New Professor at Hogwarts

Chapter 116 Controversy

Xia Ran glanced at Ron and said with a smile: "What, Ron, do you want to play?" He easily overturned the game.

"Xia Ran..." Lu Ping shook his head and laughed. He clearly had a chance to win and could defeat Xia Ran in less than ten moves. How could he have expected that Xia Ran would overturn the chessboard?

Ron seemed a little moved.

"I heard that you are very good at chess. I'd like to show Professor Lupine how good you are. Let's go." Xia Ran pushed the wizard chessboard over so that Ron and Lupine could play against each other.

"Ron, want to play a game?" Lupine said with a smile as he had nothing to do.

Ron smiled shyly and said, "Okay, let's have a round."

Harry laughed and said, "Professor Lupin, you have to be careful, Ron is very good at chess."

"Really?" Lupine raised his eyebrows. Harry's words not only did not make him flinch, but instead made him more interested, and he played with Ron enthusiastically.

Xia Ran took a sip of beer and looked around. Three or two people were chatting with each other and laughing. The atmosphere was very lively, without any sign of the solemnity of a funeral. He asked, "Isn't Dumbledore coming?"

"Professor Dumbledore?" Harry and others immediately pricked up their ears.

"He won't be here today. He will come back tomorrow, just in time to attend Regulus's memorial service and deliver his eulogy." Sirius replied.

Regulus's funeral was actually Regulus's memorial service. After all, Regulus had been dead for more than ten years, and he died as a hero. Sirius was proud of him!

Besides, more than a month had passed since the day when Regulus' ashes were brought back. Sirius had already calmed down his sadness, so this memorial service would not actually be very heavy. He believed that Regulus would be more willing to See people laughing instead of sad.

"By the way, Sirius, Regulus is your brother, right? Why did he..." Harry asked suddenly, looking a little puzzled and curious.

Sirius gave a rough description of Regulus' deeds, which made Harry and others burst into tears, especially Hermione and Ginny, who couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Sirius..." Harry looked at his godfather worriedly.

Sirius smiled heartily and said: "Don't worry, it's been more than a month and I'm fine. Moreover, Regulus dedicated his life to resisting Voldemort. I can only be proud of him!"

"Master Sirius, can we serve the food?"

At this moment, a shrill voice rang out. It was Kreacher, the house elf of the Black family. Because he brought back the bones of Regulus, his and Sirius's attitudes toward each other changed. Change to some extent.

Hermione immediately turned her gaze away, her tearful eyes full of compassion, and asked pretending not to care: "Sirius, who is he? What is his name? Are you getting paid for your work?"

"His name is Kreacher, Hermione, the house elf of the Black family. As for the reward? You will scare Kreacher." Sirius smiled.

Sure enough, Kreacher looked at Hermione with a look of shock and fear, as if she was the most elf-unwilling wizard in the world.

This is much better, at least Kreacher didn't directly curse the mudblood. "Mudblood" is a term used by the wizarding world to insult Muggle wizards, which is very mean.

Hermione's breathing seemed to have become heavier. Seeing that something was not going well, Harry immediately interrupted: "Okay, Hermione, let's eat first. I'm so hungry that I could eat a cow."

Hermione looked at the sumptuous dishes being served to the table one after another. Even though she was very hungry, she still couldn't work up her appetite and whispered: "Slave labor!"

Sirius pretended not to hear.

"Hermione, regarding the situation of the house elves, if you don't eat for one or two meals, you won't be able to solve any problem. Instead, it will drag your body down." Xia Ran took a piece of steak and put it in a bowl. He specifically asked Kreacher to make some spicy dishes, as his taste was spicy.

Hermione gave Xia Ran a dissatisfied look.

Xia Ran smiled and said: "You should praise the house elves. After getting close to them and truly understanding their needs, you can then think of changes, instead of making useless protests here."

Hermione hesitated again and again, but felt that what Professor Frémont said made sense, and besides, she was indeed hungry, so she reluctantly picked up the knife and fork and ate something to fill her stomach.

A group of people gathered around the table quickly finished the food on the plate, and then they were served desserts and a few glasses of butter beer. Everyone ate happily, laughing and laughing, except He. Min didn't look so happy.

Finally, the table was cleared, and there were only a few adult wizards holding wine glasses and slowly sipping. Everyone was full and slumped in their chairs.

Several young wizards looked at each other, and Ron pretended not to see Fred and George's eyes, looking blank.

Hermione and Ginny were already familiar with Tonks and were pestering her to change her hair. Tonks was a disguised Animagus who could change the appearance of her hair at will.

Harry received the twin brother's eyes, pretended not to understand, and looked back blankly.

"George, you speak first," Fred whispered.

Mrs. Weasley glanced at her two sons warily and asked, "What are you discussing?"

"Nothing." Fred smiled.

Xia Ran looked at the Weasley twins with a half-smile.

George gritted his teeth, avoided the eyes of his mother, Mrs. Weasley, and asked directly: "Professor Frémont, what are you doing during this time? Have you found the mysterious man? Did he not kill anyone this time? Also? What is the Order of the Phoenix, Dumbledore's secret society formed to fight You-Know-Who? Can we join it?"

He asked a lot of questions in rapid succession.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly changed with George's question and the appearance of the three words "Mysterious Man". If a few seconds ago it had been sleepily relaxing, now it was. Alarming and thrilling.

There is even some tension here. The mention of the words "mysterious man", even though he is not Voldemort, is enough to instantly lift people's spirits. At the request of Hermione and Ginny, the pig nose that Tonks was about to change suddenly collapsed and returned to its original shape. Lupine was about to sip a glass of delicious wine, but now he slowly lowered his tall legs. The wine glass showed a very vigilant expression.

"So many questions." Xia Ran rubbed her forehead as if she had a headache and said, "Let me think about where to start."

The young wizards were suddenly filled with anticipation and quickly concentrated their energy.

"Xia Ran!" Mrs. Weasley raised her voice and said, "They are too young now. You can't tell them things they shouldn't know."

She sat upright in her chair. She was still half-lying, and now she looked very alert.

"I think they have been able to know some less important information. They have all started to learn magic, and Voldemort has returned. We must make early plans to train young people." Xia Ran said leisurely.

The name undoubtedly triggered a round of shivers.

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