New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 114 Hermione’s Determination

"What do you think Dumbledore's secret organization would be called? Who are its members? What are they mainly doing?" Fred asked curiously.

George guessed: "I guess they are mainly against the big idiot Fudge. It is best to overthrow Fudge. I will definitely be the first to applaud and celebrate."

"George!" Percy suddenly frowned. He was determined to join the Ministry of Magic and wanted to be a high official, and Fudge happened to be the Minister of Magic, the largest official in the Ministry of Magic.

"Ah, I forgot, Fudge is Percy's idol, and Percy dreams of becoming the Minister of Magic." George chuckled.

"Hmph, I'm afraid you'll get Dad into trouble." Percy snorted.

Ron raised his head and looked around. They were all excited about the upcoming Christmas vacation. No one paid attention to them, so he said: "Just keep your voice down. They are all Gryffindors here, not the big ones." The Great Hall, Slytherin idiots might be passing by."

However, a few people still did not continue to bury Fudge.

Hermione reasoned: "It is definitely impossible to overthrow Fudge. As long as Dumbledore is willing, he can just stand up and cheer for him. Why is there any need to run a secret organization? I think they are to resist Voldemort..."

The Weasley children suddenly gasped.

"I said you are so afraid of a name?" Hermione asked dissatisfied.

Many people pretended not to hear it.

"Resisting the mysterious man? It's possible!" Percy thought seriously, "I remember my mother mentioned that when the mysterious man was gaining momentum more than ten years ago, she and her father joined one of Dumbledore's organizations. There are many people we are familiar with in the organization, including Professor Lupine, Hagrid, and McGonagall, as well as Sirius, Mr. and Mrs. Potter, Mr. and Mrs. Longbottom, etc."

"My parents are in there too?" Harry couldn't help but ask.

"It should be so." Percy said uncertainly, "I'm not sure. After all, I didn't join that secret organization."

Fred said enthusiastically: "That's just right. Let's see if we can join Dumbledore's secret organization. Isn't Black House the headquarters of the secret organization?"

"I will apply to join then." George waved his fist and said, "The secret organization that resists the mysterious man sounds so exciting!"

"Who do you think will be members of that secret organization?" Ron asked.

Ginny guessed: "Mom and dad must be in there, as well as Professor Lupin, Professor McGonagall, Hagrid, and Sirius. Is Professor Frémont there?"

"We'll find out if we take a closer look after we arrive at the Black Mansion?" Harry said.

The few of them chatted for a while and then went to bed. They had to catch a train tomorrow and had to get up early in the morning. After all, the journey from Hogwarts platform to platform nine and three-quarters in London was quite long. Stay in the car for at least a full day.

They boarded the Hogwarts Express the next day and found two free boxes at the back of the train. There was no one inside for the time being. Because a small number of students stayed in school, the number of people on this train did not start during school or during holidays. So crowded.

In the evening, the Hogwarts Express arrived at platform nine and three-quarters. They only brought a few changes of clothes and a few books - Hermione and Percy mainly brought books - not much luggage, and the owls were all They were still in the Owlery of Hogwarts, so they left the station easily, and happened to see Mr. and Mrs. Weasley waiting outside the station.

"Harry, Hermione, Ginny." Mrs. Weasley hugged the three of them heavily.

George said strangely: "Don't you see your other sons, mother?"

"Ah, my heart!" Fred put his hand on his chest, pretending to be hurt.

"Okay, stop messing around." Mrs. Weasley glared, and the two brothers immediately restrained themselves. Harry always felt that Mrs. Weasley was very lion-like - if he had lived experience in China, he might be You will feel that Mrs. Weasley has the demeanor of a tiger - able to control her naughty sons.

"We will be your father's car." Mrs. Weasley said, then looked at Hermione and asked, "Dear, have you made it clear to your parents?"

Hermione nodded and replied: "I wrote and said that my parents agreed that I would not go home for Christmas, but attend the funeral of an elder friend - they thought it was a polite question, especially when I was in school. When it came to the invitation – they just asked me to send some more stuff from Hogsmeade home, they thought it was very interesting and the food tasted good.”

"Oh, that's true. I want to visit Hogsmeade sometimes." Mrs. Weasley said, taking a few children out of the station and getting into the car. Mr. Weasley was the last one. Getting in the car, he sat in the driver's seat.

Harry, Ron, Fred, George, and Percy sat in the back seat, while Mrs. Weasley, Hermione, and Ginny sat in the passenger seat. The car looked like an ordinary car. It's a car, but the space inside has been expanded by magic, and the nine of them can fit in it without feeling crowded at all.

"Dad, have you rebuilt a car again?" Ron asked, getting into a car rebuilt by Mr. Weasley and driven to school by him and Harry, only to be destroyed by the Whomping Willow.

Mrs. Weasley's face suddenly darkened. It was obvious that she remembered what happened last year.

Mr. Weasley said hurriedly: "No, this car is a ministry car, but I use it most of the time."

The five boys in the back row laughed. They knew that Mr. Weasley loved Muggle items. This car must have been modified by Mr. Weasley himself, and all kinds of magic spells were applied to it. However, he learned from previous mistakes. This car may have been specially named after the Ministry of Magic.

After all, Mr. Weasley is still the director of an office, so there is no problem in using a car, although he only has one old man under his command, and he only has two people in the entire office.

"Okay, sit tight. Let's get to Grimmauld Place early. Kreacher has definitely made something - in fact, Molly has also made a lot - we can eat something first, you must be hungry already." Mr. Weasley said, starting the car.

"Kreacher?" Hermione asked confused.

"Oh, a house elf, from the Black family. Pure-blood wizarding families with a long history like this always have house elves serving them." Mr. Weasley replied.

Hermione's breathing seemed to be heavier, and she deliberately said in a calm tone: "House elves, I have read relevant records in the book, a kind of slave of wizards, beating and scolding arbitrarily, even taking the life of elves. People mind.”

"The elves may think this is a great behavior - of course I don't agree with the behavior of beating and scolding elves indiscriminately, it is inhumane." Mr. Weasley said, "I mean...Molly, you also know Right?"

"Oh, what?" Mrs. Weasley was startled, and then said: "Ah, yes, that's right, Kreacher's biggest goal is to be beheaded and hang in the Black family like his parents and grandparents."

"Dirty and despicable slavery!" Hermione said in disgust, determined to change this situation.

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