Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 964: Part-timer

The legendary mage’s golem production plan is destined to consume an unimaginable amount of time and energy for research. This is a calm, peaceful and fulfilling beautiful subject. At least for punk, the complex runes and complex energy structure They don’t represent dullness and boringness. Instead, they are beautiful and beautiful notes dancing in the soul. A spellcaster who loves magic can always swim in the ocean of knowledge with pleasure, even if this process will last ten. For thousands of years............

However, the calmness of the researchers in the Magic Tower is destined to have nothing to do with the "wage earners" who go out to work. In the long tens of thousands of years, the **** battle in the **** has not stopped but has intensified, and that as a "foreign aid" The young avengers who existed as mercenaries were still active for thousands of years to kill enemies on the battlefield of "Belesius Rift". ◢With *Dream*Small◢.1a

Unknowingly, Ganatika has even fought at the forefront of the **** battle for more than 43,000 years. Although fighting against the brainless demon is really not technical at all, it is also possible to kill the stupid and stupid demon lord. Generally not counted as the "legendary record" of a legendary professional, but Ganatika, who killed three or four sub-lords all the way, can definitely be called a battle-ready man. The armor made by the thick-skinned lord of the first-level lord has appeared large pieces of incompleteness, and the sharp blade made of abyss ore has even appeared filigree cracks during the long combat career. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

However, for Ganatika, who has improved in level and has rich experience, what he was fighting for over 40,000 years is still hazy and vague, just as he has experienced a battle that lasted about three years. After the ongoing battle, sitting on the mountain of dead blood and looking around in confusion, the young avenger who fights in addition to fighting every day seems to feel that his mind has begun to become numb.

"I'm more than fifty thousand years old this year. Thanks to that sad memory, I still can't forget everything I was born fifty thousand years ago, but... But as time goes by, why is there a feeling of numbness in my body? What about in the heart"?

Sitting on a huge and fragmented demon corpse, Ganatika, who carefully wiped the long knife in his hand, looked hollow and thought to herself.

In the 40,000-year long battle, the withdrawn boy still inevitably got into the habit of talking to himself. His words were not only for the magic crow vector who was always with him, but also for himself. , After all, demons don’t know how to communicate, and low-level demons with a strict hierarchy do not dare to communicate with powerful legendary powerhouses. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Moreover, after every battle, besides the magical crows flying around Ganatika, there are also no living intelligent creatures that can be used to communicate. The Abyss of Beleisius is one of the central battlefields of the **** battle. Here It is simply a large-scale meat grinder. After every battle, the dark red corpse will pile up into several mountains under the accumulation of many years. Only the legendary powerhouse who killed the entire group of invading demons can be on the mountain. Feeling war, other creatures that are not strong enough can only become the humble cornerstone of the mountain of corpses.

However... even though Ganatika is talking to the only "friend", the vector of the character change does not answer the words of the new owner. It is only very loyal to take on the duty of guarding and staring at the distance. In the huge gap of the abyss, that look is as silent and ominous as an ordinary crow............

In this way, Ganatika could only wipe away the rough-handed long knife in his hand with a dazed expression, and then began to stare at the chasm of the abyss in the distance with Vector. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

The demons are endless. The next batch of invading demons will rush into **** from the blood-red crack without hesitation. At that time, Ganatika, who is in charge of the battlefield of Bellesius, needs to fight in time. The demon broke through the frontier of the battlefield of Belesius.

This is like an extremely boring offensive and defensive game. The enemies rush in in swarms, and the combatants vigorously slash the blades to kill every creature in their eyes, and then quietly wait for the next wave of enemies, the entire army invading from the abyss. They are all targets that he needs to "slaughter", and only those few "little devils" who are fortunately missed will be left to the "little devils" defending the border.

This process has been repeated countless times in more than 40,000 years, and because the battle process with the low IQ demons is too single, Ganatika has reached the twenty-fourth level of the legendary fighter. There have been signs of stagnation for a long time, and now the only battle result he can see that belongs to him is only the resource numbers revealed on the crystal card presented by the "candy merchant"-of course, these numbers will be directly accumulated to a certain extent. Cleared, that represents all the spoils of the young Avengers have been sent to the magic tower of a legendary mage on the plane of Faerun. &1t;i>&1t;/i>


"Hello, my friend, you seem to be in a bad mood"?

Against the background of the blood moon, a dark breeze blows through the dark hell. Just when Ganatika uses mechanized movements to clean up the already clean blades, UU Reading is a pale white But the palm of his hand gently patted the boy's shoulder from behind.

Looking back, what Ganatika saw was a thin young man with a bloodless face and huge first-born horns.

That is undoubtedly the nominal employer of the legendary foreign aid-Grand Duke Oakles.

"Oh... you don't need to answer, your expression is enough to explain a lot of things... Do you remember the advice I gave you the first day you came to hell? Thinking about anything in a **** battle is stupid It’s stupid, because it’s a warfare known as barbarism and brainlessness in the entire multiverse... I can see that you are a very deep guy, well, "deeper" than most demons, but too long. In the oppressive killings, even the devil must learn to relax. Of course, you also need to learn to put aside all troubles and relax enough." &1t;i>&1t;/i>

As if by magic, he took out two large cans of scarlet spirits, and Archduke Oakris, wearing a black armor of thorns, sat beside Ganatica very familiarly.

Although the thing lying on the ground was the **** corpse of a demon that was horribly unbearable, the informal Oakris obviously didn't care about it.

I saw that he drank most of the bottle of spirits regardless of Ganatika's slightly surprised eyes, and then looked directly at the young avenger with a faint tone and said:

"I can see that you are a person who understands hatred and a person who is highly suppressed, but you must understand that hatred can make people stronger or crazy. You need to manipulate your inner hatred. Rather than let hate manipulate oneself, let alone pursue hatred proactively-especially in battle...this is too stupid and too dangerous"!


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