Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 963: Golem and plan

Abandoning the temporarily meaningless worry about gains and losses, the legendary mage who used the portal to return to the magic tower with sixteen plump packages quickly calmed down unnecessary feelings in his heart. After a short period of precipitation and imagination, he has already begun. Thinking about new research. "Love←Go÷Small?Speak→Net.aqxs52o.", provides you with wonderful novel reading.

For the punk at this time, it is very important to improve your own strength quickly, because the tasks that the "executors" need to carry out next require the combat power of the morningstar level to be used as a safety guarantee, which makes it determined to be obtained through task rewards There is a sense of urgency for resources to upgrade their casters.

For any legendary spellcaster, the most important way to improve strength is to practice research and learn knowledge. Now that the "Destroy Whisper" has sufficient resources and knowledge to support it, it is the most dangerous and difficult to start. Obviously, the golem research program, which is the easiest to master knowledge, is obviously taken for granted.

Moreover, the confident punk is very concerned about the "accident" that occurred during the production of the last legendary golem.

He never thought that his own ability could not complete the production of the legendary golem. The unreasonable accident last time can only be regarded as the result of the interference of the long river of fate and his lack of defense. If the situation repeats itself, he has a fully vigilant punk decision. Don't think I will fail again!


"After a deeper understanding of the creative enchantment ideas of the "guildmaster", even Vedrasia was not as good as me at level 35 in alchemy. It makes no sense for him to make a perfect legendary golem. I can’t, so the second study of the legendary golem must not only be perfect, but also go further... Well, the shell of the wreckage of the Morningstar Golem can be used directly, and the energy core of the magic fan lock can also be used. It’s easy to activate, and the Morningstar level alchemy experience of the Great Master Vedraxia is even more helpful... Maybe I don’t even need to make a complete ordinary legendary golem, using these two key Morningstar creations and an important one. It’s better to try to make a semi-finished Morningstar-level golem.”

While scraping the remains of the golem inlaid on Atdylan's corpse piece by piece, Punk released his imagination and boldly made a plan.

If you think about it carefully, you can know that the current spellcaster is already sprinting towards the realm of Morningstar. If he creates an ordinary legendary-level golem, wouldn't it be abolished when the caster is promoted to Morningstar? It would be too extravagant to waste the hard-won golem remains and magic fan lock energy core of the era of Netheril.

However, if the golem production is not carried out, the promotion of the legendary level will be slow because of no practical research, which is also not in the interests of punk.

Therefore, after careful and bold consideration, the frugal and cautious punk made this seemingly arrogant decision-to make a semi-finished Morning Star Golem, and then wait until he is promoted to Morning Star before completing it. In this way, now At this stage, you can use this practical research to master knowledge, and in the future, you can also obtain practical Morningstar level golems as combat power!

Ordinary legends try to make Morningstar creations...even if it is only a semi-finished product, even if the materials used are the remains of the Morningstar golem, the core of the magic fan lock, and the knowledge of the Morningstar level...this idea is still a little bit What do you mean by whimsical? After all, theories are only theories, and the magic in reality is much more difficult than the theoretical books written by the great masters.

This kind of worry is bound to exist, but at this moment, punk feels that he is not whimsical.

Because he believes that the success rate of this plan can definitely reach about 50%!

Don’t forget, the legendary mage can still ask the "guildmaster" for advice. I believe that the generous Yaori Throne will be willing to answer some trivial little questions to the confused juniors in the name of trading, and can apply for "executors". The opportunity of "welfare" can only be used before being promoted to Morningstar or before the "chairman" ends the talent training program. This kind of overdue preferential treatment is too wasteful if it is not used well.

So when the three important factors of sufficient materials, sufficient knowledge, and excellent temporary mentor were all available, "Destroy Whispers" looked at the many magic materials in the storage room and began to release a meaningful brilliance.

Some bold ideas are indeed greedy, but can the greed of the legendary professional be called greedy? This is called "challenge yourself"!

If you can "challenge" to succeed, punk believes that it is absolutely not a problem to get two levels or even greater promotion!

If the challenge fails... the worst result is nothing more than a repeat of the last explosion. The magical materials of the morning star level will basically not be damaged by an accidental explosion at the ordinary legendary level, and there is a "pale scepter" for personal safety. The luminous moon-level curing spells on the upper level are used as a guarantee-under such perfect conditions of the right time and place, don't try to challenge it...Punk ignores his reputation as an adventurer who "destroy whispers"!

" let the storm come more intense, spellcasters swimming in the ocean of knowledge will not be submerged by the waves, they can always get exercise again and again, and then... Come stronger"!

His eyes quickly became firm, and punk stopped making unnecessary hesitations.

I saw him carefully picking up the remains of the golem with the blood of the gods attached, and then carefully using the spell to gently brush the stains on the dark armor.

Soon, the old and strong golem fragment showed its true appearance after being delicately cleaned.

Judging from the assembled structure of the wrecked armor pieces, this golem should originally be a human-like girlish form. The streamlined body and the armor that has almost lost friction constitute this hard and delicate shell.

From the detection of the magical characteristics of the remains of the golem, Punk believes that this morning star golem should be an extremely flexible assassin when it is in its complete state. The extremely excellent alchemical metal has given her extremely strong fighting spirit, magic power, and shadow energy resistance. Sex, even Kane's full-stroke "flash thorn" can only leave a few centimeters in diameter on a carapace.

After pondering for a while, the punk repeatedly confirmed the metallic nature of the golem wreck and made a blank expression:

"Well, it looks like I'm going to make an "Assassin Golem" based on the remains of an Assassin Golem. She can hide in my shadow and ready to attack at any time, or let anyone who dares approach a legend without authorization. The mage guys paid the price! It just so happened that the "Ankak Discharge Array" in Vedraxia's memory can come in handy, so next......a huge and long project is destined to begin." .


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