New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 113 Dumbledore’s Secret Organization

"Look what's wrong with the name? Professor Frémont is so stingy, huh." Hermione said angrily.

Harry and Ron looked at each other and decided not to touch Hermione's troubles at this time, otherwise she would talk about it endlessly, and they couldn't talk about Hermione - after all, there are many times when doing homework requires A little help from Hermione.

The two whispered to Snape for a few more words, and quickly changed the subject. Ron said: "You said that Sirius is going to hold a funeral for Regulus. Who is Regulus?"

Harry said: "Regulus is Sirius's younger brother. He died for unknown reasons more than ten years ago. Now he has found Regulus's bones, so he wants to give Regulus a funeral."

Harry also received a letter from Sirius.

"That's it." Ron said with a thoughtful look, "Are you going, Harry? It happens to be a holiday at that time. If you go, I will go with you." After a pause, he added : "Sirius also sent letters to our family. Mum wrote to Percy yesterday, asking him to ask our opinion. If you don't want to go to the funeral, stay at school for Christmas and New Year and don't go home. No, there was no one at home during that time."

"I will definitely go." Harry nodded heavily and said, "I want to ask... As you know, I have to go back to the Dursleys during the summer vacation, so I want to ask if I can go to the primary school this time. Go to Sirius's house...I mean, he is my godfather, he is also my relative, and he is also my guardian."

"Harry, you can really ask. If Sirius agrees, you won't have to return to the Dursleys anymore," Hermione said.

Ron smiled and said: "I thought you didn't agree, Hermione, what are you talking about..." Hermione glanced at him fiercely, and Ron immediately shut his mouth.

Hermione continued: "I have to say that your aunt and uncle treated you very badly."

"It's okay." Harry smiled, faced Ron's astonished eyes, and said, "They have always raised me. Although the food is not that good, I am not hungry. I was a little bit hungry before. Pocket money.”

Harry paused slightly before adding, "Of course, if you say I like the Dursleys, that's definitely impossible."

"Brother, you scared me." Ron punched Harry in the chest.

Harry pretended to be hurt.

"Okay, I'll go too." Hermione said nonchalantly.

"You?" Ron asked in shock, "Did you receive an invitation from Sirius?"

Hermione smiled and said lightly: "Of course, I will take Crookshanks with me."

"It turns out that he was influenced by Crookshanks." Ron said he understood.

"Who told your Banban to be a murderer?"

Ron said dejectedly: "Sirius said he wanted to give me a pet back, so why hasn't he heard anything after so many days? Do you think he has forgotten it? No, I have to go and ask him. "

"Harry, it turns out that you are here, and Wood is looking for you like crazy. He said that he will definitely beat you up as soon as he sees you." Fred and George, the twin brothers of the Weasley family, suddenly He ran over from the side and gasped for air.

"Oh, yes, the first Quidditch match is coming soon, and Wood said he needs to train harder." Harry remembered this important thing.

Fred said: "Come on, we'll wait for you on the Quidditch pitch."

As he said that, he and George ran downstairs. Harry quickly said: "Let's go back to the lounge quickly. I'll get the broom and leave."

The trio immediately jogged back to the Gryffindor common room.


Xia Ran stayed in the office and read books. The three books he borrowed from Dumbledore all contained profound magical knowledge. Even with his level of strength and knowledge reserve, they seemed mysterious and profound.

"Over the past thousands of years, there have been many talented people born in the magic world." Xia Ran lamented, "Even though many of them have no reputation or deeds passed down."

After learning more magic knowledge and learning more powerful magic spells, his strength will automatically increase, and his pure magic power will increase. If other aspects of knowledge do not keep up in time, it will be like walking with a lame leg, even if his body is no longer strong. He is strong but not much faster, especially in the magic world where there are many magical spells.

What's more, if Xia Ran reads and studies magic knowledge by himself, he will have a certain chance to improve the level of various knowledge. How could he waste so much time?

He is currently mainly studying the two aspects of Charms and Transfiguration. He is really not interested in Potions and Herbalism, and his talent is not outstanding. He mainly relies on Force points. As for flying, let's not mention it.

There are many aspects of knowledge that he has not touched in the courses offered at Hogwarts, and he is not very interested in them, such as divination knowledge. If his magic level, including charms, transfiguration, etc., is improved in the future , subsequent improvement is too difficult - too many Force points are required - he may still shift his attention to these knowledge points, as for now? Just forget it.

Xia Ran shook her head and continued to read the book in her hand.


Before Christmas, because Sirius's grievances were cleared and his innocence was restored, Peter Pettigrew was taken to Azkaban Prison. Although Dumbledore announced the return of the mysterious man, the Ministry of Magic tried its best to discredit Dumbledore. Things happened, but overall, the students spent more than a month peacefully.

This time, most students went home for Christmas, and very few students stayed in school. Harry Potter, who usually stayed in school, did not sign on the detention registration list.

"Are you all going?" Hermione asked. They were in the Gryffindor common room. The Weasley children stood out with their red hair.

Ginny nodded and said: "Yes, we are all ready to go." She lowered her voice and whispered mysteriously: "Have you heard? Dumbledore convened a secret organization, just under Sirius Inside Blake's old house, that is the headquarters of the secret organization."

"Where did you hear these rumors, Ginny?" Percy asked with a frown.

"Secret." Ginny smiled slyly.

"Huh, I'm an adult now and I'm about to graduate. I'll just ask my parents and they'll tell me." Percy said, deliberately puffing up his chest, even in the Gryffindor common room. Inside, he pinned the student union president's badge on his chest.

George waved his hands impatiently and said, "Okay, okay, Percy, we know you are the president of the student union, there is no need to show off."

Percy snorted.

"Okay, actually I heard Hagrid mention it accidentally, but when I asked him later, he just ignored my questions and didn't answer my questions directly," Ginny said.

"I guess he must have said you were too young to know these things?" Harry asked.

Ginny nodded gloomily.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione looked at each other and smiled bitterly: "That's what he told us too."

"If he doesn't want to tell it, why bother letting it slip to make us feel itchy?" Ron closed the book heavily. He couldn't read a single line of the words just now. This was clearly a Potions homework assignment assigned by Snape.

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