small merchant was no different from the last time.

The "Candy Merchant" did hide a projection in the cracks of this space at any time as she said, so the ink-colored image of punk had just arrived here through the portal, and Mimi Beizi hadn't changed. The little girl's shape projection has already come out to welcome her.

"Welcome to our master alchemist, warm welcome~"


After the two "businessmen" met, before the caster controlled the projection to say a word, a large handful of light green spots burst out of the many artificial gaps in the space with Mimibezi's cheerful tone. .

Although these light green light spots like fireflies did show some embellishment in the gloomy darkness, the gentle brilliance flow even made the brilliance of the stars hazy, but...the atmosphere on the scene still changed for a while. Very embarrassing...

The serious trading atmosphere is too easy to be destroyed............

"You really don't seem to have anything to do. Making these flashy things will only make this trading position easier to expose."

He waved his hand to disperse the green energy light spot in front of him, and his eyes were gloomy and punk without the thought of appreciating the scenery.

In the eyes of the legendary mage with a clear purpose, all so-called sentiments or scenery are unnecessary. He does not like to treat flashy things as art like Kane.

As for the small merchant with a large shimmering light around her... She seemed to be as helpless as the mad knights of the caster's boringness. Seeing that the legendary mage had no interest in the welcome ceremony she "prepared", the entire projection was The "Candy Merchant" who appeared crystal clear under the shining light could only shook his head and said:

"Well, my business partner, depending on the situation, you are really as rigid and monotonous as your other friend of mine said. Let's start discussing this transaction."

"Attention, I have never had a so-called friend. Kane's nonsense is not trustworthy."

Coldly refuted Mimibez's statement and took the opportunity to "daily" black out a wave of mad knights. "Destroy Whispers" also naturally ignored the other party's ridicule:

"Opening the door can always save a lot of time, so let's talk about what kind of magic materials you can give as trading items, and what price you can give for a potion."

The goods transactions of legendary powerhouses in this era have never fixed "currency" that can be measured as value so bartering is the main method of material exchange.

But even if it is "bargaining for things", the considerations about wealth are still very particular.

Generally speaking, the buyer of the product needs to first inform him of what and how many magic items can be used to pay for it, and then the sales of the product will make price considerations based on this information. In this process, wealth benefits The choice and the confrontation of bargaining are both very important. The "relaxed" atmosphere shown by Mimibezi can only be used to deceive a guy like Pabun. An "old fritters" like punk won't really think it's in sight anytime. What kind of sincerity a small businessman who thinks about making a fortune would have so-called "friends".

Seeing that the caster talked directly about the transaction, Mimibezi naturally had nothing to say, she could only helplessly dissipate the bright green light spots that danced slowly, and then straightened her attitude towards the legend. The mage said:

"Okay, okay, let's talk about the transaction, but this time the transaction is a little complicated. You and I are likely to reach a long-term cooperation during this period, so... As a "middleman", I want to ask first... ………What do you know about the "devil" race"?

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