New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 115 No. 12 Grimmauld Place

Seeing Hermione's heavy expression, Harry quickly changed the subject and asked, "Grimmauld Place, where is that?"

His words reminded Mrs. Weasley, and she said: "Oh, by the way, I forgot to show you something." He took out a piece of paper from his pocket, handed it to Hermione, and continued: " Please circulate it and take a look, and memorize this address."

"What?" Ron was still confused.

"You little fool, don't you even know the Fidelity Charm?" George poked his head from the back row and saw the writing on the paper in Hermione's hand: The headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix can be found in Grimmauld Place, London. Found on the 12th.

"What? The Fidelity Charm? What does Sirius need to guard against?" Harry was surprised and asked.

Mr. Weasley said gently: "Now the Black Mansion has become the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix - Sirius is very happy about this - so in order to avoid being found by mysterious people and Death Eaters, the location of the Black Mansion The Fidelity Charm must be cast, and Dumbledore is the secret keeper. I think if Dumbledore is not willing, no one can know this address from his mouth, unless Dumbledore himself is willing to tell the address information."

"Okay, boys, read it quickly and remember it quickly." Mrs. Weasley said, and the piece of paper passed through the hands of the two girls, Hermione and Ginny, and then to the five boys in the back row.

Soon the car arrived at Grimmauld Place, because it was already late December, the twelfth lunar month of winter, and the temperature was more than ten degrees below zero. It was dusk, lead clouds were hanging low, snowflakes were falling again, and the cold wind was getting colder. The blowing made several people tremble.

Mrs. Weasley was the first to get out of the car and saw the bodies of several children shivering from the cold. She hurriedly said: "Okay, it will be much warmer when we get in soon."

"What number 12?" Ginny looked at the scene in front of her in shock and said, "There is no number 12 at all."

Everyone else looked around, and sure enough they only saw numbers 10 and 11 Grimmauld Place, and number 13 Grimmauld Place on the right. However, there was no number 12 Grimmauld Place recorded on the paper.

Ron asked: "Mom, where is..."

"Try to remember what you just remembered," Mr. Weasley said calmly.

Percy, Fred, George, Ron, Ginny, Harry, and Hermione all started to think back, but the problem was that there were still only 11 and 13 Grimmauld Place in front of them, and there was nothing in between. House No. 12.

At this moment, the dirty exterior wall and dirty windows between No. 11 and No. 13 started to beat, and a new house actually jumped out between the two houses.

"Wow!" Fred exclaimed.

"Cool!" George said.

Mrs. Weasley pushed several children forward and said, "Come in quickly."

Harry walked up the old steps and stared at the new door. Its black paint was tattered and scratched, and the silver door handle had been twisted into a snake shape. There was neither a keyhole nor a letterbox, so Mr. Weasley took out his wand and knocked on the door once.

Harry suddenly heard a loud, metallic click from the door, which sounded like a metal chain.

The door creaked open.

"Children, come in quickly," Mr. Weasley whispered, "but be careful not to touch anything."

Harry followed Hermione and Ginny into the almost completely dark hall.

He seemed to be able to smell a damp and dusty smell that was mixed with sweetness. The first impression of this place was like a long-abandoned building.

He turned around and looked again. Ron, Fred, George, and Percy came in behind him, and finally Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. Mr. Weasley closed the door and the room suddenly fell into chaos. In the deepest darkness.

"Here..." He wanted to ask something.

Suddenly, a ray of light lit up somewhere in the house, and all the old-fashioned gas lamps on the walls of the hall turned on, casting beams of flickering, very unstable light onto the mottled wallpaper, and illuminating it. There was a long and dark corridor covered with worn carpets. On the top of the corridor, a tree-shaped decorative lamp covered with spider webs was hung. It was flickering slightly at the moment. It was old and had turned black. Portrait paintings hung on the curved walls on both sides.

Whether it is a tree-shaped decorative lamp or a large candelabra placed on a nearby rickety table, its shape is like a big poisonous snake, hiding in the dim light and preparing to move.

And a door opened deep in the corridor, and Sirius appeared at the door, with a welcoming smile on his face. Harry was keenly aware that his complexion seemed to have improved a lot.

"Welcome, Harry, Hermione, Ginny, Ron, Percy, Fred, George, welcome, come in, dinner will be served soon." Sirius opened his arms and hugged Harry heavily , "So much like your father, but your eyes are more like your mother's."

"Green eyes?" Harry grinned. He was happy that he finally had relatives who really cared about him. "I heard Professor Lupin mention it."

"Yes, Remus." Sirius smiled and teased Crookshanks in Hermione's arms. The big ginger cat recognized Sirius and meowed in a low voice, "What a very special cat." A spiritual cat.”

"Thank you." Hermione smiled sweetly.

"Okay, be careful, don't wake up my mother, you won't want to see her, believe me." Sirius said, making way to the back room.

"What?" Harry asked in shock, "Sirius, your mother is still alive? Sorry, I didn't mean that, I meant..."

"No, she is indeed dead." Sirius said, "Okay, no more words, you will know after you stay here for a few more days."

Several people entered the room one after another. There were already many people sitting in the room, most of whom were acquaintances of Harry, such as Professor Lupin and Professor Frémont. Of course, there were also some wizards they did not know, such as the dark-skinned man. A strong man, describing a more wretched man.

"You guys put your things down first. You will stay here later. You can return to Hogwarts after the vacation." Sirius said, inviting a few people to sit down at the dining table.

This is a kitchen. It looks exactly like the hall outside. It is also gloomy and dark. It is a cave-like room surrounded by rough stone walls. Most of the light comes from the innermost group. A huge flame and a gloomy thick smoke hung in the air, like the smoke of a battlefield. Looking past, the ferocious-shaped cooking utensils and pans made of gold and iron hung from the dark ceiling.

Xia Ran was sitting at the dining table, playing wizard chess with Lupine, and Ron immediately came over with interest.

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