Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 962: Disadvantages of the legendary organization

From the answer of the "chairman", punk can get three very obvious pieces of information.

First of all, he can basically make a judgment-even in the circle of the sun throne that is like a pool of stagnant water, the "guild leader" will always be mysterious and elusive, because he actually has "the chance to slightly confuse the river of fate" As a trump card, this kind of so-called "little means" is enough to surprise anyone, whether it is some taboo knowledge or some magical creation.

The second is that the "guild leader" really intends to train more than one Morningstar professional who can share his worries and solve problems. As for his amazing plan that needs Morningstar level combat power to be implemented, it is still a secret for the time being, only until the next meeting begins. Will be made public............

However, no matter from which aspect, the above two contents are only good for punk. Some people give away resources for free and act as a backer to help them qualify for the Morningstar. It is definitely a good thing to be called the "Man Han Banquet" from the sky. After all, in punk It seems that no benefit is more important than improving one's own strength. No matter what the purpose of the president is, the opportunity to improve strength is always not to be missed.

What's more, the mission of the Silent Alliance has always been fair, fair and well paid. The "Whisper of Destruction" that never considers the life of the "hermits" has no reason to be fearful.

However, in addition to the good news related to these two direct interests, the last thing that the caster cannot ignore is the issue of the "eye of judgment contract".

To be honest, punk has never heard of any bad things that would happen when using the Judgment Eye contract. At least in the ancient Netheril era, the Judgment Eye contract was recognized by everyone and absolutely no problem." "Fair judgment", but the Great Austrian Teacher Council at that time had the ability to make contracts at the **** seat level, so the Great Austrian Teachers did not need to use things like the Judgment Eye Contract to protect their fairness.

But now... a full 1.6 billion years have passed. The contract that seems to have never had any problems has obviously undergone some unknowable changes, and the clear words of the "chairman" also make Punk thought of a very important fact-he really hadn’t heard that legendary professionals above the Huiyue level used the Eye of Judgment contract. Whether it was Messoul or the "guildmaster", he would rather risk his subordinates to betray. At his own risk, he would never use the Eye of Trial Contract to guarantee the loyalty of its legendary members. This fact can definitely be used as evidence to testify to the warning of the "chairman".

"Don't use the Eye of Judgment Contract unless you are a last resort, or you will regret it when you are promoted to Huiyue"!

The warning words and many strange details under the crown of the shining throne seem to fully explain how the mysterious Eye of Judgment contract is daunting in the eyes of higher-level legendary powerhouses, and why it is like punk or Kane. Ordinary legends dare to use this thing regularly just because the simple ignorant is fearless.

In fact, the parchment that tells of "absolute order" also contains many unknown secrets, and these secrets were born after the demise of the Netheril civilization, the great master Vedrassia 'S memory can't be warned at all!

There is no reason for the "guild leader" warning to be ignored. You can't rely too much on the Judgment Eye contract in the future. Although it seems that ordinary Legendary professionals use the contract for nothing, but if it reaches a higher level... that only has an insight into everything The eyes may hide some unknowable dangers. I think this is the reason why most legendary organizations have not used that "absolute order" contract as the guarantee of subordinates' loyalty."

Thinking calmly with glorious eyes, feeling the breeze blowing softly around him, the punk expression did not clear up because of the reception of the "guild leader", on the contrary, his eyes seemed a little gloomy.

Is it really a good thing that the Eye of Judgment Contract cannot be used as a shackle to ensure fairness?

Punk thinks not!

Without a tangible guarantee of integrity, the difficulty of ensuring the unity and trust of the members of a legendary organization will suddenly rise.

You know, for any legendary professional, all the spells that control the soul and penetrate the soul can only have temporary effects. As long as the legendary professional upgrades the level, all the legendary-level magic, energy, and energy that do not belong to the soul itself All the material will be eliminated. The only more troublesome problem is that most legendary professionals in the "Legendary Island" era have been unable to upgrade to a professional level for millions of years.

From the era of Netheril to the present, there has never been a legendary spell or even the ultimate move that can permanently control a legendary professional. Only god-level god-level creations such as the eye of judgment contract and priesthood can truly exist. Let a legendary professional can not get rid of.

However, the most "fair" trial eye contract has major hidden dangers and is difficult to use. This means that the internal unity of a legendary organization depends on the deterrence of top powers, and this deterrence is often only constituted by pure stakeholders. Constraint Even once the deterrence of this "top powerhouse" has problems...A huge legendary organization may fall apart overnight!

After learning about the Silent Alliance and the Wizards’ Guild, Punk has actually seen the shortcomings of this legendary organization that is seriously lacking in unity. Most people in the Silent Alliance simply ignore the call of the “guild leader,” President. This title is just a title in the eyes of most silent people.

Not to mention the Mage Guild. Messul’s grand plan needs to hide most of the Mage Guild members secretly. As the supreme leader of the Mage Guild, not only is he unable to mobilize the huge power of the entire Mage Guild, he must also Be careful not to let your own people know your calculations.

It now appears that only the "guild leader" is the most perfect way to lure a group of "lunatics" on the "thief ship" with benefits-only because of the small number of madmen in this era and the weak strength, this "thief ship" "It's a bit too slow...

"The world of legends is too big, so big that even the Throne of the Sun cannot be seen... If I create a legendary organization one day in the future, will I have a way to prevent my legendary organization from becoming a "legendary club" "What?"

Silently shook his head, Punk did not draw any useful conclusions.

Now he hasn't even reached the realm of Morning Star, thinking that those things are too far away.

"Forget it, let's do the things in front of you first... Well, I have already got the remains of the Morning Star Golem, and now I have also received a gift from the president... No, it's a resource for "transaction", then take it Now, it’s time to start the second legendary golem research project!"


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