Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 994: Next step

Netheril's Brilliant Text Volume Chapter 994 Next Step? Within the Kingdom of Hatak............

Because of the impact of a terrible earthquake about three thousand years ago, a beautiful round lake was created near the "plain" around the magic tower, and because the scenery is pretty beautiful, Sebastian, the housekeeper who takes care of the environment Tian did not fill it up, so after a short time of accumulation, the continuous gushing groundwater quickly turned a deep valley into a shiny lake like a mirror, and the sunlight reflected from the clean water surface Some can be seen in the magic tower.

It was summer at this time, and it seemed from a distance that the lotus leaves on the lake were enjoying the mild sunshine, clear sky, and gentle breeze... and the quiet lake repeated the undisturbed waves of millennia. The mud and sand lie here quietly, unable to reach the surface of the water for a lifetime, the only things that remain unchanged are darkness and hesitation............

The scenery as a foil must always be in step with the towering tower. Whether it is due to natural or human factors, quiet beauty is the constant theme here.

Will there be violent winds out of thin air? Will there be waves rippling calmly?

Too far, too unknowable, the reeds in the lake should quietly enjoy the dead light.


The communication of legendary professionals always does not take much time. The fourth "executive meeting" was soon over under the order of the "chairman", except for the golden image of Kane who left behind. , The other five projections quickly dissipated without stopping, and the punk in the magic tower also opened his dark golden eyes by the sunny tower window.

Leaving the monotonous white world, the dark alchemy walls of the magic tower came into view again. The emerald green of the grass outside the window and the colorfulness of the distant lake were even more visible by the expressionless legendary mage.

However, after taking a sip of the delicious jade fruit tea, punk's eyes did not calm down because of the familiar quiet environment.

At this time, "Destroy Whispers" has too many things to think about in his mind.

The meeting is over. In the final stage of “advanced payment”, Punk originally wanted to obtain some morning star-level magic materials to complement his own morning star golem, but after asking the “guildmaster”, he did not I was not surprised to learn that the value of Morningstar's materials compared to ordinary legendary materials was not just "doubled".

That is simply a soaring growth of geometric times!

In terms of price alone, it is difficult to exchange 10 ordinary legendary materials for a Morningstar resource. This is still based on "Destroying Whispers" as the "executors' key training target, all remunerations are increased by 20%, and all exchanges are exchanged for eight. The quotation is only obtained on the basis of "resource acquisition has priority". Otherwise, under normal circumstances, many Morningstar-level materials have a limit for even the release, and you don’t have to redeem it!

In the face of such an astonishing price, it is a bit laborious to rely on a share of reward to obtain enough materials to fill the golem. It is conservatively estimated that two share of reward will be sufficient. This also requires experimental research by the caster. Must be thrifty and prudent.

So in the end, punk could only exchange part of the Morningstar resources to get back the magic tower, and then temporarily dispelled the extravagant idea of ​​quickly repairing the golem.

No way, this era is so ridiculous. With the improvement of strength, the legendary mage feels that he is getting poorer and poorer, and the cost of experimental learning is becoming more and more stretched. Without sufficient resources, not only the production of the golem requires backwards. Over time, even the "update and upgrade" of the Magic Tower needs to be temporarily shelved.

"Morning Star is nothing. At any rate, the knowledge in Vedraxia's memory can be used for free. Otherwise, the magic knowledge of the Morning Star level is much more expensive than the materials. It is too early for this worry. Wait until you enter. At the level of Huiyue...That's when you really need a headache..."

Silently feeling the scarcity of resources in his heart and comforting himself, the spellcaster who drank the fruit tea in one gulp could not help but shook his head helplessly.

Nowadays, the situation of Faerun and even the entire multiverse is in the wind and rain. The threat of "the tide is approaching" is becoming more obvious and pressing step by step. Everyone is preparing various powerful cards to deal with the crisis. Everyone other than the "lunatic" who "calls the name" must be as low-key as possible.

It is conceivable that in this terrible, dark and tragic era, punk has been able to go all the way to today and has so many powers and means is worthy of the envy of 90% of the world’s legends. The wealth he has is placed in the era of Netheril. They can all be called "small value", but compared to the "local tyrant" who inherited the floating city like Vedraxia, it is still far behind.

In the final analysis, this kind of "poverty" with scarce resources is ultimately due to the limitations of the times and belongs to "unsolvable poverty"!

"There is no way to think about unsolvable poverty. The most urgent thing is to seize the time and improve the strength as much as possible to deal with the next According to the president, this time the "danger notice" will be on him. After finding Tiamat, we will announce the start. I don’t know how the powerful Throne of Sun will find the mother of the evil dragon who lives in the abyss, let alone how he intends to "convince" the other party to be more sober... But This process may take a lot of time."

Facing the gentle sunlight, returning the teacup that had been drinking tea to the upright metal plate of the construction butler, the caster with blinking eyes stood up and walked towards his laboratory without saying a word while continuing to think.

According to punk’s observations, although the performance of the "guildmaster" is bold in the macro, he is still very cautious in the details. For example, in order to avoid the "gaze of destiny", he is a top combat power at the throne level unless absolutely necessary. It will never take action. If some legendary members encounter some "not too dangerous dangers" in the next mission, nine out of ten people can only rely on the "executors" to figure out their own solutions.

So even in theory, today's legendary mage has been able to use the banner of "The Silent Alliance", but his own hard power is still the most important security guarantee after all!

According to his expectation, he had better learn a "Morning Star Killer" that is the most important for Morning Star professionals before the start of the "Danger Notice" mission...that is, the "Morning Star Spell". Only in this way, "Destroy Whisper" as a The deterrent power of the Morningstar Mage can be increased to the greatest extent.

As for which one of the "Morning Star Ultimate Moves" should be learned... This requires a very careful consideration by the Legendary Mage.


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