Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 976: Tea and assassin

In the twisting effect of the law, the light golden sunlight presents a rhythm and crystal clear like a flowing liquid. Bathed in the golden light, the quieter sand and dust in the dark pit begins to become crystal clear, finely fragmented. The flickering of the light spots is the glaze that has been crushed and rolled with the wind, and every flash of brilliance in the air is a semi-energy product of intertwined light and shadow.

In this unknowingly quiet space, the legendary mage wearing a robe of stars like the night sky has stood alone for a few spells. His enemy patiently hides and prepares to attack, but casts spells. How can the patience of the people be scarce?

For the punk who has released the "twisted world of the Muse", it is best for him if everyone can continue to stare in the dark. The price he pays is at most to maintain the power of the legendary spell Then remained vigilant for a few hours, and how long Bill Keton, who had to hide in the shadows under the pressure of the distortion of the law, could be a question.

"Want to be patient, Mr. Cadon"?

He calmly released his mental power and asked the empty brilliance. It was clear that the enemy could receive the information and the punk expression was extremely calm.

He didn't risk releasing any spells to search, because he knew that his enemy might be by his side, and the sharp dagger might have locked his head. At this time, any flaws in it shouldn't exist. A long exhaustion battle should continue in this way... it's best to last a few days and nights, so that the stalker hidden in the shadow can't help the exhaustion to appear!

And in the meantime... the leisurely legendary mage can continue to anger the hidden assassin and enjoy a good cup of tea by the way.

"Since we are free now, how about we talk about Ankazan this idiot"?

I took out a Morris jade fruit tea from the storage ring. The punk on the battlefield was like having a tea party in his own magic tower. It calmly condensed a group of water elements. The tea leaves were gently spilled into the crystal clear crystal. In the water ball, then accompanied by the slightly diffused water waves rippling away...

"Well, Ankazan should be a spellcaster who is still going to die, don’t get me wrong, what I mean by "general" refers to his strength, but if it comes to life, the poor "burner" "Sir, it looks a bit horrible."

While evaluating the dead enemy to himself, Punk has also begun to heat the tea, and the light jade fruit leaves slowly float in the water element, and then slowly fall again.

But before this fruit tea is brewed, the cold tone of "Destroy Whispers" is destined to never stop.

He turned his head in disdain to look at the charred corpse that had been mostly covered in dust and continued:

"In nominal terms, Ankazan is the so-called "maintainer of order in the central area of ​​the Faerun Plane". This name sounds like that, but it is a pity that this is just a product of the Mage Guild in order to speak nicely. From the beginning to the end, I’m afraid that no one has recognized the nameless identity of Mr. Yanmei. Of course, the stagnant state on the plane of Faerun has nothing to do with him. In the days of being a defender, Ankazan’s job is actually just staying in one place. Stay in a fixed place"?

The tone is melodious and peaceful, and the tone is disdainful and cold. The legendary mage’s comment on Ankazan is a complete derogation, but this deprecation is not unreasonable abuse but a real fact. It is this **** fact that is the most People can't refute.

Moreover, in the slow, word-for-word narration, the tea floating in front of the legendary mage finally began to boil...

"Ankazan’s legendary journey is too failed and too pathetic. He was put on a flashy high hat by the Mage Guild and confined to a prison in a small place like Gray Rain Country. All resources and knowledge can only be counted on Meswu. Er’s compassionate charity is like a street beggar or a disabled stray dog ​​without a target... Someone “feeds” and eats two mouthfuls. Without “feeding” they just sit in place and let the cold wind take away the leftovers. More body temperature, until the final destiny walks slowly."

It didn’t take long for the tea water to boil in the twinkling of the sun, large and small bubbles surging in the clear liquid, the crumpled and crushed tea leaves undulated with the leaping of boiling water, and the whole round water ball began. Like fried hair, it bounces and dances under the high temperature.

Until this time, a hot and refreshing jade fruit tea can be considered complete.


"Cheers to the poor, pathetic, and lamentable Ankazan."

Ending with a weird congratulatory message, "Destroy Whisper" put the fruit tea to his mouth blankly.

If you want to drink tea, you can drink tea. Punk has not cheated at all. Now his words and deeds appear to be very relaxed. Except for the stick body of the "Pale Scepter" still being held in his left hand, his closed eyes and Qing Ming's lips seemed to prove that he was enjoying a delicious tea wholeheartedly.

Perhaps the expressionless state has not changed, but with those disdainful words evaluating a dead mage, today's "Destroy Whisper" definitely looks arrogant and confident.

So... It is extremely abrupt and incomparably natural, at the moment when the refreshing tea is about to touch the caster’s a chilly blade suddenly appeared in the bright sunlight. In!


"You despicable, shameless, **** bastard, what qualifications do you have to evaluate Ankazan"!

In an instant, the ferocious roar almost clung to the ears of the legendary mage, and the sharp blade cut the intricate rules across the light blue light and shadow, the "sharp flying blade" surrounded by the shadow and a trace of shadow The middle jumped out. At this moment, the angry Bill merged with the dagger in his hand!

Anger can stimulate the bravery and potential of a creature's heart, and can drive those professionals with insufficient willpower into madness... But at the same time, anger and reason do not conflict. There are always strong people who can control their own. Emotion, so that anger can't interfere with his actions.

Such as Bill at this time.

Anger is inevitable. The anger of his dead friend being laughed at has already burned in his heart, but the "Limang Flying Blade" has never lost any reason and calmness! Because at this moment, he knew very well that the caster with cold words was provoking his emotions, trying to provoke him to attack from the shadows.

So are you fooled?

Bill thinks no!

At this moment, the reason why he dared to burst the assassination was not because he was dazzled by anger, but because after several hours of confrontation, the confident double cultivation professional finally slowly came to the back of the legendary mage's body. .

And almost at the same time the hot tea leaves were brewed, the blade he placed next to the caster's head was ready for the strongest assassin!


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