Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 938: Distribution plan

"Hey hey hey, how come you two guys are ganging up to bully people? And "smiling" don't forget, this uncle didn't ask you to take part in the adventure, you have to join in, now you are not only It’s so rude and nonsense to come here and mix up... Isn’t it a bit too much?"

After hearing the request of the legendary mage and the girl **** Yizhi, Kane, whose smile gradually disappeared, looked a lot gloomy immediately. WWWW.SUIMENG.lā

Obviously, he didn't want to tell others what his purpose was.

But now it seems that the prudent spellcaster and the not stupid God of Red Sands will certainly not allow the mad knight to continue to be so stupid and stunned. Now the three legendary professionals in the lobby of this golden palace are not. For the uncompromising villains, if the only trustworthy eye of trial is not signed, the three "villains" will definitely not have the capital for cooperation.

Punk knows this, "Smile" knows this, and Kane certainly knows this-if you want to cooperate, the purpose of the three people must be clearly written on the contract. Only in this way can someone stabbing the knife behind the back!

"Curiosity can kill a cat... Knowing too much may not be of much benefit. We just cooperate to pursue adventures. Can't we be a little more tolerant of each other's secrets?"

The glittering golden eyes in his eyes began to become sharper and sharper, and the legendary knight had completely withdrawn his hippy smiling face. The serious atmosphere was once again permeated in the blood-drenched air, and a trace of chill had penetrated through the cracks in the floor. .

"Curiosity is the basic source for all intelligent creatures to seek progress. It is not curiosity, but ignorance that kills cats. Only stupid animals will step into danger step by step without preparation... So, Besadas Sir, if you always refuse to show any sincerity, then we have no cooperation to discuss."

Looking at the mad knight without evasiveness, the scarlet pupils projected by the caster are more shocking than the blood that is gradually freezing.

You know, Kane's concealment has already made "Destroy Whispers" secretly suspicious.

It is difficult for him to imagine what secrets the legendary knight in front of him is planning to be so "unspeakable", and what unknowable reasons are hidden behind his mysterious behavior? The deeper he explores, the more punk is jealous of the hidden mystery of the Mad Knight. He never dared to underestimate a "monster" who has the ability to chase his comprehensive strength behind him.

In the process of cooperating with the "monster", every bit of defense and caution is essential!

"At least you have to sign a contract to understand the eyes of the trial, to ensure that this guy's purpose is really to find "treasure" rather than "to kill two legendary teammates". The actions of "killing the gun instantly" are too abnormal and unimaginable."

Thinking silently, the projection of the legendary mage stared directly at Kane's golden pupils calmly.

There is no evasiveness or retreat. Punk is very accurate about the weakness of the mad knight. He knows that the opponent’s adventure cannot lack the help of a powerful spellcaster, and he also understands what the opponent can find at present, and has the courage and strength to participate." The caster of "Hunting Gods" is only himself. Once important combat power refuses to participate in the battle, Kane's adventure will not go on! This is the biggest reliance of punk pressing!

And the words of the caster are not just threats. If the mysterious "Instant Kill Gun" insists on refusing to say some key information, he will really not participate in this operation.

No matter how great wealth, they have to make way for "safety". Punk is not so scarce as a certain hapless girl **** who needs to struggle to find "opportunities".


"Well, if you think about it, there is nothing to tell you, but correspondingly, this time we have to agree on the distribution of key wealth before the action begins."

After being silent for a while, the crazy knight with a weird expression did not continue to stubbornly, he pretended to be indifferent and spread his hands, and then said lightly.

"My uncle doesn't want to work hard and work like last time. In the end, most of the benefits were taken away by a shameless robber. This time we must use powerful means to ensure the most basic fairness."

"Concubine body seconded"!

As soon as Kane's words fell, the "smile" that had been sitting on the sidelines for a while also followed the legendary knight's gaze to the caster.

It can be seen that the girl **** is very dissatisfied with the gains of the last Netheril ruins adventure, and her appetite cannot be satisfied with a little magical resources.

"......Yes, but the distribution method needs to be fair enough, and if there is wealth outside of the contract, we must all have the right to freely acquire."

Looking at the seemingly smiling Kane and the sharp "smile" in his eyes, the punk who hesitated slightly still agreed to the agreement with a low voice.

Think about it carefully, a fair contract still has more advantages than disadvantages. Punk will not be so confident that he will always have the opportunity to be the first to get the benefits... He is now provoking the destiny so much, and this "provocation" "It is still going on. Various unlucky events and unknowable accidents may occur. At this time, it is still necessary to use a contract to guarantee your own profits.

Anyway, for "Destroy Whispers", as long as you get the remains of the golem, you are making a lot of money. If you can ensure the stability of this most important "treasure", it doesn't matter if you let other wealth go out.

Anyway, what kind of wealth can a **** who is desperate enough to rely on to strip off the priesthood to continue his life? It's nothing more than a few resources, a kingdom of God, three priests, plus the "Remains of the Morning Star Golem in the Age of Netheril" that punk dreams of!

"Great, then it's settled."

Hearing that Punk agreed to his proposal, "Smile" did not continue to find the fault to refute it. Kane, who had a gloomy eye in the last second, regained his smile instantly.

I saw him succinctly while taking out the Eye of Judgment contract that he had prepared long ago

"My uncle's purpose is actually very simple... The Kingdom of God, which has been incomparably perfected after more than 30 million years of construction, is my uncle's goal! In this operation Uncle only this wealth is enough! How about? Is it righteous enough? For fair distribution, all the three priests of the Hurricane God are given to our "Smile" lady, and the remains of the Morning Star Golem are classified as punk you wealth"!

Quickly speaking out the distribution plan that had been drawn up a long time ago, Kane also handed the parchment of Eye of Judgment with the terms written in advance to the center of the hall.

The purpose of the mad knight sounds really simple...Of course, it is also very mysterious. The act of "snake the gun" asking for the kingdom of God made the caster immediately think of the **** of red sand who was driven away by the opponent. country…………

"What does this guy do as a legendary warrior in the Kingdom of God? The last time the "half" of the God of Red Sand's Kingdom was taken by him, but where did he go?"

With doubts in his heart, he secretly put the doubts in his heart, and punk still signed the contract with his eyes flashing.

For the time being, what Kane wants the Kingdom of God to do has nothing to do with him. Anyway, there will be no results after asking. The most important thing is to ensure that his own interests can be realized. As for other ideas... wait until you have more information. It's not too late to think.


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