Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 993: "President" plan

Now that I have finished talking about Messoul's amazing plan, the "chairman" must then arrange the tasks that the "executors" need to complete.

Moreover, it is estimated that as a planner, the meticulous Throne of the Sun must have thought for a long time in order to design a sophisticated conspiracy to entrap Messoul, so it is conceivable how bold and tightly integrated such a plan specifically to deal with astonishing conspiracies !

Therefore, the "inscription sage" with a trembling voice was not given more opportunities to complain and complain, and the "guild leader" who shut down the black blind man with a "patter" then calmly explained:

"Well, since you already know enough important information, now we have a reason to discuss the content of the next operation. After this mission, the "executors" will still give everyone involved in the operation Professionals are rewarded three times the standard specifications. Among the three rewards, there is still a legendary resource that can be advanced in advance, and in this action, everyone can directly use the banner of the "silent alliance" to act" .

The gray mist slowly rhythmic on the round platform, and the solemn atmosphere spreads peacefully in the white meeting space. With the cold voice of the Yaori Throne, the six legendary members including punk listened carefully. "President" arrangements.

Sure enough, the generosity tradition of "executors" has never changed at any time, and the "chairman" who is paid three times as soon as he speaks is still as wealthy as before.

And it is foreseeable that this time the action on the Wizard’s Guild will be a very large task chain. Until Messoul or one of the "guildmasters" falls forever, the bold mercenaries can continue to earn big money. Pen resources.


"Although the generous resource remuneration is very moving, in order to ensure your safety as much as possible, all members of the executive team can still only undertake tasks that meet their own level of strength, and everyone must still follow the principle of "timely support" mutual assistance. Next, I will give you a general description of the content of your tasks, and please remember carefully."


Adventure can bring wealth and danger. The owner of the projection standing in this meeting space knows this truth, so while maintaining a cold tone without warning, the "guild leader" has not forgotten to remind his subordinates. The few people pay attention to safety, and "infighting" has always been a striking red line in the rules of "executors".

And in the following time, the detailed explanation of the tasks of the first phase was indeed clearly informed by the "chairman" who "obeyed the rules".

"The code name of this mission is "Danger Notice". The first action that all of our executors need to perform is to inform certain stakeholders of the information about Messoul, and then out of "humanitarian care". "Advise certain obscure idiots and certain self-righteous idiots to recognize that the "arch mage" is running fast on the road to death, and pull them from the "thief ship" while the situation has not yet reached the point of irreversibility. Go down".

He said the word "humanitarian care" deeply, and the tone of "chairman" did not have any kind and compassionate color. Obviously he was very disdainful of the "certain" guys he was talking about. The so-called "advice" was true. It's just driven by interests.

After all......The Mage Guild, which has always claimed to be a legendary organization of the good camp and has done a lot of good deeds, still has many friends and partners. These guys are either ignorant of Messul’s crazy plan, or While opening one eye and closing one eye, I was thinking about taking advantage of the opportunity.

Now that the "guildmaster" has decided to deal with Messul, his first action step is to wake up the sleeping dragon, and then disperse the potential allies of the Mage Guild as much as possible!

"In the next tens of thousands of years, I will personally go to the abyss and have a good talk with the mad dragon of Tiamat, because this unclear "five-colored dragon mother" nine out of ten is "the Great Master" "The deception has been used. According to the current intelligence, the development of "Soul of Sorrow" actually has a large part of help from her. The fellow Messul must use "Soul of Sorrow to help many warlocks master the power of evil." "This kind of nonsense fooled the ignorant dragon. In order to prevent a certain mental retardation from continuing to pay the Mage Guild somehow to help them murder herself, I must find a way to make her sober."

With a little helplessness and a little bit of hatred for iron and steel, lamenting the stupidity of the "teammates", the throne of the shining mist has taken the lead in assigning tasks for himself.

Then, he continued to explain to the six "executors" carefully:

"Because of this task, I will be a bit busy in the next tens of thousands of years, and the tasks you need to do are equally burdensome... As we all know, the Wizards Guild and the Pantheon have remained unclear. The friendly relationship, but the chain of interests actually revealed on the surface is only the tip of the iceberg of their intricate cooperation, and since the gods will not be targeted by the long river of fate, they are not afraid of Messoul’s actions. In this case, the mad Throne of the Sun may even become an unprecedented luxury customer of the Pantheon. With such a huge connection of interests, conventional persuasion is impossible to make the Pantheon determined to cut off the mutual assistance and cooperation with the Mage Guild. Yes, so we need to use the power of "the priesthood" to force those good gods to go to the opposite side of Messur...No matter how bad they are, we can't let them help Messur to deal with us."

Telling the reasons for the important information, the tone of the "chairman" seemed somber and clear.

It can be seen that even if the wind of the storm is raging on the horizon, the situation that affects the whole body is still within his calculations!

"What Messoul did was obviously against the purpose of "kindness", but everyone didn't want to provoke a mad dog of the shining sun level, so no one took his affairs to the bright side." Those hypocritical Good gods can always pretend not to see the priesthood of fooling themselves.

But now... we are not afraid of a madman who is looking for death. The next task for you is to expose the "Evil Plan of the Archmage" to those pretending gods, go to their church center and throw information and evidence to them. On the faces of the clergy, they used the banner of "The Silent Alliance" to force them to sever ties with some "husbands and dogs", and use their teachings to oppress themselves... But now the tide is approaching, and the high-profile actions of the bright sun professionals It’s easy to attract the attention of "it". I have to avoid doing many things as much as possible, so this task is now entrusted to you-until the wizard guild loses the most important ally of the Pantheon, Messur will also It is equivalent to losing a strong arm"!


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