Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 995: Morningstar killer

For Morningstar professionals, Morningstar kills are as important as the ultimate kills of ordinary legendary kills. This powerful spell with huge consumption but amazing magical effects can often be the final word in the battle. Powerful effect, a Morningstar Mage without Morningstar's ultimate move will often fall into an absolute disadvantage when fighting with a Morningstar Mage with Morningstar ultimate move, so learning a Morningstar ultimate move with great lethality is definitely a legendary entry into the threshold of Morningstar. The best choice for professionals.

It's just that in the face of this stable method of strengthening, the only problem and embarrassing situation is............ Morningstar's ultimate move is really rare!

Even in the ancient Netheril era, the price of a Morningstar killer spell model was still high. For example, the Great Orchestra Vedraxia bought only six Morningstar kills for research and study. It's just a trick.

This fact can also reflect the preciousness of Morningstar level knowledge from the side-Vedraxia is a "local tyrant" who inherited the floating city, and the price of Morningstar's ultimate move was so high in that era that the "local tyrant" palpitated, and more Moreover, it is still an era of legendary islands with barren resources. Is this kind of powerful assassin that can fundamentally dominate the battle?

Punk doesn’t know what the rare level of Morningstar’s ultimate moves on the market has reached, or whether the Morningstar members of many legendary organizations will be equally worried about this, but what he knows is that he is still very lucky not to worry about this. There are too many worries.

Because "Lovely Senior Vedraxia" really paved the way too complete.

Although the law of the caster's own major is completely different from the law of the good mage, there is no one that applies the Law of Destruction among the six Morning Star ultimate moves left by the Great Omen, but even so, the caster still has it in his hands. There are six paths to choose from, which is much better than the poor mage who doesn't know how many "what to learn" or even "nothing at all".

You should know that the current "Destroy Whispers" is majoring in the "Destruction" rule and minor in the "Fusion" rule, while the adjusted major schools are "Spell" and "Alchemy", and the minor schools have become "Prophecy." And "Summon", just in Vedraxia's memory, one of the six powerful mainstream Morningstar ultimate moves is a spell belonging to the school of conjuration.

That is a purely killer Morningstar killer move that mainly uses the "dissociation" law to attack-Tracer Tide!

According to Vedrasha’s memory, "Trace of Light" is a unidirectional range of offensive killing method. After the spell model is constructed, the Morningstar Mage can consume approximately one-fifth of the total magic power. The magic power is aimed at any direction and continuously releases three waves of terror composed of pure "dissociation" rules to flood the enemy. The coverage angle of the waves can reach up to about one hundred and fifty degrees, and each wave can leave a continuous existence. A full 0.36 seconds of trajectory caused continuous damage to the enemies staying in it! And once any obstacle is affected by the wave, the liquid "dissociation law" will turn into a viscous colloid to attach to the "obstacle" and continue to corrode until the obstacle is completely dissociated or the spell energy is exhausted. disappear.

This is obviously a very powerful attack method. Its only purpose is to kill all the targets standing in front of the caster in the most efficient and powerful way. Three consecutive waves of deep black tide will drown the enemy. In the liquid dissociation law, even if the opponent uses some trump cards to get away with it, the magic solution like the bone-attached maggot will still adhere to the opponent's energy shield and continue to corrode, eventually decomposing the law, matter, and energy. Go out!

"Let’s learn this. Although the kill range is more inclined to single-piece destruction, the efficient continuous killing effect can match my spells for cohesive bombardment. If there is a fighter who dares to come close, I can still use it. Three waves of disintegration splashed him all over... It is indeed the Morning Star spell that was the mainstream in Netheril's ancient warfare. There are no obvious shortcomings in all aspects of attributes."

After reading the description of "Trace of Light" over and over again, punk nodded with satisfaction after making a decision.

Although at this moment, "Destroy Whispers" is only a forty-first level Morningstar spellcaster, it is logically difficult to learn the incredibly complicated and obscure Morningstar spells so early.

But still the same sentence-due to the many experiences of the Great Austrian Master as a reference, punk learning these spells is equivalent to the progress bar that comes with half of the opening. Even if the research process of Morningstar's ultimate move is dangerous and difficult, but the calm spellcaster Still fearless!

No matter what... Punk and the pale scepter in his hand can ensure safety.

But... Before stepping into the star realm and officially starting spell research, "Destroy Whispers" has one more troublesome thing to deal with.

That's about Ganatika.

Don’t forget that until today the casters have been promoted to Morningstar and have participated in the fourth meeting of the Enforcers. The poor "Avenger" Ganatika has been "fighting side by side" with the devil in **** for fifty to six thousand years. But he is still fighting with the demons on the **** Although the resources he has continuously earned have provided a lot of help for the caster’s promotion, and even provided the perfect "gift" for the "guildmaster" Excuse, but now, "Destroy Whispers" is already a Morningstar professional, and the income from the blood battle reward can no longer meet the research needs of a Morningstar expert, so I continue to let Ganatika fight stupidly in the blood battle. Hard work is no longer a good idea.

Moreover, the situation in the multiverse is becoming increasingly tense day by day. At some point, the peaceful atmosphere will be torn to pieces by the sudden gust of wind. Even for safety and long-term benefits, punk has reason to send his only legendary subordinate back. .

"It's been so long before I knew it, and I don't know if Ganatika has learned something in the war... But his strength can't stand still. Anyway, he has been promoted to the legend for so many thousands of years. It’s time to learn one or two legendary fighting skills and then find something serious."

Decisively locked in the fixed "market" coordinates of the "Candy Merchant" in the astral space, punk secretly meditated while releasing a dark gray projection full of the breath of a Morningstar professional and stepped into it.

Although according to the Judgment Eye contract signed between Ganatika and the Devil Archduke, the young avenger who has been fighting as a "blood battle foreign aid" for more than 50,000 years if he wants to stop trading, he can just wait until a blood battle midfielder and just turn around and leave. But Punk also learned from the information sent back from Ganatica that Grand Duke Oakles had an obvious "rageous" disease, so at this time the legendary mage still has something to ask about Mimibe, who is clearly an "informed person." Nourish.


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