Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 975: Switch

"What do you think is the meaning of your fight today? Your friends will not be happy because of your rescue, and you have no ability to save your friends. You are just a clown who has nothing to do. The so-called "revenge" "Don't you look childish"?

While continuing to stimulate Bill’s nerves with words, the rapidly moving punk continuously released a large number of "destruction rifts" to attack the enemy, and a line of gray-black blade lights were flying freely in the pit because of "distortion" With the control of the "world", these endless legendary spells can even slightly adjust their trajectory to "chase" enemies from multiple directions!

"You don't know friendship at all, sad mage! The power I have today is not for surviving. My friend was killed, and my revenge is incumbent! This is true from beginning to end!"

Quickly swinging the dagger in all directions and cutting it vertically and horizontally, Bill Kayton, who showed his powerful fighting spirit control ability, did not show the slightest fear at all. He had already allowed the light of the pale blue knife to form a shield in front of his body. The vindictiveness is turned into Limang's precision to cut every "destroying fissure" spell structure, and then fly off the rapid attack of the overfire machine gun bullets.

Suddenly, the deep pit where the two legendary professionals were located began to rapidly expand from the inside. Large chunks of rock were fragmented in the twisting laws of distance fluctuations, and then turned into powder under the attack of the destruction fissures flying around. Once again, the roar resounded throughout the entire battlefield, and the flashes of light cyan blades and gray-black cracks intertwined and collided with each other.

In a certain way, in this narrow battlefield, the battle that uses single spells to maximize the attack effect to kill is much more thrilling than the earth-shattering spells.

"Vengeance requires strength, not recklessness and ignorance. Look at what you are now, ignorant and self-righteous! Do you think you are capable of accomplishing so-called revenge? You will only be buried in the dust with your equally stupid friend in"!

The moving figure accurate to the micrometer range evaded several "sharp awns" that Bill took time to slash. Punk continued to laugh at the dead Ankazan-Yanmei unscrupulously, while abruptly stopped the continuous attack of "Destruction Fissure".

In almost an instant, a semi-transparent energy ball suddenly flew across a tricky angle to the "sharp flying blade" that was still dancing with the blade.

"Legendary Conjuration Spells-Time Imprisonment"!


Seeing that a strange energy ball with a completely unclear function suddenly appeared in a barrage of "Destruction Rifts" that confuses the law, obscures the field of vision, and shreds perceptions. "Blade" hastened to dodge the blade.

After all, he is a "ranger" who specializes in agility and avoidance. It is too unwise to resist the enemy's unknown killing methods, so he only used a very short moment, and the subtle evasion method was released in Bill's soul.

"Legendary Shadow Skill-Shadow Leap"

Along with the darkness of the flame, the swaying flicker of the fading candlelight was released. The translucent ball still flew through the air to the empty broken rock wall. At the moment of the extreme, Bill finally took a slight risk. Nearly evading the attack of "Time Imprisonment", Shadow changed his body, and took advantage of the trend to hide every trace of legendary fluctuations that could prove the existence of professionals!

Suddenly, the roar of the thunderbolt and the flickering light and shadow of the sky all abruptly dissipated. The enemy punk faced had suddenly and flexibly changed his way of fighting. Bill, who was a warrior in the last second, just used a little bit. The tiny opportunity suddenly became a stalker, and before he knew it, he had disappeared into the visible world of chaotic laws.

At this time, the "Lei Mang Flying Blade" who completed the dodge in a thrilling manner did not think of shrinking at all. Taking advantage of the emptiness of a "sinister move" released by the caster, the dual-professional ranger who hid in the shadow even quickly approached The legendary mage who stood still and stopped moving.

"I am a legendary professional with both shadow and grudge, a despicable mage, you underestimate my strength"!

Inspired by the heart, he muttered to himself in a low voice, opened his blood-red pupils and wandered between the cracks of the law, and the stalker who approached his enemy's back almost without turning a few turns had already clenched his dagger and couldn't wait.

Although surrounded by the distorted world, the shadow energy and fighting energy that are usually commanded by the arm becomes as difficult as if they are facing oneself. The release of each fighting skill or the use of shadow skills to hide requires twice as much as usual. The energy, but even so, the self-confident "Liman Flying Blade" is still full of confidence in his own revenge.

He knows that punk's professional level is as high as level 39, but he knows better that his professional level has reached level 38! In addition, the spellcasting professionals themselves are more restrained by the sneak long as they can succeed in close proximity, the angry Bill believes that he has at least a 70% chance of winning!

At least he firmly believes that the strength bonus brought by his strenuous double cultivation of professional levels is What kind of ability to bully others with a few higher levels? just wait! I will definitely cut off your head to honour my dear friend. You will soon see a powerful killer move that represents revenge!"

In the meantime, the legendary ranger secretly swore in his heart.


With the sudden disappearance of the enemy’s breath, the chaotic battlefield gradually calmed down. The flying sand and debris finally settled at the bottom of the widening pit, and the twisted and trembling sunlight illuminates the short time when the clouds are disappearing. The bottom of the pit full of cracks.

However, at this moment, there is only the expressionless legendary mage standing solemnly here, and the light cyan light and shadow that dances flexibly has disappeared without a trace...

However, even though it is clear that his enemy has turned into an elusive shadow hidden in the battlefield, he is ready to pounce on him and give him a final blow, but the calm legendary mage has not changed his indifferent attitude, he still maintains that. A calm and disdainful gaze glanced at the churning dust shining by the sun, and even stood still and stopped moving.

There is no need to worry or worry at all, punk continues to calmly release his mental power to mock opponents wantonly:

"Hiding the hiding guy? After discovering that your vindictive spirit is useless, do you start crying for power from the shadows again? But how long can you hide? The twisted law will kill your power, and my magic is waiting openly. Are you throwing yourself into the snare... Or do you want to run away like a cowardly groundhog hiding in the gutter and cellar? Then let poor Ankazan die without a burial place? Come out and tell me what your choice is Tell me if your revenge is as unrealistic as I laughed at"?


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