Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 977: The end of the sword

Bill’s anger is extremely real and not adulterated, because few people know that since Ankazan has just arrived in Grey Rain country for thousands of years, he has been so serious and rigid, but actually likes it very much. Anka, who was chatting, agreed to be a friend.

In a sense, their friendship is not just as simple as visiting each other’s sites for one year and 20,000 years, and more than simply exchanging some simple winemaking skills, but more than half of each other over millions of years. Friendly fetters of a legendary career!

In the context of the desperate era of this legendary island, it is difficult to imagine that two reclusive legendary professionals can abide by the agreement not to discuss any academic issues or to cooperate and trade, not for profit or for their own strength, but simply to share for a long time. In the course of life, what you see, hear, and think becomes friends and talks about drinking, and even abandons the cursed boundless loneliness based on such friendship...

But as far as Ankazan Yanmei from the Grey Rain Country and Bill Kayton from the Elo Empire are concerned, they did it!

It is this ancient and firm friendship that drove the "Liman Flying Blade" to fly from the Ero Empire to this unnamed mountain at the next moment when the conscious friend was in danger. It was also because of the Ankazan. The understanding and sorrow of reason make the legendary ranger who is facing a powerful enemy hand his best friend.

But with the cold light of the knife flashing away, with the cold ridicule of "Destroy Whispers" echoing in the deep pit, and with the body of the "Burner" shattered, what is Bill Keton's mood? What about?

At this moment, Bill, who had waited patiently for the opportunity, finally had a chance to release his inner hatred.

A legendary ultimate move that has almost exhausted all the power of the stalker is enough to show his determination and grief!

"Legendary Shadow Skill-Soul Sting"!

At this moment, the dark flames surging endlessly, and the legendary killer moves released by the legendary mage's body protection spells almost clung to them. The long-depressed deep black sharpness burst out, and the black light spots on the blade seemed to accompany it. The flames in the pupils of the legendary ranger blazed together, light and shadow intertwined, space separated, laws buzzed, and energy exploded! The sharp dagger, attached to the force of the highly concentrated shadow, is almost as good as a hot knife pierced into butter. Even the influence of the laws of the twisting world can hardly make its precise and fast trajectory deviate by a minute!

"Die me, **** mage, you will go to the dark night to reflect on your sins"!

Watching the pitch-black Le Mans tear through the caster's first layer of spell defense, Bill, who crazily squeezed every trace of the soul's strength to strengthen the killing, has bleeding pupils and broken muscles.

Whether as an indomitable "warrior" or as a one-shot "Assassin", the "Lemans Flying Blade" attacking with all its strength has never thought of leaving himself a path of retreat. For him, no Just let it go, and when it hits, you will do your best, the body is like a gust of wind, the blade is like thunder, sneaking in the shadow, and blooming in the blood! There is no need for any temptation and no need for a second attack. With just one blow, the outcome will be determined. You die or die, this is the "Assassin"!

After entering the stalker's fighting state, Bill implemented such a "lore killer" path. Even if the enemy is defensive, he is not afraid of it. The stalker level reaches the 38th level of the "light flying blade". Believe that you can avenge your best friends with powerful legendary shadow skills!

"Attack, attack! The sharp blade of the shadow, in the name of vengeance, with the power of the shadow, penetrates this fragile defense, and pierces the soul of the enemy! With the soul of Ankazan as a witness, my The enemy will pay the price for his crime"!

Seeing that the advancing blade has broken through the two layers of defensive shields on the caster in a blink of an eye, Bill, who was hit by too much energy, even realized that his responsiveness has been further strengthened, exploding all his power in such an urgent state. Later, he could feel that his long-lost experience once again realized the mystery of shadows, along with the more cohesiveness and sharpness of every trace of the law, and the cracks that accompany the twisted world, all cracked in the power of the surging shadow, sneaking away. The ranger unexpectedly discovered that his professional level has suddenly been improved.

Unknowingly, the "Limang Flying Edge", which has been in a bottleneck for hundreds of thousands of years, has reached the peak state of level 39 without warning!

"Go to me to die!"

The heart was surging and the new power was released. The galloping knife once again exploded with a short shock wave and stabbed the enemy more fiercely. Bill had never felt that he was in such a good state. He could even imagine the joyful feel of the dagger stabbing into the enemy’s soul. The pain from the soul reminded of the huge side effects of this "must kill" move, but when the green and golden vindictiveness was also interwoven into the shadows, the blooming cold light still detonated the shimmering blade.

At least during this short burst of one-thousandth of a second, the single lethality of this "soul thorn" even passed most of the morning star spells!

At this moment, such a slash was named as "must kill"!


What a pity!

"The Pale Scepter solidifies the Moon-level spell-Powerful suspension"!

Like a fast-forward picture, it suddenly stagnated in the The sharply pierced Bill maintained the posture of jumping out of the shadow and suddenly freezes in the air, the boiling shadow seems to be a translucent The round enchantment was turned into a fixed decoration, and the blade that shone with black light stayed only a few centimeters away from the head of the legendary mage and could no longer move!


At this most critical and perfect moment, the legendary mage, who had already heightened his vigilance and prepared himself, had activated the moon-level staff in his hand, using his own as the center of the spherical "powerful suspension" position. It just happened to cover Bill, who was very close to the caster, with the freezing tremor of the law that was difficult to hear even by legendary powerhouses, and an absolutely perfect seal "enchantment" was formed in an unsurprisingly instant.

In the face of the magical effects of the Huiyue level, the proud "killer" of the "Limang Flying Blade" is no different from the seaweed enclosed in ice. No matter how powerful the soul that was promoted to level 39 on the spot exploded Strength, he couldn't let his dagger go forward by a single minute!

The so-called "perfect" assassination failed completely.


"Although in terms of age, you are obviously several million years older than me, but... from the perspective of knowledge and IQ, I can't call you a "junior" at all. What do you think? Mr"?

Holding the Moon-level staff, calmly controlling the "Power Pause" modified by the "guildmaster" and opening up the part of his body, the punk who calmly tidied up his hood walked out of the influence of the Moon-level spells. range.

After that, the gaze of the caster who turned around looking at Bill, who was still frozen in midair, was no different from looking at a specimen.


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