Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 910: The devil and the blood war

Although I don't know why the "Candy Merchant" cares if punk knows enough about the "Devil", in fact, the caster really knows a lot about this magical race.

The devil can be called the representative of the evil lawful camp creatures. Unlike chaotic and fickle demons, the demons are magic creatures living in hell. They are notorious for their powerful power, evil character, and ruthless but efficient organization. It is obvious, and the demons usually have a very strict social class system. They follow the hierarchical structure like the ancient aristocracy as the basis of social operation.

At the same time, the legendary devil will generally be awarded the "duke" as the highest social class existence-although for the legendary devil itself, this kind of social class that is not directly linked to the level of power generally has no meaning.

Punk knows so much about the devil, and considering the long passage of time, he is not sure whether the knowledge he inherited from the era of Netheril is out of date, so facing the question of Mimibez, the caster just doesn’t Xian Budan replied:

"Slightly understand, but not much..."

This is undoubtedly a very ambiguous answer.

However, as a middleman, Mimi Beizi didn't seem to hear the doubts in the legendary mage's statement. After hearing the phrase "a little understanding", the dark green of the little girl's image nodded and said to punk:

"Well, a little understanding is enough...Do you know? I'm actually a devil, and I'm from the noble "Obalon" clan, even though the surname has become meaningless at the legendary level... ………But as a legendary devil, I know several other "devil princes".

As if showing off something, the "Candy Merchant" seemed very proud of his devil's racial identity.

At the same time, she did not forget to tell the "Whisper of Destruction" the connection to this transaction.

After a self-introduction with no useful information, Mimibez reduced his playful appearance and said seriously:

"If you have a certain understanding of the devil, then you must know about the "blood battle" of hell. In hell, every devil prince has the obligation to participate in the blood battle against the demon lord who invaded hell, just like every devil theory Everyone is obliged to go to the battlefield of the **** battle at any time to act as soldiers. And because the devils pay much attention to their family and social relations, the devil who lost in the **** battle will lose face and shame the whole family and even their friends. In addition, a large number of resource rewards will also be deprived, and even more serious failures will be punished by the signed devil contract."............

Since she has popularized the knowledge about the "blood war" to the legendary mage, Mimi Beizi still did not talk about the topic. It seems that she does intend to cooperate with an alchemist master for a long time, so she is very This time the negotiation transaction was very patient, and knowing that punk probably didn't know much about hell, the little businessman began to earnestly popularize relevant information.

However, the patience of punk who is thinking about going back and quickly practicing the legendary spells is not very much.

From the words of Mimibezi, the caster has already heard it. After more than a billion years, the **** is still in an orderly and unchanging old-fashioned appearance. The unlucky demons are still dealing with crazy demons. There is no **** battle, these "since ancient times" things have obviously not changed.

Even punk knows that the legendary devil princes are not participating in blood battles for the sake of face or rewards-those things are just to be nice to say, in fact, they are just signing a series before they are promoted to the legend. The devil's contract about blood battles is just that. It is this kind of contract that brings some devil resources and opportunities to advance to the legendary mage, and it also gives them the "right to participate in blood battles" that is extremely troublesome in the future...

Although the Devil's Contract is far less binding than the Judgment Eye Contract, and the existence of various loopholes is almost inevitable, the contract made by the "Devil's Grand Council" still cannot be easily violated.

Therefore, even if some unlucky legendary demons are unwilling, they can only participate in the **** battle to "defend hell". Maybe they will more or less "slip and rape" in such a war, but at least in the general direction. Too perfunctory.

But...what does the **** battle have to do with this "deal"?

For those who are patient and continue to listen, the eyes of the legendary mage looking at Mimibezi have also begun to become deeper.

If nothing else...this matter is probably not easy.


Maybe I realized the impatience of punk. The "Candy Merchant" did not continue the long-form "bloody battle" introduction. Instead, she happily stated the content of her business. The buyer of the medicine finally had the words of the small merchant. Revealed.

I saw Mimi Beizi solemnly continue:

"All in all, blood battle is such a troublesome thing. Although those stupid sub-lords generally do not pose a fatal threat to the clever legendary devil, the defeat of the blood battle is also very troublesome and troublesome. But this time from the 500th The demons who invaded the Twenty-Third Abyss were strong and a bit abnormal...So, a demon grand prince I knew who was not very confident in his own strength planned to buy some potions to bring to the battlefield."

"A very sensible idea, it doesn't hurt to have more cards... but it doesn't sound like a so-called "long-term cooperation".

Watching the little merchant's exquisitely projected face calmly, the caster's image still seemed to have no emotional fluctuations.

A legendary professional who is not very confident of his own strength usually buys one or two alchemy potions as a reserve of hole cards. According to common sense, when this kind of hole cards will be used, how can it be called " long term partnership"?

But soon Merchant" gave a reasonable explanation.

I saw Mimibezi shook his head helplessly:

"No, no, no, the devil's grandfather is different from what you think... should be different, how do you put it... it chose to "submit blood" in the direction of breaking free from the cage, but this guy still has a little demon blood, as a result... When he started fighting, he was a little bit particularly desperate, and this kind of personality that he can't care about anything when his eyes are red is matched with a talented ability that can consume life and strengthen get it."

A little embarrassingly introduced this "friend I know", Mimibez's words unexpectedly added a hint of hatred for iron and steel.

It can be seen that the relationship between her and this so-called "acquaintance" in her mouth should be very unusual.

But after this explanation, Punk understands why this "buyer" needs a steady stream of alchemy potions............

A stupid berserker fights by gambling his life, and a smarter berserker fights by drugs of course.

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