Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 939: church

The center of the Fulaera plane is a mountain that has been cut in half. There is only one conspicuous and grand luxury building on the huge cross section of the entire lush mountain peak. This is a huge church built from exquisite ashlar. , The area ten times larger than the general palace of the kingdom and the geographical location at the peak are enough to prove the lofty status of this church on such a small plane, and the solemn religious atmosphere and the gods emblems full of all the gorgeous decorations It is enough to prove how pious the believers in this church are. WWWW.SUIMENG.lā

If you pass through a formal barrier of magical magic, curious and faithful believers can walk into the church, and then he will find that the inside of this gorgeous religious building is even more majestic and majestic than the outside.

The church is full of tranquil and religious atmosphere. In the light reflected by the stained glass and the lights of hundreds of candles, the solemn atmosphere transformed from the ancient precipitation of time lingers around the whole body. The spacious and tall halls and dark gold The ceilings are set against each other, and every detail of the decorations is full of artistic flavor, reflecting the wealth of the "gods". The decorative counter in the church displays the art of "true gods". The exquisite gold wares on display are the most eye-catching. The priests and apprentices in the sacrificial robes of the gods ship whispered in the church and walked quietly, infecting each other. Religious atmosphere and mentality.

At this moment, at the end of the promenade of the church, a group of apprentices with fanatical expressions were praying under the leadership of a young and beautiful formal female priest. They worshipped a target of more than ten meters tall, wearing armor and holding a long sword. The statue of the majestic man. Obviously, the image of the warrior displayed on the statue is the deity worshipped by this church and even the entire plane of Fulaera-Atdylun!

After a series of cumbersome rituals to express his faith, the beautiful official priest clasped his hands together, and then chanted a pious prayer poem with an ethereal voice.

"Great God of hurricanes, rainstorms, and frosts, your brilliance dim the stars.

O great thunderstorm dragon hunter, your power will never extinguish in the wind.

You are the supreme god, the only in the singularity, the eternal in eternity.

Your unscrupulous measures are justified, just as humans should eat lambs.

Your order cannot be violated, just as the sun must rise every day and then set every day.

We sincerely praise you, eager for the smooth progress of the inheritance of faith, and eager for the heretical figure to have nowhere to hide, year after year, day after day, as always, forever..."

Religious words passed slowly in the mouth of the beautiful female priest like a song, and it was like a clear spring flowing on the stone moss. It is not difficult to see that her faith is as religious as her words, and the beautiful vision in her heart is also like her His piety is also integrated into prayer.

"It has been a long time since there has been no heresy. Almost everyone on the entire plane of Fulaera has become a believer of the great true god. Although since the revision of the doctrine 30,000 years ago, the transmission of faith in the true **** has slowed down a lot, but Thanks to the efforts of many companions, the glory of the hurricane has finally spread to every inch of Fulera"!

After reciting the poem, the enthusiastic female priest couldn't help raising her head and muttering to the statue exuding pale white brilliance.

As far as she knew, the "Hurricane Sect" preachers who settled on the plane of Fulaera 30,000 years ago still followed that set of ancient doctrines. Blood sacrifices, massacres, and torture were the mainstream preaching methods during that time. There are very few official-level professionals on the barren Fulaera plane, so the Hurricane Sect, backed by the "True God", used various iron and blood methods to rapidly spread the faith.

However, just over 25,000 years ago, the **** of the hurricane, Atdylan, suddenly dropped the oracle during the period when the faith was most prosperous, and the revised doctrines replaced the original creeds, a lot of **** and evil religions. The content was almost completely deleted, replaced by a slow missionary strategy focusing on order and "peace."

In this way, the speed of the transmission of beliefs suddenly slowed down, and the "Hurricane Sect" that once set off a **** storm has now turned into a lawful sect that is almost neutral!

The female pastor doesn’t know why the great **** made such a decision. She only knows that “what God does is right” and “you must obey the oracle.” This is also the fact that the Hurricane Church has inherited more than 20,000 The important thought of the year.

Fortunately, although blood and violence have been lost, the transmission of faith is still extremely rapid on such a small plane where other religions and powerful forces do not exist. Today's Hurricane Church has become almost all the wisdom of Fu Laila. The common belief of living beings, and as the chief priest of this session, the female priest has been enjoying a peaceful and pious peaceful life.

"This seems to be good too. My companions feel the brilliance of the gods together, thank the great true gods together for the grace, and interpret the extensive and profound ancient teachings together... Come to think of it, the transformation of the great gods should be a good change."

Sincerely lowered his head to kiss the ground around the statue, the female priest's peaceful smile looked very elegant.

Today’s Hurricane Religion people are enjoying order and peace. I don’t know when this once evil religious organization has completed the changes. A peaceful life and common belief have replaced blood and killing, focusing on order. 'S rule has also become the cornerstone of the prosperity of Fulaera

Although no believer knows why their gods suddenly changed so much, and no priest knows... What they call "quiet life" is nothing more than a castle on the beach—it falls down with one push.

However, on such a warm afternoon caressed by the afternoon sun, the monstrous waves have indeed been aimed at the fragile beach.


The female priest who closed her eyes and felt the "God's Glory" just raised her A loud noise like thunder roared without warning, and saw the magnificent church moving in a burst. The mountain lost half of its volume in an instant, and the statue of Atdylan also fell to the ground with the violent shaking. The large bricks were scattered like bullets. Many ordinary nuns who are not professionals. In the first wave of shock, it was as fragmented as a fragile puppet.

The disaster that could break the peace of the entire plane has arrived.

"What? What the hell... what is going on... what kind of fanatic dared to defile the great hurricane god"!

Like a rabbit stepped on its tail, the female priest jumped up in shock. She couldn't even care that she was covered with dust and she would use magical techniques to support the statue of the **** who was about to fall.

For an avid believer, let alone the death of the nun and the disability of the apprentice, her own life is far less important than the cleanliness of the statue of the gods. She must ensure that the symbol of her belief is spotless, and then Only have time to see what happened.


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